So bizarre !


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
@Slugsta Sounds like you had a good time despite A & E visit, sorry to hear you are tearful now.

I've had a very busy time, not helped by teenage tantrums. Got to bed at 2.37am xmas day after finishing the wrapping, both children still have stockings, and due to tantrums on Sunday and Monday my time slots for wrapping disappeared, we go out on xmas eve across the road (started going when dau 3 as their dau is 2 year's older, so her mum always talks of remembering son when he was crawling, he's now 13!!)

Kids finished school on 21st around lunchtime, so I cut my ride short (still not that fit but 3rd Friday running I managed 40 miles with a cake stop) to get back and take them to the Christmas markets in Chester, as the weather had been bad every time we had tried to go earlier in the month. And it has been pretty much non stop since then, son did scout bagpack at SAinsbury's that evening, so I picked up chicken then (we don't like Turkey and the final few bits - it was quiet).

I had had to work on Thur 20th as some last minute urgent work came up on late Wed which didn't help.

thank goodness for Amazon Prime, as I ended up ordering things fairly last minute which worked out.

22nd kids did a cyclocross race, OH took them, it was really really muddy and I've only just got round to finishing off cleaning up the campervan today, ready for tomorrow's cyclocross race. I fitted alot of chores in whilst they were out, including annual contact lens check.

Sunday 23rd it rained heavily here, kids and OH did cycling club xmas tea and OH then went on the ale run which followed, my club had done xmas tea (really lunch - no idea why it's called tea) a few weeks ago, and only did ale run on 23rd, I caught up with them for midmorning start but then was detailed to be available to fetch kids - spent time cleaning more mud from race. I did my mum's fortnightly food shop and a friend called round unexpectedly as she was visiting from Majorca.

24th was very cold for cycling but I got out and did 25 miles (wouldn't have done if I'd known was going to lose time to teenage strop later) made more mince pies (baked 40 on 16th, all gone by 19th) and went to neighbours.

As ever had mum for xmas, dau commented either she is a bit better than normal or she understands and enjoys the routines of Christmas so seems better, I'm sure it is the latter, has been the same the last few years, her sense of humour is still there and OH wore antlers for xmas dinner (new tradition started last year) so she was busy decorating them with wrapping paper (like mum of old would have done). She clearly really enjoyed her day, and was pleased with her presents - I got her a 1930s and 1950s scrapbook which I saw mentioned on another thread on TP as xmas suggestion. Also her favourite Thorntons.

Boxing day saw 3 of us cycling, which means the washing mountain carries on relentlessly.

And then on 27th we went to MILs for the day, best part of 6 hours of driving, which OH did all of. None of us really want to stay with her for a lot of reasons. I'll carry on later, as a long post needed about visit to MIL.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Gosh! Trying to remember when I was that busy! When I was about your age, I guess. Still working, and pre OHs dementia.
Hope you have a good New Year as well!

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
JM, that is so busy it makes me tired to read it. I hope there is some sleep between now and going back to work next week.

Do hope all is well with Ann and family?

Warmest wishes to JM, Slugsta, Spamar, canary, 2Jays, and everyone else here, and wishing you all a happy and healthy 2019 if I don't "see" you before then. I am okay and will update on my thread over in Difficult Feelings.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Thank you Spamar - you too, I know that 2018 wasn't kind to you either (((hugs))).

I'm experiencing my usual 'post Christmas blues'. I know they will pass, so I just have to be a bit patient. Never a strong point of mine! :oops:


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Huge 2018 hugs to all

Gathering squishy hugs together for tomorrow so that we start 2018 and there plenty of squishy hug for everyone :)

and breathe JM. Not that I can work out how you have time to.....

Cuddly thoughts to Slugsta and Spamar

Small squishy hug for Amy as she “hits” new year before us ?

Ann and everyone. hoping all is as good as it can be xxx


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
@2jays, I am fairly sure that Amy is behind us, not ahead. Mind you, we are also about to start 2019, not 2018, so you are clearly not on best form today! (((hugs)))

I am wishing everyone a 2019 full of love, laughter, health and happiness.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Happy New Year to all on so bizarre. I will try and pop in and update shortly.

I've got a zip I'm half way through replacing in a cycling top needed for 9.30 tomorrow.

Next year will be one of change with dau due to go to uni in Sept, feel a bit tearful thinking about it. Hopefully we'll be done with tantrums - things are improving.

