So bizarre !


Registered User
Feb 11, 2015
Grace - does your phone have the capacity to change ring-tone according to who's calling? Or could you get one? Then you could have one ring-tone for most callers and a separate one for MiL and SiL. --We could even have a competition to choose the in-laws' song!! ;)

Have been mega busy recently so reading but not posting but had to respond to this - I have the 'Jaws' theme in my head for when it's Mil or Sil......:D


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Have been mega busy recently so reading but not posting but had to respond to this - I have the 'Jaws' theme in my head for when it's Mil or Sil......:D

Love it! :D

Ann, it's easy to laugh at MIL's delusions - until you mention how distressed she gets. That's far from funny, for you or her :( You seem to have very few truly 'good' days now (those you call good would have been bad not so long ago), I really don't know how you are managing with this day after day. Thank doG for DC!

It's interesting about both of your girls enjoying 'the stage'. Both of my parents were involved in amateur dramatics and so was I when I was able. My son has no interest whatsoever - but is very artistic. I remember talking to someone who advised that son should keep his art for enjoyment and find work elsewhere. However, after 4 years at Barclays International son decided that he did not want to spend his working life there and looked for something that would utilise both his English and artistic talents. He is very happy in advertising - for now but says it is not something he would want to be doing if he ever has a family. His previous relationship (he was with a lovely girl for 6 years) broke up partly because of the demands of his job :(


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
CAtching up after weekend away so may miss bits

Grace - what a pity niece and her ex didn't get nos out of speed dial, different ring tone sounds good.

One thing I have never got my head round since joining TP is that adults are deemed to have capacity or 'dignity' and choice come before safety. I really do think that safety wise the same level of care as applied to small children should come into it.

Ann - I presume you do now have a gate into the kitchen but it hasn't broken the kitchen loop? MIl seems to be so agitated and distressed that it does sound like she desperately needs more or different meds.

got to go - more tomorrow.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Lol, Red - the last time I took printed out info to hand in to the consultant at this clinic, I was told by the consultant there that he 'didn't have the time', that he was 'too busy' to read it - and I was asked did I realise how many patients he has to see? Different locum to the one I saw a month ago with Mil, and the chap wasn't rude in the way he said it, but it does make me wonder whats the point?

ROFCWL at 'Jaws' as a ring tone for Graces' Mil, Essie :D

I'm sorry that they weren't able to get your number off the speed dial, Grace - I hope that they are going to try again!

I hope your son can find a job that gives him room to explore his creative side, but leaves him room for a personal life, too Slugsta. My oldest is slowly but surely getting the balance right in her teaching job - initially, she was spending up to 12 hours a day either teaching or preparing lessons or marking, with the last two tasks spilling over into several hours at day at the weekends too, and she had begun to think she had made a big mistake with teaching. She still has 2 or 3 evenings where she works till 8 or 9, when she gets home from the school, but has managed, through experience I guess, to cut down the hours she used to spend working and is really enjoying her job now. I'm so glad for her sake, after all the hard work she put into qualifying - no matter how much anyone enjoys their job, if it cuts massively into your free time, its impossible to sustain that enjoyment.

The current attitude that 'choice' comes before anything always struck me as being a 'cop out', JM - when Mil lived alone, OH and I approached the SW she had then over the issues with her being pestered by cold callers, and how we had had to come to the rescue several times when she was talked into useless goods that sometimes cost hundreds (and a couple of times, thousands). We considered her to be at risk from financial abuse and wanted help. The SW's response was that Mil was 'entitled' to make her own financial decisions - even if they were 'bad' decisions - and it was an infringement of her 'rights' for anyone to interfere. So, she was very sorry, she 'understood' our concerns - but could (would?) do nothing. At the diabetic clinic at her previous practice, the nurse there expressed a similar stance when I spoke to her at the time when Mil was getting a taxi to a local supermarket and buying £20 or £30 worth of sweets, chocolates and cake several times a week - she insisted that she had provided Mil with advice and it was now Mils 'choice' if she didn't follow it - And Mil's right to 'choice' was paramount. Never mind that Mil had demonstrated that she couldn't even remember that she had diabetes half the flipping time, never mind the diagnosis of dementia. That attitude makes me want to scream with frustration. So lacking in common sense and in my eyes, most definitely negligent :(

