Nowhere left to turn


Registered User
Jul 31, 2023
I’m a female in my mid forties and desperate for someone to come and take me away.
My 20 year relationship broke down 5 years ago. He was abusive and I finally had enough (thanks to peri menopause making me speak up)
Left my beautiful home with nothing and had to start over.
My father was well into his Alzheimers journey and my old dear was showing signs of dementia too.
Mum rang me constantly and I gradually started doing more and more for them.
Then COVID hit. I was working full time from home and that’s when it all went to ****.
Mum was adamant she could look after Dad but failing miserably.
Kitchen fires, falls, medication not being administered properly to Dad and a plethora of other things.
I applied 7 times to Occupational Health and she would convince them all was well. Literally wouldn’t entertain any form of outside help.
I was then attacked in my home by someone I’d hired to do some gardening and I’d also managed to bag myself a stalker too! You couldn’t make it up!
Before I knew it, I was pretty much doing everything to ensure my parents were ok.
Hours making calls, filling forms , arranging appointments, medications, sourcing equipment…..blah, blah, blah.
I became a chronic insomniac and wasn’t able to cope with my workload.
Went off sick after years of being the hardest worker they had and it kept getting worse.
Every day Mum presented another catastrophe for me to sort.
I’m waffling….sorry.
Dad was on his last legs and I was somehow managing to keep them safe and make life easier for Mum (all behind the scenes).
Dealt with the police regarding the stalker and the attacker, but totally exhausted.
My breakdown was imminent.
Dad passed last year and I thought things would get better.
How wrong I was.
Mum turned into a zombie and I had to arrange the funeral, design the orders of service, write the celebrants speech etc….oh, and pay for it whilst having to keep her from falling apart.
I was back at work by this time but it wasn’t long before I went off sick again.
My own health spiralled and alongside the insomnia, I’ve been fighting constant infections and had operations as a result.
I’m not eating, rarely sleeping, and I think it’s almost become a sort of self harm for me.
Finally got Mum diagnosed with Alzheimers after battling for years with the GP, who constantly kept telling me she was fine. The woman is a master at presenting well to others which has and continues to be a huge difficulty.
Now I’m on a phased return at work and clinging on to my job for dear life.
Once the popular girl who was diligent and portrayed myself as being on top of things, never asking for help but always helping others. Now all my colleagues have witnessed by manic behaviour, panick attacks and erratic displays.
I’m humiliated and alone.
I’ve lost every single one of my friends and it’s floored me. No one showed any compassion or bothered to send me so much as a text.
I volunteered on a radio show and was a social butterfly.
Now I’m alone, slovenly, hate leaving the house, look terrible and on my knees.
Mum is a complete nightmare and there’s no chance for me to get myself back on the starting block.
I’ve called helplines, breaking down. I’ve paid for counselling, which was useless, been back and forth to my own doctor begging for help and given antidepressants that made me worse.
Now I’m not able to keep food down and having tests for gastrointestinal cancer.
Sounds awful but I genuinely don’t care if I have a serious illness. There’s nothing left of the person I was and any fight I had left in me has gone.
My childhood was terrible and my parents were cold, uncaring and unkind.
I’ve done everything in my power to care for them both and my own life has been wrecked.
My older brother has a beautiful home, kids, partner and doing well. He’s not done a single thing to help.
Calls my mother maybe three times a year and only visited her after Dad passed, to grab some antiques and most of her life savings, which she was only too happy to give him.
Blimey….I’m writing a novel.
I’ve just called a mental health helpline once again and came away feeling foolish.
Four days without sleep and dreading the thought of going to work in a few hours, as has been the case every week for so long now.
I don’t want to sound so depressing. Just being honest.
I’m on my own with a mortgage to pay. No children, partner or other person to share the load and I’m trying to find a reason to keep going.
My house is a mess and I want it all to end, but my mother needs me, so that’s not even an option.
All my life I’ve worked hard and done everything for other people and it’s been a waste of time.
I’m stuck on a train that I can’t get off.
Thank you for enduring my feature length rant (if any of you have managed to keep reading until the end).
I feel lighter for offloading, and quite embarrassed if I’m honest.
No responses are necessary. It’s been good to moan to others that have an understanding.
Thank you.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
I don't know where to begin @Melancholy except to say that I've just read your post and feel quite sad that you're going through this. On here, you are not alone. From a personal perspective, 13 years ago I left a 20-odd year old relationship with nothing other than the clothes on my back. I understand the dreadful feeling of loneliness.

