Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Miserable Morning…..

well that could be interpreted in many ways 🤣🤣 for me its the rain which isgoing to make my walking less pleasant today…

My candidate did the business overnight so now they can strut their stuff in Houses of Parliament. They used to be a person of integrity…..can I have any hope that this characteristic may return to our leaders? Will services for the vulnerable improve. Readers in the years to follow can make the verdict.

Anyway this ex carer has to go to the Big Smoke again for the weekend. This time I will need to use the 🚆🚇 . Having been caring for 2 severely immune compromised people since 2020 last Time I did this was February 2020 😱😱 I used to love train travel…..
Ooh, I hope you don’t get a strike…. That is what has stopped us returning to rail travel. I couldn’t cope with the disruption.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Daughter is working in Germany. She was shocked to discover their trains are less reliable than ours. She allows extra time for her journeys.

In the UK she avoids trans pennine express and uses Northern as more trains run. Son's experience of West Coast main line was a challenge for him at 18 without much train experience. He now knows how to cross Glasgow on foot to catch a train for Edinburgh.

Hope your train works OK.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
And weather wise, one of my cycling friends has a saying: no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothing. Also 'skin's waterproof '.

Personally cycling in the rain is worse than walking. Hope you get a good walk in.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022

I remembered this as soon as I had posted so am packing up my waterproofs for some London Walking.

Germany yes! I thought they would be good but my brother was caught out last week. He went to the Euro match last Tuesday and a 3 hr delay led to a whole host of football fans ( v middle class he said🤣🤣) having to find last minute hotels in Brussels as they missed Eurostar…..he ended up in a very seedy little number 🙈🙈


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Definitely Post Dementia Adventures!!!

well here I am tucked up in a Premier Inn by the Olympic Park 😱😱 Quite a day for an ex carer country bumpkin 🤣🤣

Good webinar this morning on resilience (listening to the politics) and then drive to my sisters in South London where we then take the tram and train into Waterloo. That was a blast from the past…..done so frequently from probably 1989 to 2018…..so many memories and it all felt very familiar.

We walked over the river through theatre land to Tottenham Court Road. Some lovely side streets and so many statues, I was like a wide eyed rabbit ….so Much to take in. I did feel a little overwhelmed and wanted one of those toddler wrist arms so I would be firmly attached to my sister…bless her she was very protective and understanding 🥰🥰

oh and the open air urinals where blokes just had it out and doing their stuff 😱😱🚽🚽 I thought I was au fait with all things personal care but I wasn’t expecting this!!!

Then the new tube line to Stratford and time with the family. A walk through a packed shopping centre at 9pm….that was just too much 🙈🙈 and finally some time for escape at the Olympic park which felt almost rural. Brought back memories of coming wih mum both in 2012 and 2017 for athletics in the stadium. My brain couldn’t quite cope with reconciling the same person lying in a bed needing feeding and changing with someone who could travel independently around London. The sad thing is Dad who had a dodgy heart and was on all sorts of pills was still doing this at mum’s age when she died..

Some piccies for you who can not yet get out… I so enjoyed seeing others in my restricted time …


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Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Definitely Post Dementia Adventures!!!

well here I am tucked up in a Premier Inn by the Olympic Park 😱😱 Quite a day for an ex carer country bumpkin 🤣🤣

Good webinar this morning on resilience (listening to the politics) and then drive to my sisters in South London where we then take the tram and train into Waterloo. That was a blast from the past…..done so frequently from probably 1989 to 2018…..so many memories and it all felt very familiar.

We walked over the river through theatre land to Tottenham Court Road. Some lovely side streets and so many statues, I was like a wide eyed rabbit ….so Much to take in. I did feel a little overwhelmed and wanted one of those toddler wrist arms so I would be firmly attached to my sister…bless her she was very protective and understanding 🥰🥰

oh and the open air urinals where blokes just had it out and doing their stuff 😱😱🚽🚽 I thought I was au fait with all things personal care but I wasn’t expecting this!!!