Well, after an horrendous start to the day, with Mil clearly still in a bad mood before DC, I was more or less expecting a bad evening. Picked her up, told she had been fine, she greeted me and daughter very warmly - and was almost as quiet as a mouse all evening! We had odd delusions and the expected confusion, she asked to phone OH a few times, but accepted it when I told her he would be home at 9 so no point in phoning. Once or twice she indicated that she thought he was coming to 'pick her up', but again, I explained that she lived here 'at the moment', and again, apart from expressing surprise because 'no one told me that before', she was OK about it. She got up a couple of times, saying she was going to do the dishes, but was fine when I said they were already done, so no kitchen loop at all, really. And at just after 9, when I offered her supper and meds, she was like a little lamb, with not one bit of awkwardness about taking her meds or letting me help her get ready for bed. And once in bed, not a peep. Some time around 2.25a.m., I heard her on the landing, but she was just confused about where her bedroom was (after visiting the loo) and I had her tucked up with no fuss within 5 minutes. I don't know if she had just ran out of steam after the previous few days, or if the day at DC had been particularly calm for her, or whether I did or didn't do something that had an effect - but we could all definitely do with a lot more evenings like that, thats for sure!

Hope you all have a good day xxxx

Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
Morning my TP friends,

Had a bad night sleeping, thinking about everything...
Came up with an idea for MiL/ phone.... don't know why I had not thought of it before :)

Going to put forward the idea of buying MiL a new house phone. One with big numbers, easy to read...

She's always shaking, and tapping this phone on furniture to .... 'turn the sound up' ... as she says
she has trouble hearing some people, and sometimes says the phone is useless, 'hissy / crackly'.
If she has a new phone, there will be no need to try and use subterfuge...

Love the Jaws reference.... but I would have to use it for ALL the in-laws.

I hated the over use of 'Human Rights' reference when I was caring for my husband.
SW even told me I was not to lock the front door. (Posted about this before).
And ' beep ' SW cherry picking what delusions of his she wanted to believe. :(

It makes me wish she had taken my husband to his 'home'
(home we used to own, but husband denied selling, and said I sold it without his permission)...
I would have got a break for 2 days, as they would have to of stayed overnight in a hotel.
To far to drive there and back in one day....
Never mind the fact that husband would have been trying to get out of a moving car on the M6/M1 !!!

The people who write these HR policies have not got a clue.

Slugsta... The 'Am Dram' in our family, stopped at my Nan and Great Aunt.
When mum left home to live with her Aunt she was not on stage, but making costumes, set design etc.
Then later in life (by time sister and I were born) she was disabled, spine problems, arthritis +++
She taught me to sew , crochet, knit, from a pre-school age.
Sister and I could read and write before we went to school .... Happy times ....


Registered User
Feb 11, 2015
Came up with an idea for MiL/ phone.... don't know why I had not thought of it before :)

Going to put forward the idea of buying MiL a new house phone. One with big numbers, easy to read...

That is a brilliant idea Grace, maybe get niece to actually do the swap. Put a list next to phone with 'top' names on it 1. Sil 2. Bil etc. If Sil queries list say "well you're her daughter obviously you're top of the list/most important/person she most wants to speak to" :D


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
That is a brilliant idea Grace, maybe get niece to actually do the swap. Put a list next to phone with 'top' names on it 1. Sil 2. Bil etc. If Sil queries list say "well you're her daughter obviously you're top of the list/most important/person she most wants to speak to" :D

Great idea! I do hope you manage to get this sorted easily Grace.

Ann, I'm so glad you had a calm day, it is the least you deserve :)

I know that the 'choice' vs 'safety' issue is a difficult one. I absolutely believe that someone has the right to make bad choices, spend money unwisely, ignore healthy eating etc. As long as they have capacity to make those choices. Once capacity goes then someone else has to make decisions in the best interest of the PWD. Of course, one must always remember the PWD's general ethos, likes and dislikes, but that does not include letting them make decisions that put their health and welfare in danger if they are not able to understand the consequences :(

I've had a lot of paperwork to do for DWP, was very keen to get it done pre-op so it has kept me busy. It's almost ready to go now, so that is quite a relief.

It's Mum's morning out with me tomorrow. I'm a bit anxious about informing her of my op and that my hubs will take her to the dentist, shopping etc but it really can't be helped. I hope she won't mither to come and see me in hosp, it's almost a 2 hour round journey, not counting time spent with me, and she gets anxious if she is away from home for more than an hour :(


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Ann - the incidents of buying the sweets - which someone wouldn't have done pre D - but they are often assessed as having capacity - :confused::confused:

Slugsta - not sure when your op is but I assume you are only telling your mum at the last possible minute? She is bound to want to see you, so maybe hubby needs to tell her the ward is closed for norovirus (when my MIL had her knee op the ward she was in closed that day for a week due to norovirus so plausible).

