Update on David

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Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Hi Jan,

I am just catching up and am so sorry to hear that David is unwell.

I completely understand your reluctance about David being admitted to hospital. We too asked if my dad HAD to be admitted as we would much rather he be kept at the CH, however we were assured it was necessary.

We needn't have worried - my dad had excellent care, intravenous AB, intravenous paracetamol (fantastic stuff); and he was treated with care, dignity and affection at all times.

I hope David picks up soon.

Much love xx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Jan,

I hope your visit today shows David improved from yesterday.

It is good to know that you have support here on TP, at the home and from the medics.

Sue's positive report of her father's care is also very re-assuring for any of us who could face that scenario in the future.

Take care,


Registered User

I am sorry to hear of the problems and worries you have experienced recently.

I care for my mum at home and I noticed a pattern where she would sometimes not feel well on a certain day of the week, and concluded that it was food poisoning relating to when we had chicken as part of the main meal the previous day. I note from your initial thread that David ate a piece of chicken. Could this be the cause ?

If we have chicken we now boil it first to kill off any existing salmonella. Since then my mum has made a significant improvement.
Hope this helps. Regards



Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Thank you all again.

Sue38: good of you to post when you have such sadness to handle. I do take your point about the intravenous a/bs but I doubt David's body would cope with the journey. If needs be I will reconsider or ask if it can be done in the NH.

Yesterday the fever seemed to have subsided and he did eat and drink small amounts. I took a friend with me at teatime and he responded to her - not overwhelmingly bright but he tried.

His right side is now aching - we know he fell on Sunday night but he was well into his fever before that. It seems a long time for the pain to emerge but it shows how strangely a dementia brain works. He now has padded bed sides and an air mattress will arrive today.

Panucho: Thanks for your thought about food poisoning. He was well into fever before the tasting of chicken. It is most likely to be a severe UTI, but because a/bs were started over the BH weekend and the test was not until following Tuesday, the negative result was probably incorrect.

The new more aggressive a/bs seem to be having some effect.

My concern from yesterday was the obvious cyanosis again as I sat with him midday, disappeared at teatime! The Doctor saw this too on the previous day.

So I shall be off again to give him lunch at midday and back again for teatime. The double visits are a strain so I will stop as soon as/if he levels out again.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Jan

My thoughts are with you and David.
This `waiting game` is torment; waiting to see whether or not the antibiotics work, wondering what`s going on within, hoping he`ll take a drink, a bite of food, wondering and worrying. So sad.
Love xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Hi Jan

It sounds like a similar situation to when John had his first severe UTI, which wasn't picked up and treated. The results were devastating.

I do hope David picks up again quicklt. To reassure you, I haven't heard of anyone being as severely affected as John was.

I started off with double visiting, and I had to give it up, unless John is very ill. It is too much of a strain, I was clock-watching all day. I hope you'll soon be able to give up the second visit.



Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Morning Jan,

Just hoping that things pick up for David today, double visiting must be so hard to maintain.

Thinking of you.

Love xx


Registered User
Nov 16, 2008
Dear Jan
Do hope you have some better news and that the antibiotics start to kick in. Look after yourself xx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Jan,

Just to let you know that you are loved dearly by all your friends and that many minds will be concentrating on you at this time as you face this part of the journey.

Love H x


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Just caught up again with your thread Jan.

Do hope that you find David a tad improved today. I know you will keep up the double visiting for as long as it takes, but look after yourself too.

I am thinking of you both. Stay strong.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
A thought

Hi Jan - I know you are not for hospital & I agree with that - but to give him a chance & flush the kidneys out - would they not try a day of sub cutaneous fluids - pain free, almost non invasive - very safe - just gives about 500 mls of fluid per day?? This can be done in the home of course......


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Well, I have had a very strange lunch time visit. On my arrival a carer said David was a lot brighter - he had been awake all morning and had a small breakfast!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I went into his room - he looked grey and old and frail!! He introduced 'his wife' to the carer! After she had left I sat down and he started non stop conversation :confused::confused: Well clear words. First chat was about the lorry and twelve men and a cul de sac :eek: Second was the wardrobe in his room contained the food we were growing ready to eat!!! The rest I could not understand except it included his Mother, his Driving Licence and a big mess up!!!

In between he had occasional flashes of pain in his ear, his right eye and his head when he coughed (no major coughing though).

I fed him lunch - very minute amount of fish and veg and a half of a plum pie pudding.

Thanks Sue for the idea of sub cutaneous fluids! I will hold it for a while - must give the wonderful Nurses and Doctors a chance - and he is drinking just about enough!

I am off again shortly and as always wonder what will greet me!!


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
Good news

Good to hear you upbeat again Jan. Looking forward to next installment on the horticulture in the wardrobe or anything else!! Probably forcing rhubarb in there or starting off tatties....?? they like dark....:)


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
glad to hear David sounds a bit better hope there's more improvement this afternoon look after yourself love larivy


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Jan,

It was with some considerable relief that I read your update:) It suddenly didn't seem so long since I was with you both. Hopefully you will get some time to properly relax (perhaps a therapy of some kind) as your emotions have been very up and down with this latest turn of events!!!


sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Jan I am so sorry your David has been having a tough time , and it must be taking its toll on you also, hope the new antibiotics bring him some relief and you can cut back to one visit, I know how hard it is but it is harder not to go when they look so frail, hoping for better news tonight, would David suck an ice pop,they seem to refresh Trevs mouth, and any liquid is a plus, sending you both our love Pam & Trev
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