I'm worried we may have dementia related issues with MIL this year, things certainly aren't right, and I dont' want to be stuck with sorting things for lots of reasons.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2016
Never post but always read this thread so just wanted to pop in and wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year xx

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Happy New Year Bizarrites - I hope that 2019 brings you all minimal stress and maximum happiness xxxx

I'm so sorry I haven't been around - it's been a lovely Christmas for us, but for some reason, it also feels like its been very hectic. I've had a lot of pain with the fibro, which has had a much bigger impact than I expected it to. New 'tender' spots, several not actually in joints, but in random places like midway down my thigh and around my shoulder blades (which is a new thing), has left me really exhausted, though my sleep has also been even poorer than usual, because of the pain. Its made me awfully slow doing everything that I usually do - and though my oldest two have been incredibly helpful, I have struggled to keep on top of everything this year.

Oldest arrived on the Friday before Xmas, OH making the drive to Coventry to pick her up as she was laden with gifts. Then on the Sunday, OH drove to son's, not to pick son up, but to pick up Jessie grandog! Son's partner was going home to her family for Christmas on that date, and taking Oscar dog, and son was then working long shifts, for a couple of days and they were worried about Jessie missing Oz, and being alone for so much of the day. So, she came here, very happy and chilled to be with our doggies, bless her. Son also had to work on Christmas day, but OH was able to pick him up straight from work at 4pm, and he was then able to stay with us until last Saturday. So lovely to have them all home at the same time :)

With visiting Mil on Christmas day, and OH having to drive to Preston and back, I'd spent the several days before prepping as much as I could of the Christmas dinner - all the roast veg was part cooked, then briefly sauteed in hot butter and tossed in flour, before being put into small roasting tins and (when cool) into the freezer - and then on Christmas day, straight from the freezer into a hot oven. It actually makes for very delicious roasties and veg (and cuts down on the actual work on the day!). Sprouts got similar treatment, steamed, tossed in hot butter with chestnuts and fried sage, then frozen in a freezer bag, and the home made stuffing was made up, along with both veggie and meat pigs in blankets, and was also frozen ready for cooking on the big day, several days in advance. It all cut down massively on the usual time spent on cooking on the actual day, and I was very glad I'd done it! My best friend spent both Christmas and NYE with us, and I did a buffet spread both evenings - and for the first time, I found that really hard work. Oldests partner came to visit for a couple of nights from the 27th too, which was lovely.

Christmas morning, we went to see Mil. Youngest stuck to her decision not to visit - OH is worried that she will regret this later, and did try to persuade her - typically, trying to persuade her to do anything just makes her all the more determined to go her own way, and at one point I was worried there would be a row. I agree with OH, but I also think that youngest knows her own mind and that we have to leave the choice up to her.

We got to the home at just before 11.30 - and found that they were already serving lunch! Mil was sat at a table with just her 1-1 , so we were able to sit with her without disrupting anyone elses meal. But how early is that to serve a large 3 course meal? Many of the residents would only have had breakfast a couple of hours before. I suspect Mil fell into that catagory, because she wasn't too interested in the food. She took a couple of mouthfuls of the soup, and pushed the bowl away - I won't repeat what she said it tasted like!

We had bought a selection of small-ish gifts, but she clearly didn't get it - hard to explain, but basically, she had no awareness of the significance of the day. Presents were accepted as though it was an everyday occurance, she wasn't quite sure what they were, to be honest. Oldest helped her unwrap, most were glanced at and put to one side, including the doll that I had thought she would like. The only exceptions being two pairs of fluffy, sparkling socks (from OH and I) which she stroked and even hugged - but described as a scarf at first. And a fluffy black and white collie dog soft toy, bought by oldest for her, which she loved. I think she thought it was real! It resembles the last dog she owned, the unimaginatively named Spot, and we half expected her to call it that - but she pulled the name 'Liam' out of the hat, no idea where that came from. She was actually very sweet and funny over it, giving us a tale of how it wasn't very well behaved ("I go this way, and he goes that way"!), and I videoed her with him, cuddling him and clearly very besotted. I'm hoping now he will take the place of the baby doll she has been attached to lately - that has a hard plastic head, and she is all too handy at clouting the staff with it!