Grace - new phone idea sounds good.

OH took our bath out last night - on his schedule it goes back in on 17 Feb I think. He also took some plasterboard walls out, as he says it is quicker to replace than scrape off tile adhesive. More plasterboard to come out yet, and floor to be replaced but he is pooped after day trip to Cambridge with work.

We had a good weekend away, have been going with same crowd for over 20 years, but may be very different next year. The oldest 2 children go to uni in Sept, so may not come next year, the next oldest may not come if they don't, and her dad said he wouldnt' come if she didn't. He used to come on weekend when it was just adults before any of us had kids. We can find others to fill up youth hostel from canoe club so weekend will still happen. At the other end, as well as a group of us in our late 40s early 50s are an older group. One guy (who was 70 last year) had a stroke in the summer. His vision was affected so he can't drive again (he was shocked when he got to assessment centre and told this) BUT he was also struggling with using the right words, and sometimes didn't quite make sense. His wife was clearly aware of this issue. :( Another guy physically really struggled, he has poor lung function and was exhausted after one day of walking. He blamed it on a virus - I hope so. Hopefully they will both be able to make it next year.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning everyone,

Brill idea about the phone, Grace :D And Essie is right - make sure its her actual daughter(s) and son(s) numbers that are listed first - then a long list of *important* numbers like GP, Dentist, Hospital - and *forget* to add yours in there :D !

Slugsta, I take it the op is very soon, from your post? I would honestly leave it till the last minute to tell your Mum, leave her less time to fret. You don't say how long you will be in for, but is there any chance that you could get away with telling her that the hospital discourage visitors when people are in for less than a week/fortnight, or something similar? The last thing you will need while you are recovering is having to deal with your Mum visiting and being anxious :(

It used to frustrate me that a SW who saw Mil once every 3 months, at most, for a 15 minute chat could stand there and insist that Mil was perfectly capable of rational decisions, despite the fact that we - who were supporting Mil on a daily basis - could produce realms of evidence to show she was struggling and getting into difficulties. And yet it was the SW's view that counted :(

I bet you are heartily sick of all the DIY and upheaval by now, JM. Got fingers crossed that it does all go to schedule and its finished soon for you. Glad you enjoyed the weekend away, too - its a shame that it looks like there will be so many changes, after so long, in the future - hope that you still manage to enjoy the weekends, despite them xxxx

Mil was a pussycat again yesterday morning - a bit of a coat loop for the last 5 minutes before the driver showed up, but nothing major. OH picked her up last night and she was really confused. A lot of asking OH when they were 'going home' or asking what time was he taking her 'home' - though each time he gently explained that she lived here, she would accept it with no problem - then ask again a few minutes later. Lots of delusional questions and fancies, up and down looking for the 'books', and the carrier bag, and the crossword she said she had been 'doing for weeks'. She asked me where my two little ones had gone? I will never, ever go along with me (in Mils head) having 'little ones or 'babies' simply because when I've tried that, Mil is adamant she wants to see them NOW, won't accept any reason I give as to why she can't - and invariably ends up accusing me of doing something dreadful to these non-existent kids. So (once again) I gently explained that she 'must have mixed me up' with someone else, reminding her in a jokey way that I'm in my 50's and long past the age where I would have 'little ones' - this was the only point where she got a little agitated towards me, absolutely glaring with pursed lips and looking really cross, and clearly thinking I was lying. Thankfully, I had to go see to the food cooking at this point and once it was served up, she forgot about those flipping babbies.

At one point, after tea, she was sat in the front room with me, and asked what day it was? I told her 'Tuesday' and she immediately asked the time? I told her '7.30'. She replied "7.30? But then that must be Wednesday's time, not Tuesdays?. The best I could do in response was a puzzled 'Eh????'. OH came in to the room and she turned to him "Look - its been Sunday, then Monday, then Tuesday (And counted off the days on her fingers) Thats 3 days isn't it? But we have had FOUR days, haven't we?". Neither of us could work out what she meant at all, and she was staring at us as if we were particularly stupid because we couldn't understand. There had been several odd exchanges like that over the course of the evening, where neither OH nor I could work out what on earth it was she was trying to tell us - thats happened before, but they have tended to be isolated incidents, not a whole stream of them in one evening,

After that, she was desperate to head to bed and every 2 minutes she was getting up and heading for the stairs. We gave in at 8.45, and she had her usual 'supper' and meds, before I got her settled for the night. She was up and pottering round just after 6a.m., but as she didn't come out of her room, I left her to it and she seems to have settled now.

