Trying to understand behaviours


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
Hi not been on here for a while since mum passed away. My friend's husband has Alzheimers and seems to be affected by sundowning. He up-ends chairs, empties contents out of drawers, tips the large screen tv upside down if left alone for more than a minute, takes all bedding off the bed and has even pulled a mattress apart and started taking the stuffing out. He is living at home and they have a live in carer but I'm wondering if anyone has witnessed similar behaviours and has any insight on what could be causing this behaviour, which may then help with knowing how to soothe him? I wonder if he is searching for something. Thanks

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
That level of behaviour is more than sundowning @Deedee28 Your friend`s husband sounds deeply disturbed and needs help.

Has your friend asked for medical intervention? No one should be allowed to be so disturbed without help.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s husband @Deedee28.

I agree with @Grannie G. It really does sound like much more than sundowning and is quite worrying. If your friend hasn’t already asked for a doctor’s advice on this I think she should do so. There could be an infection causing this - especially if it is quite a recent development.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Agreeing with all that has been said. It could even be delirium which is reversible. Something which can and should be treated


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
Agreeing with all that has been said. It could even be delirium which is reversible. Something which can and should be treated
Thanks all, he has CHC and a lot of care in place. Nurses and consultants, care providers are all aware of this behaviour and his meds are under ongoing adjustments.
I was hoping for some insight into this 'searching' element, he isn't distressed, maybe I chose the wrong word when I said 'soothe' , he is quite content, just has this unusual behaviour and I wondered if anyone else had experiences of a similar nature with a loved one and managed to establish a reason. I wonder if it could be related to his work which I think was in the field of architecture and building design and problem solving on site when design and build problems were encountered.

D C McNeillis

New member
Jul 4, 2024
Hi not been on here for a while since mum passed away. My friend's husband has Alzheimers and seems to be affected by sundowning. He up-ends chairs, empties contents out of drawers, tips the large screen tv upside down if left alone for more than a minute, takes all bedding off the bed and has even pulled a mattress apart and started taking the stuffing out. He is living at home and they have a live in carer but I'm wondering if anyone has witnessed similar behaviours and has any insight on what could be causing this behaviour, which may then help with knowing how to soothe him? I wonder if he is searching for something. Thanks
Yes, I have experienced similar behaviours from my wife, age 58. Perhaps calling it "Sundowning" is one way of describing it, although there are other descriptions. If you are in the UK, then your friend's first port of call might be your GP, who then might refer the Person With Dementia (PWD) to the local "Older Adult Mental Health Team". (Don't be put off by the title of the team, it merely differentiates between younger adults - being teens with mental health problems.) They will take it from there. Do encourage an appointment with the GP asap if in the UK.
Kind regards