Throughout the visit, we had a lot of the now almost 'normal' (for her) OTT behaviour - the exaggerated 'Ohhhs' and 'ahhhhs', the pulling faces, poking her tongue out, the manic cackling. Its almost like she is performing :( Violence thankfully, was minimal - she picked up a cracker from the table and battered OH with it - but that was as bad as it got. No counting, either, but still the odd shout of 'help'. She wasn't bothered at all when we left, after telling a passing staff that her dinner was 'horrible', she had been given her pudding (Christmas pud, which she has always previously declared she 'can't stand) and was getting stuck into that.

Present opening took place when son arrived - and I was extremely spoilt! - then our Christmas dinner at about 6.30pm. The next day, we again went to see Mil, with son and his gifts. He had bought her a 'dementia dog' - a sort of fiddle toy, in the shape of a dog. No sign of 'Liam', but she took to the dementia dog in a similar way, cuddling it, and straigt away was playing with the beads and bobbles sewn on to it. Again, very OTT. When we left, son very sadly said to me that 'Nana has really gone now, hasn't she? Its not her anymore'. Oldest felt the same way.

Son was quite upset by this, and didn't go and see her again before he went back on Saturday. Oldest goes home tomorrow, but has said she would like to see Nana again today, so thats the plan for this morning. Then the last roast dinner of the Christmas season (and I won't be cooking another roast for the next few weeks, sick of 'em!)

So, thats me up to date. All the decs will come down this weekend, and life will return to normality, I guess. It will all be a bit flat, I guess - I am so lucky that the oldest two always want to come home still for Christmas - but it leaves the house feeling awfully empty when they go back. OH agrees - his solution is that we book a holiday, for our anniversary in April -so i guess that when the decs are down, we'll spend some time doing that this weekend!

Much love to all of you, I'll try to be better about getting on here now the silly season has ended xxxxx


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Afternoon all,

Ann, thanks for the update. I'm glad that MIL was calm when you visited and enjoyed at least some of her pressies. Sorry that you have been in so much pain though (((hugs))).

I think you were right in that trying to make youngest do something she doesn't want will only make her more determined to stand her ground. I know I was the same at her age :oops:

We 'trenched' Mum's cremains on Christmas Day, beneath the high water line on Bournemouth beach. Son didn't want to scatter with people around and the wind direction wasn't favourable either. We could have waited and tried another time but we both agreed that it felt right to do it as we did. I have missed her more this year - last year I was just glad it was over.

On Boxing Day morning we drove up to London, taking son with us. OH and son enjoyed the Boxing Day footie match at Wembley while I rested at the hotel. On another day Son and I enjoyed the gin tasting experience he had bought for my birthday, so we we all got some quality time together :) We also got a visit to A+E as son had an infected bursitis in his elbow but, all credit to them, we were in and out in 45 minutes.

Last night we went to BFF's and 8 of us enjoyed a cheese fondue. Then Godson treated us to an impressive firework display that lasted a full 45 minutes. It was lovely to see him in 'work mode', doing H+S assessments and making sure everything was as safe as possible. Having not switched lights out until nearly 2am, I have slept for much of the morning!

I always get a 'post Christmas slump' and this year is no different but I know I just have to keep going and it will pass. Need to arrange something nice though as our September holiday seems too far away as yet. Your OH is right to get a holiday booked Ann!

(((hugs))) to all.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2015
Happy New Year Bizarrites - I hope that 2019 brings you all minimal stress and maximum happiness xxxx

We had bought a selection of small-ish gifts, but she clearly didn't get it - hard to explain, but basically, she had no awareness of the significance of the day. Presents were accepted as though it was an everyday occurance, she wasn't quite sure what they were, to be honest. Oldest helped her unwrap, most were glanced at and put to one side, including the doll that I had thought she would like. The only exceptions being two pairs of fluffy, sparkling socks (from OH and I) which she stroked and even hugged - but described as a scarf at first. And a fluffy black and white collie dog soft toy, bought by oldest for her, which she loved. I think she thought it was real! It resembles the last dog she owned, the unimaginatively named Spot, and we half expected her to call it that - but she pulled the name 'Liam' out of the hat, no idea where that came from. She was actually very sweet and funny over it, giving us a tale of how it wasn't very well behaved ("I go this way, and he goes that way"!), and I videoed her with him, cuddling him and clearly very besotted. I'm hoping now he will take the place of the baby doll she has been attached to lately - that has a hard plastic head, and she is all too handy at clouting the staff with it!