Its lashing down outside, really foul, so my plan to head down the Alyn with the dogs looks like its off for today :( Neither will go further than the back field (and then only for 5 minutes) if its raining :rolleyes:

Hope you all have a good day xxxx


Registered User
Apr 5, 2010
Ann Mac; At one point said:
"7.30? But then that must be Wednesday's time, not Tuesdays?[/I]. The best I could do in response was a puzzled 'Eh????'. OH came in to the room and she turned to him "Look - its been Sunday, then Monday, then Tuesday (And counted off the days on her fingers) Thats 3 days isn't it? But we have had FOUR days, haven't we?". Neither of us could work out what she meant at all, and she was staring at us as if we were particularly stupid because we couldn't understand. There had been several odd exchanges like that over the course of the evening, where neither OH nor I could work out what on earth it was she was trying to tell us - thats happened before, but they have tended to be isolated incidents, not a whole stream of them in one

Hi Ann. It sounds like she is counting off the days of her holiday away from home. Mum did that for a while. Unfortunately we then had a week solid of 'going home/turn around day' when we were to be out of the room so 'they' could prepare for the new people.

Hearing tales of your MIL rings so many bells with me.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
When my father lost track of time, he was asking when one day changed into another. I said 'Midnight.' He said, 'Really? Is that when it happens?' as if were the most novel idea he'd ever heard. :)
Social workers - it's odd - the one I dealt with (remember, not UK) was brilliant - wanted all the info I could give, said how helpful it was, agreed with my assessments, and in the end it was the 'people in authority' who were judging he couldn't live alone before I did - and I don't think their budgets came into it.
Slugsta - agree you need peace and quiet in hospital. Hope all goes well.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Good morning all, just proving I'm still around!
Ann, did you manage to see the programme on Chester Zoo last night? I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was thinking of you the whole time!
You will be glad (?) to know we had a cold night, frost this morning, but it's sunny and clear at the moment.

I suppose the whole question of capacity is difficult. I feel sometimes it's better for SS to say there is capacity, so they don't have to spend as much, or any, more money. Or am I just being cynical?

Got the results of latest round of rheumatology appts yesterday. I'm afraid it's all wear and tear, so there's nothing they can do. Keep taking the painkillers! Just as the gps are trying to cut down! I'm now paying for years of walking salt marshes and shingle, coupled with long distance path walking. Now I struggle to get walk down the garden ( often don't, even with sticks, our garden is long and thin).

Have a good day everyone!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Hi Ann. It sounds like she is counting off the days of her holiday away from home. Mum did that for a while. Unfortunately we then had a week solid of 'going home/turn around day' when we were to be out of the room so 'they' could prepare for the new people.

Hearing tales of your MIL rings so many bells with me.

That actually makes sense, Lemony - making that the context for what she was saying suddenly it doesn't sound as puzzling as it did. And she often thinks this house is a B&B, anyway!

To be fair, since Mil moved in with us, a different county from where she was before, I've found the SW's I've encountered pretty sensible and down to earth, too, Red. Its the purse string holders who seem to want to minimise the need for input - and I share Spamars cynical view on that!

Spamar, sorry they can't give you anything to help more with the pain :( Like you, I'm paying the price for years of care work at a time when protecting the health of the care worker wasn't even a consideration, and lifting people in and out of bed, their chairs, the bath and cars was quite the norm. My last appointment, I saw a new chap who has suggested another round of the shock wave therapy - and also 'platelet' injections' - I keep meaning to look up the whys and wherefores of that, but his brief explanation was that they would take blood from me, separate out the platelets and inject them back - though I'm not sure if they are going in my back or hip. He claimed that this treatment often brings a lot of pain relief - though again, he didn't explain how it works :confused:

Mil is faffing and fussing this morning, though not in a particularly bad mood thankfully. She made an awful mess going to the loo when I first got her up, so after making sure she was washed from top to toe, I set her to start cleaning her teeth whilst I tackled cleaning the loo - only to turn round and see her dentures sitting on the window sill, and Mil using the tooth brush to scrub toothpaste into her hands - mixed up the tooth brush with the nail brush I guess :confused:


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
So.....pleased to tell you about our good weather. Walked up to bedroom was starting to snow! Still snowing ( after shower, hair wash, exercises, dress etc). Yuck!
Last edited:


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Spamar, I don't envy you the snow! It is so pretty to look at when it is fresh but seeing it through the window is plenty for me these days. I do hope you are snug and warm.