Then the new tube line to Stratford and time with the family. A walk through a packed shopping centre at 9pm….that was just too much 🙈🙈 and finally some time for escape at the Olympic park which felt almost rural. Brought back memories of coming wih mum both in 2012 and 2017 for athletics in the stadium. My brain couldn’t quite cope with reconciling the same person lying in a bed needing feeding and changing with someone who could travel independently around London. The sad thing is Dad who had a dodgy heart and was on all sorts of pills was still doing this at mum’s age when she died..

Some piccies for you who can not yet get out… I so enjoyed seeing others in my restricted time …View attachment 71303


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Definitely Post Dementia Adventures!!!

well here I am tucked up in a Premier Inn by the Olympic Park 😱😱 Quite a day for an ex carer country bumpkin 🤣🤣

Good webinar this morning on resilience (listening to the politics) and then drive to my sisters in South London where we then take the tram and train into Waterloo. That was a blast from the past…..done so frequently from probably 1989 to 2018…..so many memories and it all felt very familiar.

We walked over the river through theatre land to Tottenham Court Road. Some lovely side streets and so many statues, I was like a wide eyed rabbit ….so Much to take in. I did feel a little overwhelmed and wanted one of those toddler wrist arms so I would be firmly attached to my sister…bless her she was very protective and understanding 🥰🥰

oh and the open air urinals where blokes just had it out and doing their stuff 😱😱🚽🚽 I thought I was au fait with all things personal care but I wasn’t expecting this!!!

Then the new tube line to Stratford and time with the family. A walk through a packed shopping centre at 9pm….that was just too much 🙈🙈 and finally some time for escape at the Olympic park which felt almost rural. Brought back memories of coming wih mum both in 2012 and 2017 for athletics in the stadium. My brain couldn’t quite cope with reconciling the same person lying in a bed needing feeding and changing with someone who could travel independently around London. The sad thing is Dad who had a dodgy heart and was on all sorts of pills was still doing this at mum’s age when she died..

Some piccies for you who can not yet get out… I so enjoyed seeing others in my restricted time …
i just saw the top of pics and thought i wonder if one is the open air urinals!!!!! that werent going to be nice - so glad you resisted but glad you are having a good break.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Definitely Post Dementia Adventures!!!
Yes @sdmhred it can, after so many years of the world of dementia eating up all of a carer's time, come as a bit of a shock that there is a whole world busy going on out there! And so many people rushing about doing things that a carer usually never gets to do or see.
Your outing being a welcome back to the real world post d.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Daughter is working in Germany. She was shocked to discover their trains are less reliable than ours. She allows extra time for her journeys.

In the UK she avoids trans pennine express and uses Northern as more trains run. Son's experience of West Coast main line was a challenge for him at 18 without much train experience. He now knows how to cross Glasgow on foot to catch a train for Edinburgh.

Hope your train works OK.
Train reliability in Germany depends on where you are. Just like here. In Germany they also tend to be cheaper and run more frequently, which colours the Weltanschauung or Bahnanschauung quite a lot.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Picture finally uploaded. For me it was finding that bit of wild nature in the middle of the urban jungle!

Todays adventure is a 1 year olds birthday party with an expected turn out of 50 😱😱😱 How will it compare with the dementia care home I wonder??

@Chizz I actually feel very greatful for my 4.5 year absence from the ‘real world‘. It has given me time to change and reflect. How many people have the privilege of a complete break from the chaos and the chance to rebuild in a way they choose. I plan to be slow and thoughtful in how my new world will look.

Last time I had a room in a hotel I was sharing with mum. She had a bad night and didn’t feel well. It turns out she had shingles post bereavement…..delirium…….rare autoimmune disease….steroid treatment…….odema…..adrenal insuffeIcency…….adrenal crisis……stroke……death……Glad I didn’t know that at the time!


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Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Picture finally uploaded. For me it was finding that bit of wild nature in the middle of the urban jungle!

Todays adventure is a 1 year olds birthday party with an expected turn out of 50 😱😱😱 How will it compare with the dementia care home I wonder??

