Think my mum might have dementia


New member
Jan 7, 2024
Hello I think my 71 year old mum might have dementia. I’m looking for advice please I live at home with my mum, older sister and my son who is 7. My mum in the past couple of months has lost lots of weight she was a size 16 now a size 12 she won’t sleep in her own room as she claims she doesn’t like being on her own so she sleeps on the sofa every night falls asleep at 7-8pm will wake up at about 9-9:30pm then is restless in the night. She also keeps spending money all the time never wants to be at home constantly needs to be out not sure if that’s anything to do with dementia. She also doesn’t look herself looks really blank all the time and she gets confused very easily she was rude to a family friend the other day didn’t apologise for being rude. She cries when I have to go to work or when my sister goes to work. She has zero patience either she had skin cancer in June but got the all clear in September. Me and my sister both feel trapped and feel like we are being suffocated by her because she won’t let us leave the house with out her. I’ve been told by work colleagues to speak to a doctor about my mum but scared in case they don’t help or tell her that I asked for help. I feel like in the past couple of months she’s gone downhill fast and I don’t know what to do feel stuck. My auntie (my mums sister) thinks it’s dementia my mums mum had dementia. There are other things she does as well that make me think it’s dementia. She got medication for depression in October but never took any of the meds for it when she got more antidepressants she had no idea why they doctor gave her them I said mum they are antidepressants she said I don’t need them I binned the last lot I was given.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
Hello @Meganross, welcome to the forum. Obviously I can't tell you if your Mum has dementia but it does sound to me as though she needs to be checked by the doctor. Her symptoms could be caused by lots of things but something is obviously not right. Perhaps you could phone or email the doctor first with your concerns and they could ask her to come in "for a Well Woman Check" or something? Another idea is to email or write to the GP with a list of your concerns but ask that they don't mention you when they see your Mum? I know it is very scary but she really does need to be checked out.


New member
Jan 7, 2024
Hello @Meganross, welcome to the forum. Obviously I can't tell you if your Mum has dementia but it does sound to me as though she needs to be checked by the doctor. Her symptoms could be caused by lots of things but something is obviously not right. Perhaps you could phone or email the doctor first with your concerns and they could ask her to come in "for a Well Woman Check" or something? Another idea is to email or write to the GP with a list of your concerns but ask that they don't mention you when they see your Mum? I know it is very scary but she really does need to be checked out.
Okay thank you she was meant to go back to the doctors about her weight after she had skin cancer but hasn’t


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
Okay thank you she was meant to go back to the doctors about her weight after she had skin cancer but hasn’t
Yes I understand she won't want to go but really she needs to. The weight loss alone needs to be checked out and her other behaviour changes indicate something isn't quite right. I know it is hard to get reluctant people to the doctor - I'm sure someone on the forum will be able to suggest something.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Okay thank you she was meant to go back to the doctors about her weight after she had skin cancer but hasn’t
She may not be able to work out how to get there on her own and the thought of going scares her. Get an appointment for her weight loss, dont remind her about until the actual day and take her yourself. Go in with her and mention the memory loss and other concerns, or if dont want to say anything in front of her write a letter or email to the doctor in advance.

Obviously we cannot diagnose here, but what you are seeing sounds very, very familiar


New member
Jan 7, 2024
She may not be able to work out how to get there on her own and the thought of going scares her. Get an appointment for her weight loss, dont remind her about until the actual day and take her yourself. Go in with her and mention the memory loss and other concerns, or if dont want to say anything in front of her write a letter or email to the doctor in advance.

Obviously we cannot diagnose here, but what you are seeing sounds very, very familiar
Okay thank you.


New member
Jan 7, 2024
She may not be able to work out how to get there on her own and the thought of going scares her. Get an appointment for her weight loss, dont remind her about until the actual day and take her yourself. Go in with her and mention the memory loss and other concerns, or if dont want to say anything in front of her write a letter or email to the doctor in advance.

Obviously we cannot diagnose here, but what you are seeing sounds very, very familiar
I’ll contact the doctor today


Registered User
Jan 24, 2019
Hi Megan, I agree with all of the above, and have gone through similar.

Pre-warn her dr by email or letter and then take her (but don't tell her until the day of appointment). You could maybe make some extra time for lunch or shopping afterwards to take the sting out of it.

I know how frustrating it is, but all they want is our time. The roles have reversed now I'm afraid. Its not an easy journey but one you will get through.



New member
Jan 7, 2024
Hi Megan, I agree with all of the above, and have gone through similar.

Pre-warn her dr by email or letter and then take her (but don't tell her until the day of appointment). You could maybe make some extra time for lunch or shopping afterwards to take the sting out of it.

I know how frustrating it is, but all they want is our time. The roles have reversed now I'm afraid. Its not an easy journey but one you will get through.

Thank you I’m speaking to a dr at lunchtime about her x


New member
Jan 19, 2024
Hello I think my 71 year old mum might have dementia. I’m looking for advice please I live at home with my mum, older sister and my son who is 7. My mum in the past couple of months has lost lots of weight she was a size 16 now a size 12 she won’t sleep in her own room as she claims she doesn’t like being on her own so she sleeps on the sofa every night falls asleep at 7-8pm will wake up at about 9-9:30pm then is restless in the night. She also keeps spending money all the time never wants to be at home constantly needs to be out not sure if that’s anything to do with dementia. She also doesn’t look herself looks really blank all the time and she gets confused very easily she was rude to a family friend the other day didn’t apologise for being rude. She cries when I have to go to work or when my sister goes to work. She has zero patience either she had skin cancer in June but got the all clear in September. Me and my sister both feel trapped and feel like we are being suffocated by her because she won’t let us leave the house with out her. I’ve been told by work colleagues to speak to a doctor about my mum but scared in case they don’t help or tell her that I asked for help. I feel like in the past couple of months she’s gone downhill fast and I don’t know what to do feel stuck. My auntie (my mums sister) thinks it’s dementia my mums mum had dementia. There are other things she does as well that make me think it’s dementia. She got medication for depression in October but never took any of the meds for it when she got more antidepressants she had no idea why they doctor gave her them I said mum they are antidepressants she said I don’t need them I binned the last lot I was given.


New member
Jan 19, 2024
My wife was about 71 when diagnosed with dementia. She would also cry when I left for work. I retired so I could be there but she is still saddened when I run short errands. Her sleeping cycle is off. Even though she sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, she awake every morning at 3 and wanders around the house which always wakes me up.