Ann, I have just looked up platelet injections and they seem to be used for lots of things, I think they are supposed to stimulate tissue repair. From what I can see, the injection will be into a vein rather than back or hip.

Glad that you have had a couple of calmer days with MIL, long may that continue!

Like you, I trained in the days when we lifted patients, beds and equipment by hand. Due to being a 'big girl' I was often called on to help lift. Of course, it was rare to be lifting with a partner who was a similar height to me. I am so glad that carers these days have hoists etc to help, I get quite upset when I see them unused for no good reason.

My back problem actually started when I pushed a large man back into bed post-op. Sister refused to even put it in the accident book 'because I was not lifting properly'. After 30 years of recurrent problems I sneezed one day and exploded a disc. The rest, as they say, is history! My op is tomorrow, water only from midnight until 6am, then nil by mouth. Need to be at hosp by 7.30am. I told Mum today and he readily agreed that she did not want to be away from her friend for the time it would take to visit me in Southampton. Hubby will bring her to see me at home as soon as I feel up to it.

I was talking to one of the staff where Mum lives today. She told me that hers is the only block of supported housing, for the elderly, in the whole of Bournemouth, all the other places had their support removed some time ago :( Bournemouth alone has a population of 191,000 and many of them are elderly. They should be providing more support for people in their own homes, not less, especially as the population in general is ageing. The situation is going to be reviewed in 1 year, the staff already keep meticulous records of everything they do, and why.

Anyhoo, it's nearly tomorrow and I have an early start (by my standards) so it is time I put the comp away and tried to sleep.

Hope you all have some good days with little pain or agro. xx


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
quick post - hope op goes well Slugsta - I got up extra early to have a cup of black tea once before an op - I reasoned no worse than water. OH wasn't happy with me, thought I should have had hot water.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Slugsta - hope the op goes well for you Hun - will be thinking of you, fingers crossed its successful and that you recover quickly XXXXXX Glad your Mum is (so far) being OK about not visiting - one less thing for you to stress about !

It seems to me that wherever you look these days, LA's are looking to save money in the short term, with absolutely no thought for the future - I find it incredibly scary. I also think that a lot of the time, they are 'saving' this money almost by stealth, as with the removal of the wardens from supprted housing in your area, as they did with the closure of the LA run homes here, thereby removing all the respite facilities.

Thanks for the info on the platelet jabs - I wonder why its being suggested for me ? I've been told that the pain is caused by joint and nerve damage , so I'm not sure how its supposed to help with that - I'll have to shift myself and try and find out a bit more!

Went to pick Mil up last night and guess what? She had had a fall :( And nope, she wasn't using her frame at the time, according to the staff I spoke to. She was doing her usual up and downing and speeding round the place fretting and she went flying up over a small step at the start of a hallway. To add insult to injury, as I was being told about the fall, Mil handed her bag to my daughter whilst she got her coat on, and sticking out of the top of the bag, 2 chocolate bar wrappers. I don't know whether to sigh or scream. Bad bruising only, which is something to be thankful for, I guess - she must have landed on her right side, as both her knee and her hand on that side are wonderful shades of black and blue. I know that she is really hard work and that its a pain to constantly have to remind her that (a) she should use the frame and (b) she really can't have too much by way of snacks and chocolate. But it seems she is without the frame for at least half of the time when I pick her up, and at least 2 or 3 times a week I'm taking sweet and chocolate wrappers out of her pockets or finding them in her bag when she asks me to look and find her lipstick or whatever. I accept that there wll be times she sets off without the frame and the staff will be busy elsewhere so won't see. I accept that she will, if she gets the chance, help herself to whatever sweet stuff she can lay her hands on, even if it isn't hers. But being her being without the frame so often, and the amount of sweet wrappers and so on that I find, suggests that not even a token effort is being made in either of those area's. I've asked nicely, I've explained that I know its a pain but that I'm trying to avoid discomfort and/or injury to Mil, and I've even been really firm once or twice. May as well bang my head on a brick wall :(

