My partner has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. He has good weeks and bad weeks, good days and bad days!

Lillie Trevelyan

New member
Jul 5, 2024
On bad days he is very dizzy, tired and depressed and can’t remember how to do simple tasks like using the telly remote or the microwave, and misplaces things regularly.
On good days we can go out to visit a national trust garden and have lunch or tea.
Unfortunately, he is also currently having a lot of dental problems, he is also deaf, severely dyslexic and has mobility issues!
So he has an awful lot going on apart from dementia!
He gets very frustrated at times.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Lillie Trevelyan and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your partner's Vascular Dementia diagnosis, along with his other health issues this must make life difficult for both of you. It is good that you can still manage to have days out on their good days.

Do you have any help caring for them, if not it might be a good idea to contact your local adult social services to arrange a needs assessment for your partner and a carers assessment for yourself.

Please keep posting on the forum, you will find lots of help and support from our members.

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