Picking at arms


Registered User
Jun 24, 2014
North London
Hi. My mum's Alzheimer's has slowly progressed over the last three or four years. Luckily she is still able to do most day to day activities, with prompting.

Recently she has started picking at small blemishes on her forearms, which are now becoming worse and larger in size. As she is on Warfarin (blood thinner), these wounds bleed rather profusely. We bandage them up regularly but she picks the bandages off. She does seem to know she shouldn't do this, but can't seem to help herself as she finds the wounds itchy and painful.

Might anyone have any experience with this or suggestions for how to cope? The Society suggested she be kept occupied, but we've found it difficult to do so as her attention wanes quickly (if she engages at all). She really likes someone sitting with her at all times to talk with, but obviously that's not always possible. Will try some colouring books perhaps. Any other advice would be appreciated!


Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Hi Phatt,

I hope this doesn't come across as totally inappropriate, because it isn't meant that way, but years ago when working with people with learning disabilities, I came into contact with a young man who persistently picked at his cuticles and nails, leaving himself in an awful mess. Of all the things tried to keep his hands busy, the only thing that worked was bubble wrap - it just occurred to me that perhaps, given that a lot of us can't resist 'popping' bubble wrap, it might occupy your Mum's hands and perhaps take focus off picking at the blemishes?

Hopefully others will be along with other suggestions soon for you too :) x


Registered User
Jun 24, 2014
North London
Hi Ann Mac. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Not an inappropriate suggestion at all, I appreciate any suggestions. Will try! Thanks.

Hi Phatt,

I hope this doesn't come across as totally inappropriate, because it isn't meant that way, but years ago when working with people with learning disabilities, I came into contact with a young man who persistently picked at his cuticles and nails, leaving himself in an awful mess. Of all the things tried to keep his hands busy, the only thing that worked was bubble wrap - it just occurred to me that perhaps, given that a lot of us can't resist 'popping' bubble wrap, it might occupy your Mum's hands and perhaps take focus off picking at the blemishes?

Hopefully others will be along with other suggestions soon for you too :) x


Registered User
Jun 24, 2014
North London
Thanks Jeany. We've put a cotton tube on her arm over the bandages, to see if that dissuades her any. Will also try the creams. The apron's an excellent idea! Thanks.

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