

Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well today I have made more mess than hubby. Have a virus at the moment and really chesty cough, so if all the not so sensible things to do decided to demolish remainder of bag of popcorn - had coughing fit in middle and now half chewed popcorn everywhere…. In the meantime hubby is busying himself with current obsessions of make work. He has been collecting rain water, I have supported and aided in this endeavour, mainly to try and keep various water containers from tripping him up (not totally successful, but only injuries so far wet feet and minor shin grazes). The containers are nearly full so he is watering the garden from them. I suggested he put round the shrubs, major beds etc, but he’s doing the already sopping wet pots.! No doubt his feet will be sopping wet when he comes in ……


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Oh dear, sounds messy, a chesty cough and popcorn is never a good combination..... Hope things are a little less fraught now and you have a more relaxing evening @Knitandpurl


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Sorry to hear ur poorly @Knitandpurl - hope ur able to get a little bit of rest - as much as a carer ever can do.

maybe get hubby to spend tomorrow browsing water butts….at least his obsession is somewhat useful!


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
)Unfortunately his eyesight is very poor he cannot read or browse on tablet or make sense of pictures photos or most of what’s on the tv, otherwise water butt browsing would be a great ideas. He did come in with wet feet, but chuffed with himself. Today I am still struggling but he has also started coughing. He insisted we went out. So I arranged to pick up my Mum’s Ashes (wore a mask), more upsetting than I thought. And then that we went for coffee. Sat as far away from everyone else as I could. Then he says how walk was good for me. Since we got home he’s fallen out with me because I’d accepted my daughter’s offer to collect our prescriptions …. Feeling very sad and very fed up. Would like to say it’s just being a carer for someone with dementia that means I can never do anything right and neither can my children (adults), but it’s not, he was always like this, Apologies for moans , just feeling sorry for myself. Will get over it.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hope ur both feeling better soon @Knitandpurl
A difficult situation is always so much worse when ur unwell. I’m not surprised u found collecting your mum’s ashes emotional. It makes it all so final.

i wish someone would pick up our prescriptions- it’s my most hated job. I’ve been trying to get thru on the phone for 36 hrs and no answer. They don’t get them ready until u phone….back to it on Monday

take care xxx


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Yep, definitely poor food choices… that sounds ridiculous sdmhred about having to phone about your prescriptions. Most of ours are on 4 weekly repeat, when I collect I just confirm whether I need them all next time. I only need to phone if I need something not on repeat, eg. Hubby gets ibuprofen gel for a nerve problem and I ring for that. Thank you both I am slightly better today, but gosh it’s slow going. My daughter brought our prescriptions round to the garden - he wasn’t go to speak to her, tried to send her away, but she knows what he’s like and is stubborn, so we managed to sit outside (me with mask on), distanced, (all these things we learnt from Covid) and have a cup of tea for 10 minutes before the rain started. She brought me some beautiful flowers. So nice. Hubby is now coughing himself. What a summer.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Hubby keeps saying we need a holiday. This has been happening all year, even when we’ve just come back from one. I think it’s because he is finding things harder and ‘wants to get away from it all’ which obviously neither he, nor I, can do. I find holidays hard work, things he can still manage at home with minimum input from me, like going to the bathroom and showering and dressing, he cannot do when we are anywhere different, and the stress if preparing, and getting there and back, is also difficult. I am currently trying the diversion approach - agreeing we need a holiday but giving lots of reasons why we can’t do just now, and we’ll look at in a few weeks time….. It would be SO nice if all of us, dementia victims and carers, really could have ‘holiday’. Sending hugs to us all.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@Knitandpurl I know exactly how you feel. Hubby would love to go on holiday. We go by boat as I cannot fly but the thought of all the organisation just puts me off. Our last holiday in 2919 just before diagnosis was not a complete success so I think it would be worse now.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
I am still getting over the wildly ambitious holiday to the US that we had in June and my OH is already talking about plans for another one. Last time I took the advice to let him get brochures and then hopefully forget about it, but his family then pushed me into actually doing it.
All the problems I expected, as above, he got panicked by the new room layouts and the travelling, and just to put the icing on the cake we both got Covid in the last few days there.
Next time if his family think it’s such a great idea, they can take him!


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Gosh . It’s just all such hard work isn’t it . We went by coach 2 weeks ago to the Edinburgh Tatoo. Well enjoyable it was not. By the time we got home we were both exhausted. I’m not in a hurry to repeat.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well yesterday I broke my wrist. You would think I’d done it deliberately - OH has told me how I need to take care, but done very little to help , and pointed out how inconvenient it is going to be me not being able to drive and how it’s going to spoil our days out etc etc. My son has offered to take us to a local NAt Trust property on Saturday, he had said he wanted to go this week, but he would rather not go. We are due to go on holiday in November and I almost certainly still won’t be able to drive us, he says if I can’t he’d rather not go even though again my son has offered to take us and come fetch us. We are due at the dentist tomorrow, my daughter is going to take us, again he would rather I’d cancelled, which I haven’t. When I had cancer he told me how he had lost a year of his life, because I couldn’t do things ……. Sometimes I could scream, and it’s NOT at the really rather painful wrist…..


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Well yesterday I broke my wrist. You would think I’d done it deliberately - OH has told me how I need to take care, but done very little to help , and pointed out how inconvenient it is going to be me not being able to drive and how it’s going to spoil our days out etc etc. My son has offered to take us to a local NAt Trust property on Saturday, he had said he wanted to go this week, but he would rather not go. We are due to go on holiday in November and I almost certainly still won’t be able to drive us, he says if I can’t he’d rather not go even though again my son has offered to take us and come fetch us. We are due at the dentist tomorrow, my daughter is going to take us, again he would rather I’d cancelled, which I haven’t. When I had cancer he told me how he had lost a year of his life, because I couldn’t do things ……. Sometimes I could scream, and it’s NOT at the really rather painful wrist…..
so sorry to hear about your broken wrist. he is just selfish. i would go with your son to nt property. can he be left? could someone sit with him?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh dear @Knitandpurl I am so sorry about your wrist and hope that it heals quickly. Unfortunately your OH's response is just typical of the lack of empathy displayed by a person with dementia. I would agree with @jennifer1967 if you can please try to have your visit to the NT


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thank you so much, knowing someone understands helps. My lovely neighbour brought us round 2 home made cottage pies. So thoughtful. Helps . Unfortunately NAt trust is not going to happen this week though, the icing on the cake is I now have Covid!!


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Thank you so much, knowing someone understands helps. My lovely neighbour brought us round 2 home made cottage pies. So thoughtful. Helps . Unfortunately NAt trust is not going to happen this week though, the icing on the cake is I now have Covid!!
Oh no!!! I am so sorry, Covid really seems to be on the increase again. Take care of yourself. At least have the cottage pies and so do not have to cook at least one meal.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Have put in a Wiltshire Farm Foods order, cannot deliver till Monday but luckily a few ready meals and ready made stews in the freezer (I must have known…..)😄


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
sorry to hear about your wrist, hope it heals soon...and now covid on top of's not fair....Wiltshire farm foods are a godsend....our eldery neighbours got them every week ....sending you cuddles....