Things I don't worry about any more


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I realised recently that my life has changed a lot in the past year. There are a lot of things I used to really stress about and now I find I don't worry about them at all. They include:

Having colour-co-ordinated towels
Having the same colour sheets as duvet cover
Having a bath and washing my hair EVERY day
Wearing nail varnish
Having good meals EVERY day - sometimes a sandwich REALLY is all I can manage
Cleaning the entire house in one go - it can takes weeks to get round all the house these days
Having expensive clothes/jewellery/furniture - there is no point now
Having a better-looking garden than the neighbours
The car being clean all the time
Having tidy cupboards

I would love to say these things have made my life easier but it hasn't. Just different.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
Yes it’s true our priorities change as time goes on living with a partner with dementia. I am generally dressed like President Zelenskyy these days, in khaki t shirt and joggers, with my hair scraped up in a scrunchie.
If we have to go out somewhere I am at a loss what to wear, especially as I have put on a stone and a half in the last couple of years. Comfort eating (and drinking) no doubt.
I always used to fret about my looks and my weight but I am trying to be much kinder to myself for now, whilst life is such hard work!
Hoping to survive and keep my marbles for as long as it all takes.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Can't remember the last time I put nail varnish really have let yourself go.
I am only joking by the way, but it doesn't sound like you're doing too badly given what we all faced with on here.
As for the colour coordination issues, don't make no nevermind to me, I'm colourblind.
Couple of weeks back Mrs nextdoor gave me a cigarette lighter, mine ran out, yesterday someone asked me why I had a pink cigarette lighter, I just thought it was grey. Keep smiling, first 10 years are the worse. K


Registered User
Feb 10, 2021
I realised recently that my life has changed a lot in the past year. There are a lot of things I used to really stress about and now I find I don't worry about them at all. They include:

Having colour-co-ordinated towels
Having the same colour sheets as duvet cover
Having a bath and washing my hair EVERY day
Wearing nail varnish
Having good meals EVERY day - sometimes a sandwich REALLY is all I can manage
Cleaning the entire house in one go - it can takes weeks to get round all the house these days
Having expensive clothes/jewellery/furniture - there is no point now
Having a better-looking garden than the neighbours
The car being clean all the time
Having tidy cupboards

I would love to say these things have made my life easier but it hasn't. Just different.
Oh how I resonate with this! Made me smile - thank you for that. Looked in my kitchen drawers & realised they are grubby, the oven needs cleaning and now the downstairs loo is blocked. Lovely. Think I need chocolate 😂😇


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Oh how I resonate with this! Made me smile - thank you for that. Looked in my kitchen drawers & realised they are grubby, the oven needs cleaning and now the downstairs loo is blocked. Lovely. Think I need chocolate 😂😇


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
That's another thing I don't worry about. I find my shopping trolley has more and more chocolate each week. If the checkout person makes a jokey comment (they often do) I say it's better than alcohol.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
priorities change. my house used to be all cleaned in one day, now i have a revolving cleaning system. i think the worse is if ive hoovered and he comes in and scratches off a lottery card or leaves empty packets over the place.
shopping is up to me online so i dont get those comments but if i fancy something then i will get it. life is too hard to deprive myself. when it gets delivered, he looks in the bags to see what ive bought.
my oldest son as ocd so cleanin is one of his things. he has spring cleaned my kitchen.
life is too short to worry about whether theres dust or not.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
That's another thing I don't worry about. I find my shopping trolley has more and more chocolate each week. If the checkout person makes a jokey comment (they often do) I say it's better than alcohol.
I fib about the chocolate,say it's for the grandchildren. I only have one and he's 18!


Registered User
Dec 9, 2023
Just come in from 2 hours in the garden. Found a large ham and a large roast from the freezer lying around in the kitchen. Fortunately not thawed out much so they went back in the freezer. I have been meaning to get a freezer lock for a couple of months but kept putting it off. However it is being ordered today. No more Mr Nice Guy.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
I've given up as soon as I put the hoover round, there is bits of biscuit, crisps etc where OH has been.
So now I just think sod it! and only bother if I'm expecting someone :(


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I've given up as soon as I put the hoover round, there is bits of biscuit, crisps etc where OH has been.
So now I just think sod it! and only bother if I'm expecting someone :(
I know how annoying that is. I've got one of the stick type vacs. Easier and quicker than getting the bigger heavier one out. I only use the big vac once a week. The other does the quick pick ups.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
This is a great thread! I gave so much up for covid - ironing, washing my hair 🤣🤣 on,y washing clothes when actually dirty…

Then caring….

I often wear the same casual outfit to care home until it needs cleaning…..altho one of thr carers told me the other day how nice it was I had changed so I have slightly bucked up my act 🙈🙈🤣🤣


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
I read a research article that said dark chocolate is good for your memory. I give my husband 2 pieces a day and I eat all I want. So if anyone says something about all the chocolate you have tell them it’s for your memory.

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