@Chizz I actually feel very greatful for my 4.5 year absence from the ‘real world‘. It has given me time to change and reflect. How many people have the privilege of a complete break from the chaos and the chance to rebuild in a way they choose. I plan to be slow and thoughtful in how my new world will look.

Last time I had a room in a hotel I was sharing with mum. She had a bad night and didn’t feel well. It turns out she had shingles post bereavement…..delirium…….rare autoimmune disease….steroid treatment…….odema…..adrenal insuffeIcency…….adrenal crisis……stroke……death……Glad I didn’t know that at the time!
very crazy party!!!!! hoping not all of the 50 guests are 1yo. can you imagine 50 babies all together with sugar hits and tiredness all at the same time? enjoy the party,


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Beautiful. Something to make you smile (well did me). Sat at traffic lights and watching man with 3 beagle type dogs crossing the road in front. The last dog tripped up the kerb, flat on to its chin, jumped up, doing that “you never noticed” thing that dogs do when they’re embarrassed.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
That’s funny @Knitandpurl …..I can almost see it as one of those doggy cartoons!

Well @jennifer1967 I shall title this post SUGAR FREE PARTY 😱

I am told that kiddies are not allowed sugar until they are 2….so the 5 or 6 (phew) one year olds had special food and even their own sugar free cupcakes to enjoy!!!! The 6 or 7 older children were allowed the adult birthday cake 🍰 The majority of the party of adults had jerk chicken and proper cake 🤣🤣

I managed to suppress a wave of grief I felt coming. Grief not for death, but for dementia. I imagined the late stage mum in her wheelchair sat smiling in the corner, but unable to converse and needing to be fed the softer child’s food. I realised that her functioning would have been less than the one year olds. I think having spent so much time with people with dementia I have become numbed to it. I went on to reflect tho how perhaps when we talk about awareness how separated dementia sufferers are - so no-one sees them apart from those who make the active effort. I know why …..I was invited to take mum to London but as carer could have never managed it with all the needed practicalities…..but having such separation does not help our awareness cause and the ability of society to emotionally deal with, and improve care for those with dementia.

Insisted on a different route home to use the DLR and have a different walk along the South Bank. Now rather relieved to be sat in the comfort and quiet of my sisters lounge.


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Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
That’s funny @Knitandpurl …..I can almost see it as one of those doggy cartoons!

Well @jennifer1967 I shall title this post SUGAR FREE PARTY 😱

I am told that kiddies are not allowed sugar until they are 2….so the 5 or 6 (phew) one year olds had special food and even their own sugar free cupcakes to enjoy!!!! The 6 or 7 older children were allowed the adult birthday cake 🍰 The majority of the party of adults had jerk chicken and proper cake 🤣🤣

I managed to suppress a wave of grief I felt coming. Grief not for death, but for dementia. I imagined the late stage mum in her wheelchair sat smiling in the corner, but unable to converse and needing to be fed the softer child’s food. I realised that her functioning would have been less than the one year olds. I think having spent so much time with people with dementia I have become numbed to it. I went on to reflect tho how perhaps when we talk about awareness how separated dementia sufferers are - so no-one sees them apart from those who make the active effort. I know why …..I was invited to take mum to London but as carer could have never managed it with all the needed practicalities…..but having such separation does not help our awareness cause and the ability of society to emotionally deal with, and improve care for those with dementia.

Insisted on a different route home to use the DLR and have a different walk along the South Bank. Now rather relieved to be sat in the comfort and quiet of my sisters lounge.
the middle one is the windrush one isnt it? the cake looks lovely.
one of my daughters was milk intolerant up to 2 yrs so couldnt have chocolate etc at parties. it used to be a thing of who could get the most chocolate on face, hands etc and there were groans when my daughter couldnt eat and therefore couldnt get dirty.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
You’re right Jennifer. It’s at Waterloo station. I hadn’t visited London since I became much more mindful and noticing of my surroundings. I noticed so many statues in London. Probably walked past them before but just blurred in as street clutter

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