
New member
Dec 19, 2022
Hello, my grandma has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's about a year ago, and is on medication.

Recently my grandad passed away. My mum and her brother have POA. But my uncle wont activate it as he thinks she is ok at home by her self with her neighbours. He doesn't live local approx 5 hrs away. He has put cameras in the house which he wont give my mum access to. She is now converting back to when she was a little girl and thinking my mum is her mum!
All we want is the best care for my nan/mum. We are now unsure who to turn to for help/advise. My mum is at the end of it now and it's now effecting her own health issues.

Any advise or guidance would much be appreciated.

Many thanks


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Is it the POA for health and welfare or financial. If it is Health and Welfare then it can’t be enacted unless the doner, your grandmother, no longer has mental capacity and this is usually decided by a doctor or a social worker. If it is financial then it will depend on how the attorneys are allowed to act, either together or on their own. Even then , if you wanted to pay for carers , your grandmother may not agree to this and if she has mental capacity to make her own decisions that is her right.If you are thinking she needs to have residential care then that would come under the health and welfare LPA and again this depends on her mental capacity.
If your uncle is watching the videos, maybe he will see how she has deteriorated. If you feel he is blocking your grandmothers best interests in terms of her safety, then it may be a safeguarding issue that needs to be discussed with social services.
Possibly the best outcome would be by your mum and your uncle having an honest discussion about the future as your grandmothers dementia progresses and how they plan to support her.

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