Telling lies

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hi there

Is it wrong to tell lies to our loved ones?!

I'm trying to plan Christmas! I know it's early but with multiple people to organise around me I have to start now!!

I hope I'm not a bad person by even thinking this let alone saying it but I want a stress free Christmas without thinking about entertaining my parents!! They aren't even so bad right now and I know it's going to get a whole lot worse so I shouldn't be looking to bail on them now but sadly I want too!!

I've asked my brother if he can have mum stay for two weeks over the period. I need to give myself a break but also my husband and son.

If I told mum we were going away so she doesn't start thinking I've abandoned her or that she could come to us would that be so wrong?
Obviously lies breed more lies so I'm not comfortable doing this but last year at Christmas I had so many texts and calls when she was only with my brother for a few days!

Gosh I sound awful 😔


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Not a bad person at all, we all need a break , your brother can manage and your husband and you can recharge your batteries because yes it is going to get worse. Take the breaks when you can.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
You are going to be away. Away from your parents. It's called a Staycation. Two weeks on your own terms. No calls, no texts, your mum will be safe and fine with your brother. Do what I did to stay in touch with my mum in Lockdown. God old fashioned post cards by post, of kittens and whatever, every couple of days..... Just a few words. Love lies are the best