Back home, OH helped her take off her shoes to put her slippers on and discovered that the 'upper' was coming away from the sole on one shoe - I'm as certain as I can be that it was OK yesterday morning, so I'm assuming that happened when she caught her foot on the step she fell over. Anyway, we decided to take her to get new shoes - the only place where we knew we could get her really decent ones that was open at that time was a 20-odd minute drive away, in Broughton, so off we went, with Mil wittering about how she hadn't finished paying for the last pair, how she still had a few weeks left to pay (shades of when she used to buy everything from her mate's catalogue, I think!). We were able to park right outside the shop, got her in there (still talking about paying 'weekly' for new shoes ), got her sat while I started looking and while OH went to the cash point, as we also needed one or two things and thought we might as well get them whilst out. As soon as OH was out of the shop, Mil was up and pegging towards the shoe racks, heading straight for court style shoes with rather high heels. "Ohhhhhhh - they are nice" as she grabbed at a pair that were more like flipping stilts than shoes. Got her sat back down, collared an assistent, explained we were looking for flat, sturdy, slip on style shoes and gave her Mils size, saying we needed a 'wider' fit. She pointed out several pairs that she thought might fit the bill, but included some that had velcro straps - which were of course the ones Mil eyed up and declared were 'lovely'. Firmly I insisted on slip ons - we've tried velcro for Mil and she simply can't remember to open the velcro to put them on, so tends to slip just the front of her foot into the shoe, then 'walk' on the back of the shoe, which of course isn't safe. The girl looked askance at me as I overrode Mils choices - I guess it must have looked like I was a bossy so and so - but said she would fetch some in a slip on style for Mil to try, and said she would get the wider fits. Mil chipped in - "Yes - I think I need about 10 inches". I was very good - I held back the muttered 'Don't we all' that sprang to my lips, but even so, the poor girl looked slightly confused by what Mil had said. She brought out several pairs, and although all were the same size, as always , some fitted better than others and quite a few pairs were very obviously too big. Mil explained this to the young girl by telling her she had been on a diet and lost a lot of weight off her feet! She asked me did I think another pair would be OK to wear to the 'hop', and asked if yet another pair could be paid for weekly? (she had that on her brain, last night, obviously). The shop assistent was looking rather bemused, poor thing, by now :D OH came back and spotted a pair that she hadn't yet tried on the shelf - very sturdy and the shape reminded me of clogs, but they did look comfortable and supportive and well made. Mil tried them on and declared them lovely. We got her to walk a few steps and they were obviously a good fit, so we settled on them. At which point the assistent mentioned that they were £65 - Mils face was an absolutel picture!"£65" she squeaked. OH told her it was OK, we would 'treat her' (we weren't, but she needs really good shoes whatever the cost, and she could easily afford them, so we just wanted her to agree). We asked for her to keep the shoes on, and left the shop assistent staring after us as we left the shop, with Mil still chunnering on about the cost and paying weekly.

We made a brief stop in another shop, to grab some spare lightbulbs and a couple of other things - and Mil was like an octopus, heading for sweets and bars of chocolate and trying to grab at them - then finally in the car and heading home for tea.

After tea saw Mil in her hell bent on getting into the kitchen loop, really cross about the gate and heading for it every few minutes to rattle and pull at it, shouting through that she couldn't get in :rolleyes:

No problems getting her to bed, other than clearly the bruised knee was giving her some pain :( I suspect she is going to be very stiff and sore this morning, and that I'm going to have a job getting her up, washed and dressed for DC this morning. There is no guarantee that she wouldn't have fallen even if DC were usually on the ball with the frame - they can't watch her every second and I know how crafty she can be - but it might have made a difference, it might have stopped this fall, so I find it all really frustrating :(

Hope you all have a good day - Slugsta - will be thinking of you xxxx


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Thinking of you today, Slugsta.
Ann - :mad: --Time for a letter to DC? Or have you done that or dismissed the idea already?

Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
Slugsta.... Good luck xxx thinking of you xxx

Ann.... sorry to hear about the fall.
Do you think MiL is just wandering about room to room, and helping herself to other DC residents chocs
when the staff are not there? 'covertly' knowing she should not really do it
I don't know how you could stop this.

Do you get a copy of MiL accident record from DC?

I've forgotten... but do you have a Blue Badge for MiL.... makes parking easier when out shopping?