Present opening took place when son arrived - and I was extremely spoilt! - then our Christmas dinner at about 6.30pm. The next day, we again went to see Mil, with son and his gifts. He had bought her a 'dementia dog' - a sort of fiddle toy, in the shape of a dog. No sign of 'Liam', but she took to the dementia dog in a similar way, cuddling it, and straigt away was playing with the beads and bobbles sewn on to it. Again, very OTT. When we left, son very sadly said to me that 'Nana has really gone now, hasn't she? Its not her anymore'. Oldest felt the same way.

........ Much love to all of you, I'll try to be better about getting on here now the silly season has ended xxxxx

I was very interested in reading your update, Ann. My Mum had a black and white collie toy which she loved - so much so that we bought her other dog toys, including a small spaniel. She did treat them as if they were real and I think they made her feel less alone in her room. She also 'collected' the dog and cat toys from other residents' rooms, unfortunately...

Happy New Year to all Bizarrites, and hoping that 2019 will be a good year for you all. xx


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Thank you, Marcelle.

Just an update on cousins wife with broken toe. It is healing, but more slowly than it should.
She was very busy over Christmas, made nine wreaths, decorated her three sons houses, did the baking etc, had thirty + to the house on her birthday on Boxing Day, has had 2 granddaus staying there since Christmas. Tried not wearing boot ( too clumpy) then found out it’s better if she does wear it! Decided the doc knows best!

So now she’s learnt her lesson, hopefully recovery will speed up!

It was nice and sunny this morning, then came a little, not forecasted, shower! I stopped for coffee during my shopping, I was hot and a bit spaced out. Medicinal coffee and fruit scone! So I was sitting there in a T shirt, most other people muffled up in winter coats! Not that I’m sickening for anything ( crossed fingers).
Maybe my New Years resolution should be not to catch anything! I had quite a variety last year, I could use a more straightforward time!

Hope everyone has recovered from NY exertions!


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Cleaner and I putting away decorations. I bent over to pick up big sparkly wreath I have, picked up wrong side of bag, tried to correct, overbalanced, fell back and hit head on bed. All in slow motion.

Now having cup coffee and paracetamol and sitting down. Skin not broken, but red, apparently.

I feel a nice easy read book coming on!

Got the dreaded cold as well. Associated sinusitis making half of upper teeth ache!

May I start this day again?


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Morning all,

Oh dear, Spamar! This is not a good start to the new year :( I'm glad you don't seem to have done any real damage but a quiet day would seem to be a good idea (((hugs))).

We didn't have many Christmas decs, mainly the cards and tree, but they have all been put away now. It was something of a shock to the system to be up at 6.50 this morning and in the pool at 7.45 o_O I will soon be back into the habit though and we should start noticing the lighter mornings soon (I tell myself this every January!).

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
Spamar, I am sorry to hear about your fall. I hope that no injuries have come to light and that you are okay! Please look after yourself!!

My Christmas tree is still lurking in my front room. I was away at a funeral Friday afternoon and Saturday until very late and Sunday neither of us had the drive to deal with it. I was wrung out emotionally from the cat and then the memorial service and last night OH wasn't home until late and I am not dealing with that tree by myself. Perhaps this evening. Our city isn't coming to pick up the trees for another week so I am not sure where we are going to put it, but it's surely getting to be a fire hazard now, so out of my house it will go. (We could cheat and put it back amongst the trees behind our house.)

Slugsta, I am glad you enjoyed time with your son over Christmas, bursitis and A&E notwithstanding.

JM, I know you had a busy time, and that you continue to have a busy time, with the family, but hope you are all well.

Ann, you know we are all thinking of you!


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Morning all,

Just looking in to leave some (((hugs))) for those in need of them.

My hands were exceptionally painful yesterday - it took my usual meds and 2 lots of oramorph to reduce it to a manageable level and then I still couldn't sleep :( It was the third sleepless night in a row so, when I started to feel sleepy around 4am, I switched off my alarm, cancelled aquagym and went back to bed.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Hi, everybody!
Slugsta, sympathies to your aches and pains! Couple of nights I’ve had a bad neck, but that’s not unusual . On the other hand, I’ve had a bad head all day, not yet relieved by codeine. Getting a bit worried! My usual phlegm is getting a bit stirred up! Sure is not anything serious. See what happens tomorrow.

Just had a phone all from a friend trying to organise a Chinese New Year lunch. We used to do dinner years ago, we cooked it ourselves in those days! Now all 8 of us (minus OH, of course) are old, grey, with different disabilities!

Agree with Slugsta, Ann, we are all thinking of you!

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