One journey ends...


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
To my dear friends at TP,

I would like to start by giving my heartfelt thanks for the unlimited and unconditional love and support you have given me over the past years. I can't imagine how I would have managed without you. I don't think my mum would have got Continuing Care funding; I don't think we'd have known what to look for in a good Nursing Home; we would have been so unprepared for what lay ahead, had it not been for you. All the times I was at my lowest, only certain people understood. I mean really understood. These people belonged to an exclusive world...known as Talking Point.

You are all different ages, at different stages, yet we all stood together, not defined by age or experience, but bound by love and concern for those who shared an illness.

I have never known support like it. The experience, advice and sometimes just simple words of support were my crutch. I was held up by every one of you, and at the end...I'm still standing. So, thank you.

My mum's funeral was beautiful, serene, peaceful, sometimes even funny. It was a huge outpouring of grief and loss, yet a day of shared memories and smiles. Mum's service was amazing, filled mostly with words from her best friend of 50 years (who collapsed in tears on the last sentence) and the words from her two daughters. It turns out the reading we chose (She Is Gone) was written for the Queen Mother, and the first time it was read was at her funeral. The vicar explained this during her service, and we had no idea. Quite fitting, I felt.

I murdered 2 hymns, but was determined to sing loudly and proudly. I also made a complete faux-pas during a prayer, when I thought he'd finished (turns out he was only pausing) and I very loudly said "Amen", only for him to continue the prayer! My sister accidentally snorted (instantaneous laughter snort), and there was a moment of complete inappropriateness (is that a word?). I realise now that tears and laughter are very close neighbours...and the line was shattered for that brief moment. Mum and Dad would have laughed. It was always ME who stuffed up!

But those tears I thought weren't coming? They came. And they didn't stop for a long time. It was such an emotional day for so many and it became very clear how fond people were of my lovely mum. She had made an impression on people and was missed by many.

But the burial I had been dreading was wonderful. It was the most beautiful part. It seemed so clear that mum and dad were finally resting, and that it was all a good way. Dad's ashes were lowered down on top of mum's coffin, and I threw in a pale pink rose for mum and a cream rose for dad. My husband threw in the messages from the children. It was so gentle.

I let a tear or two roll down my cheek, and it was perfect.

I think the realisation that dad's been waiting for two years hit us at that point. He, too, was finally being laid to rest, by by mum's side, where he always was. We finally had a place to come. A place to be with them both. I can now go and talk to mum and dad again.

The reception was a place full of love and memories and we all shared stories, many of which I'd never heard, and it was a lovely end to a very emotional day. I had always feared losing my mum. Her funeral was an event I could never picture myself attending, but now that it's over, I can be sure she was very much loved by many.

I now feel a duty to carry on, out of respect for her and what she was fighting, and out of the strength she taught us. I aspire to be half the mother she was, and that alone would be amazing.

I now look forward to taking the family to my parents' resting place where a simple wooden cross has finally reunited them in name and in date. Both died 30th October, 2 years apart, now together again. I will take the children, lay some flowers for Christmas and go for a roast dinner at their favourite restaurant (where we held the reception).

I will make them proud by being the woman they wanted me to be.

Thank you, everyone, for so much. I will stay here for a while, and help if and when I think I can, and will definitely be right by the sides of friends who've seen me through to the end. I will be there for you too.

With much love and appreciation,


Registered User
Feb 14, 2005
Having read your post I have no words other than to say I send you much love. What an inspiration you are.Patx


Registered User
Oct 9, 2011
Oh lord what an inspirational post, thank you for sharing it with us. Sending you hugs and love


Registered User
Jun 10, 2009
West Sussex
What we have learnt from you is just how much love a mother and daughter can have for each other.

Sue xx
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Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello Annie, what a lovely tribute to your mum. Thank you for sharing.



Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Dear Annie,
Your post was so serene. Your mum and dad are at rest. The service sounded just lovely. I think laughter is entirely appropriate. It's what your mum would've wanted.
I have valued your support and tonight I read back all your posts to me while I was going through cancer. Thank you for holding me up. I don't know how long it'll be before I follow you on this journey but I hope my mum will find peace as your mum has; surrounded by love x


Registered User
Feb 11, 2009
Perthshire Scotland
Dearest Annie, I am sat here with tears flowing having read your beautiful post. It sounds as if the funeral and burial were a wonderful display of love for your very special mum and dad. I am sure that love will help carry you through any tough times ahead and your TP friends will all be at your side whenever you need us.
Sending you much love
Karen xxxx


Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
Oh my goodness, I'm sharing your tears reading this. It brought back so many memories of when my gran, and later my dad passed away. I am very grateful to you Annie for sharing your innermost thoughts. They are at rest with their loved ones and we shall all be reunited in the fullness of time. God bless xxxx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dearest Annie,

I want to take this opportunity to tell you that you have an amazing gift. I'm sure you must know it but I want to tell you just in case you dont. The way you have with the written word is truly wonderful and your words always seem to come across as very 'giving'. It is as if you have thought out every little detail, wrapped each word and thought up with love, and then pressed 'send':)

Now about your day yesterday. Reading your post, I felt as if I was a fly on the wall and it was very touching indeed. I loved the bit about your mum and dad being reunited. Isn't it a wonder that they both flew to their destiny on the same date with 2 years in between!!

One journey has ended on this earth - this is true. Your journey has now changed and it sounds like you have been strengthened and are well equipped to continue living and loving.

Enjoy your life Annie and treasure your gift because it truly is a treasure which can bring light, love and life to many.

Love and a (HUG)


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Everything will be ok

I'm scared of posting this one (in case I leave important people off!), but I would personally like to thank:

Pied, Helen33, Kassy, Cragmaid, Larivy, Fenners, Kazza73, Turbo, Jancis, Bristobelle, Bastan, Flowerpot, Deborah Blythe, GrannieG, Izzy, JenniferPA, CanadianJoanne, Sadie McGradie, Elizabeth, Elaine, SussexSue, Jo, SallyC, Nan, and ALL of the wonderful, amazing, inspirational people I have leaned on over the years.

For those I've know who you are, and I want all of you to realise that no matter how difficult things have been, are, will be in your lives, you have the compassion to help a stranger, me, which makes you extraordinary people.

Don't ever forget that. We all think we're here for help, when more often than not, we give more than we receive. What a wonderful gift to give.

So I really do think everything will be ok. For those who are dealing with loss, and those who will face the inevitable, it will be ok...somewhere along the line. Good things come to good people, and at some point...everything will be ok.

You're amazing people.

(thank you Grove and Beckyjan...!)
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Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
Hello Annie, it was wonderful to read the account of your mum's funeral and to feel a part of the proceedings if only virtually. I am so glad that things went well and the day was so serene and full of lightness as well as of the inevitable sorrow.
I just wanted to say that although you seem to think the way ahead for you now regarding TP is only as an occasional visitor, continuing to support others, ( bless you) TP is also here for you too. The things you learnt and endured during your mum's decline will stay with you for a long time, probably and I hope you won't hesitate to lean on your TP friends as you cope with your new life, grieving the loss of your parents. We are still here as much for you now and in the future as we were before. Don't hold back and don't ever doubt us.
Love from Deborah xx


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I'm so sad-happy because I never thought I could feel so fond of someone I only know online and though I'm happy you're taking your leave of TP as a regular poster I will miss you so and feel so sad. Take my very best love and good wishes into the future. X
They are my tears x


Registered User
May 5, 2010
Dearest Annie,

I echo everything Helen has written.... you are one amazing lady, you have helped me so many times and i thank you... you have a way with words and of making things seem better - though ive lost count of the times Ive cried whilst reading your posts/replies .. this one is no exception, I am particularly emotional today and have cried buckets at it (silly me)

Your wonderful parents would be so proud of you..what a credit you are to them.

I think of you often and always will

Sending you so much love and thanks xxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
How could I forget?

Of course...CaPatterson! How could I have forgotten to thank you?!

Thank you all, again, and again, and again. xxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Oh my. Creativearah...such a strength to me at my most difficult times. Thank you so much for this response and for the many before that have helped me up when I've fallen.

You are, too, an inspiration.

Thank you, xxx

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