Nursing homes


Registered User
Dec 21, 2015
I've said it before, my mum is central in my life but I didn't marry her. Your commitment is huge. Not trying to be maudlin or put a downer on progress and the fact Tim and my Mum and thousands of PWD are being well cared for in good NHs, CHs etc etc. Just honouring the ongoing pain and utter commitment involved which you so honestly and eloquently expressed.
Biggest hugs x
Loving your words MollyD.
Aisling - hope you're OK. Hugs, Mahoosive xxx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Aisling - you need to have some relaxation or you won't be fit to care. How about treating yourself to something simple like a relaxation cd, eyes closed, lying down, phone turned off for an hour. And just lie there, and breathe in and breathe out. Nothing else.

Thank you Lady A. It is such a support to click in here. Am used to having my phone switched on now esp after hair app!! Am really trying to take care of myself too. As you correctly state it is important. OH depends on me and I know he would have done the same for me. Yes, I try to relax as well.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
Thank you Lady A. It is such a support to click in here. Am used to having my phone switched on now esp after hair app!! Am really trying to take care of myself too. As you correctly state it is important. OH depends on me and I know he would have done the same for me. Yes, I try to relax as well.

Aisling xx

You're trying to do the right things Aisling. So well done. But it isn't easy is it?


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
You're trying to do the right things Aisling. So well done. But it isn't easy is it?

It is not easy Stanley. Not easy for you either. Am just wondering if you could get the time to have a check up with your doctor? For you. Am afraid to say it is almost impossible for you at the moment. Please try anyway. Promise?

I have opticians app tomorrow!! It is important but will see how it goes. Had to cancel last one because of A n E appointment for T.

Lots of support and prayers too.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Jul 27, 2013
Excellent Aisling :D

Omg I've needed my eyes tested for ummm mmmm yrs ,i have cheapl reading ones .
I've never had a proper eye test :eek:


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Excellent Aisling :D

Omg I've needed my eyes tested for ummm mmmm yrs ,i have cheapl reading ones .
I've never had a proper eye test :eek:

Thanks again Kjn. Never had an eye test??? Mother of trees and scrubs! Am very curious now!! You have reading glasses. Is it a silly question to ask how you got reading glasses? Bet you went into shop and tried on a few pair.!! Lots of people do and no problem whatsoever.

Tbh, I have an inherited slight eye problem. Also get blinding migraines. Bad accident as a child so should get eyes tested every two years. My last test was over five years ago!! So done and dusted today. Will have new pair in two weeks PG.

Watch this space......

Aisling xxxxxx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015

Hi again my friends. OH noticed today that my hair had grown!! Admired my RED nail polish and told me I looked well. Happy moments. He was so happy, content and relaxed. Am perched in my cot ( bed), nice and warm!! Yes I am so happy for T and me. Lashing outside. My clothes are not out on line...... still in laundry basket!! Isn't that lucky??

I got a ready made steak and kidney pie on way home. Also eggs etc. Dropped eggs.!! And lost the pie!!

I digress.... Again.....

Aisling xxxxxxxx


Registered User
Mar 27, 2016
Red nail varnish eh? Super!

And only fitting your beloved notice your glamour. :)

Hahaha. Well aren't you the lucky one with foresight to leave the washing where it should be instead of all sodden out in the rain.

Speaking of which. My wash made it to the machine and got washed, but the hanging up bit got delayed. So it remains in the machine sodden and clean till sometime tomorrow.

What *did* you have for tea? That was a comical, tragic series of events. Hope the takeaway got a call from you for plan b back up.

I cooked my second stew in a week yesterday. Chest pumping with show off gourmet pride :D. A bit hippy-ish actually to offer a guest (if there was a guest to offer it to). But I enjoyed it in my pjs with TV this evening ... and have more for tommorow. I think I'm great! Three day run on it.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Red nail varnish eh? Super!

And only fitting your beloved notice your glamour. :)

Hahaha. Well aren't you the lucky one with foresight to leave the washing where it should be instead of all sodden out in the rain.

Speaking of which. My wash made it to the machine and got washed, but the hanging up bit got delayed. So it remains in the machine sodden and clean till sometime tomorrow.

What *did* you have for tea? That was a comical, tragic series of events. Hope the takeaway got a call from you for plan b back up.

I cooked my second stew in a week yesterday. Chest pumping with show off gourmet pride :D. A bit hippy-ish actually to offer a guest (if there was a guest to offer it to). But I enjoyed it in my pjs with TV this evening ... and have more for tommorow. I think I'm great! Three day run on it.

I love stew. With potatoes of course.

The takeaway?? Molly I got pie in supermarket!! Microwavable!! I had some lasagne and popped it in microwave.......

Am wishing for egg and chips so plan to have that tomorrow. I have some eggs. Am banking on a friend cooking me steak etc next week when he comes home...... He doesn't know that yet.....

Aisling xxxxxx.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2016
Ah, I meant did you get a takeaway in the end after losing the pie. So lasagne was your saviour, I like lasagne, haven't had it in a age.

Let me know how that steak meal goes. Rare or well done? X

(There was a big spud added to the stew...).


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Ah, MollyD, I think Aisling, like me, lives in the sticks. No takeaways - food would be stone cold by the time we'd get it home!