So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
So yesterday, Christmas Eve, I got out the ribbon, thumb tacks and little snowmen pegs and hung all the cards we have received on. The dado rail leaving a space for those that family may bring today and it made the room looks so festive.
It was a lovely day and finished off with a Christmas movie through which I slept it seems. At 9pm Pauline too is nodding off and so she is tucked up and sleeping by 9.30 when I pour out my nightly nip of whisky and settle for an hour of ‘My Tv time,’ when I hear a noise in the hallway.
On investigating I find a red envelope with the word, Mum, scrawled on it. As it wasn’t sealed but tucked I opened it knowing who the late caller had been and who had sneaked away without knocking.
Yes, it was from her youngest son who, 3 times a year leaves cards in the same manner or via the postman and refuses to acknowledge his mother in any other way. It makes my blood boil and yet melt when, as she did this morning, she smiles upon opening it and reads the message out loud before hanging it alongside the rest. Bittersweet 😞


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well at least he hasn’t completely forgotten her….. as a mother who had had children with problems I understand why Pauline smiles and reads out the words- we hold on to what we can and hope for more. Hope you have both had a good Christmas Agzy.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Well at least he hasn’t completely forgotten her….. as a mother who had had children with problems I understand why Pauline smiles and reads out the words- we hold on to what we can and hope for more. Hope you have both had a good Christmas Agzy.
Thank you and yes, there are reasons he is always forgiven no matter what and that is that she lost a son when he was aged 4 1/2 and then, just weeks after diagnosis, her then youngest, aged 49, took his own life and of course their photographs abound as they should


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
No wonder Pauline is a tough cookie - all that suffering she has endured 😢😢

My Granny had a still birth- back in the 1940’s. Nobody knew about it until she got dementia and started to talk about her ‘baby being taken away’…

Going back to Pauline - and her need for day care and future options. Quite a few care homes round here do day care …..I don’t know how cost would compare but you might be able to introduce her somewhere suitable …


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
No wonder Pauline is a tough cookie - all that suffering she has endured 😢😢

My Granny had a still birth- back in the 1940’s. Nobody knew about it until she got dementia and started to talk about her ‘baby being taken away’…

Going back to Pauline - and her need for day care and future options. Quite a few care homes round here do day care …..I don’t know how cost would compare but you might be able to introduce her somewhere suitable …
There are quite a few here too but the one time I tried it seems burned on her bran it was such a bad experience and her stated position is, no no, never so some diplomacy needed methinks 😊


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Given the incontinence issues over the past few weeks our GP referred her to Gynaecology and surprise surprise a consultant phone me on Wednesday and we had along chat with him mentioning various historical issues from her records. He did say he was sending a prescription request to GP and I missed what it was and what for and that was probably because he asked me to attend the hospital pharmacy to collect a drug that a GP can’t prescribe (not licenced?). It is called Hiprex and although not an antibiotic it can prevent UTI’s apparently and I certainly hope so as trying to get samples from Pauline is not easy as she just won’t cooperate. The issues with loose bowel movement continues but of late she is managing to get to the loo in time most of the time and still no news of faevaluation tests though.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
he asked me to attend the hospital pharmacy to collect a drug that a GP can’t prescribe (not licenced?). It is called Hiprex and although not an antibiotic it can prevent UTI’s

'Less suitable for prescribing

Methenamine (hexamine) hippurate should not generally be used because it requires an acidic urine for its antimicrobial activity and it is ineffective for upper urinary-tract infections; it may, however, have a role in the prophylaxis and treatment of chronic or recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary-tract infections. It is considered less suitable for prescribing.' .

It is an antibiotic .

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Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
'Less suitable for prescribing

Methenamine (hexamine) hippurate should not generally be used because it requires an acidic urine for its antimicrobial activity and it is ineffective for upper urinary-tract infections; it may, however, have a role in the prophylaxis and treatment of chronic or recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary-tract infections. It is considered less suitable for prescribing.' .

It is an antibiotic .

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Assured by consultant that NOT an antibiotic. She hates the taste of it even washed down with water and so large I had to snap in half but up to now (just two taken night and morning) no adverse reactions.


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Apr 6, 2011


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
I agree re UTI’s, have nearly killed OH 3 times. He reacts well to antimicrobials though. Best of luck. We have also had some success in the past with cranberry tablets taken daily as a preventative.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
‘Vaginal Plug’ is latest addition and she did try to do it herself but it all got a bit messy so I had to take over which is so embarrassing for her and thankfully only twice a week.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Well, I have taken the big step and sent a lengthy message to her eldest son explaining that it is very likely I will require and operation on my lung and so Mums care needs to be sorted. I let him know that she is doubly incontinent and how she can no longer be trusted to do any cooking other than making a cup of tea and a sandwich and how vulnerable she is to falls etc. he at first just listed the shifts when carers could be used to which I emphasised the practical and safeguarding issues related to that but await his response, hopefully face to face but not in front of Pauline as she of course denies totally the need for any care. Fingers crossed!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Best wishes for outcomes with which you are happy, both for Pauline's care and for your op.
It seems to have helped as when he and his wife visited today I raised my health issue and thankfully he then began a discussing with his mum about care if and when I am hospitalised. I will now approach LA for a list of respite placements and can go ahead viewing etc knowing he at least is with me on it being the best option.