I did meet someone else and we ended up getting married. Together we've gone through losing parents, the most recent one being my mum who had Dementia. I feel that I've had so much support from people on this forum - so please keep posting. As said, on here you are not alone.
S x


Registered User
Jul 25, 2023
Blimey! I'm going to shout this because I feel that you might not listen otherwise. YOU NEED HELP!!!!!!
Seriously, looking at the time you posted this and hearing your very obvious distress, today needs to be the day when you think about yourself, start the wheels turning and change how things are. Easy to say, I know, but you can't go on like this. I'm sure others will appear on here to make recommendations about your mum and her care- my concern is very much for your health and well being. Please contact your GP, show her this post if you find it difficult to talk. Contact adult social services and TELL them that they will need to take over care of your mum. Your life, health and well being are what's important right now.
Keep posting on here, people with much better advice than me will be along soon X I just wanted to reach out and send you a virtual hug and let you know that I am listening and I care X


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Melancholy and welcome to the forum

Yours is one of the saddest stories I have read on here. You have cared for both parents for years, sacrificing yourself to do it and have now reached carer burnout.

Your mum has lost insight due to the dementia, is unable to see her own symptoms and thinks there is nothing wrong with her. She is unable to comprehend how much you have to do for her and what a terrible toll it is taking on you - and she probably wouldnt care either, because people with dementia lose empathy and are unable to see things from anyone elses viewpoint, or even realise that others have needs too. All she can see are her own wants, needs and desires - and all she wants is you to do things. Probably, every time you do something for her, in her own mind she is thinking "its just this one little thing", forgetting about all the rest of the "one little things". All the while you are doing things for her she will see no reason to accept carers.

Equally, all the while you are there, plugging the gaps and keeping your mum safe, Social Services will just let you get on with it. Your mum is their client, not you, and they are only interested in whether your mums needs are being met and whether she is being kept safe. Your health and welfare is beyond their remit.

Your only course of action is, unfortunately, to step back - and even then SS may try and call your bluff to get you back to caring for your mum.
Ive been in your position - my home help found me shuffling 6 packets of paracetamol. The outcome of this was that I spent a night in hospital and couldnt face going back home, so I spent several nights in a travel lodge. OH went into emergency respite for a few weeks until I was a bit better and had to accept carers coming in on condition of him coming home. BTW, antidepressants take a month to "kick in" and before that happens you do feel worse.

Please, please contact your GP and let them know how bad you feel. Also contact SS and tell them that you cannot do this anymore and will be leaving - then go somewhere else for a week, even if its only a travel lodge.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I have nothing to add to @canary `s advice but I can only say you do not have to continue caring for your mother. You can walk away and concentrate on getting your life together.

I`m thankful you have been able to off load here and want you to know anyone who reads of your experiences will be behind you, wishing you the strength to stand up for yourself and get your life back.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
Dear @Melancholy ,
I first read this last night, and was so shocked I didn't know how to respond.
As others have said you need to put yourself first at this stage.
Your Mum has obviously selected your brother by giving him her money. (I thought that my brother was unpleasant!) I would suggest letting him know that his Mum is now his problem, as you need to take care of your own health.
Walk away. Don't be guilt tripped. Your health comes first at this stage.
You are in my thoughts.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
Oh boy. I too don't know what to say, but echo the responses above. You need some time away from it all to look after yourself till you can get back on track. Contact social services tell them your mum is a "vulnerable adult" "at risk of harm" and needs an urgent care assessment. Give them the information you have given us above - and all the rest I suspect is in the background around what your mum isn't able to do anymore. Then step back. You do need help. My fingers are crossed for you.


New member
Feb 22, 2022
Its heartbreaking that you are having to deal with this on your own. I totally agree with what others have said in that you n


Registered User
Aug 7, 2021
I am so sorry you are in this situation. Bluntly you need to put YOU first for the first time in your life. Ring your GP to get help for yourself and ring Social Services and tell them you need urgent help for your mom as you have reached carer burnout.

Happy to chat if you need someone to talk to.


New member
Dec 30, 2023
Dear @Melancholy I also agree with other posts about putting yourself first. As difficult as it is due to the emotions that come with is, do it once and it will get easier. I walked away for a week ( for a short holiday) and it was surprising how other family members stepped in.
I hope you do see your GP and if not satisfied with their response ask to see another. You can also ask to be referred to Dementia Intensive Support Team ( DIST)
Adult social services are very much under pressure but contact them and ask for a Carers Assessment, also they can help you put in an emergency contact plan, should anything happen to you whilst you are away from home e.g shopping,working etc.
If not already doing so, attendance allowance can be claimed by your mum ( you can complete the form on her behalf )but you can use this to help pay for things, such as home visits by podiatrist if she has issues with her feet, or even for someone to come and sit with her whilst you have some time to yourself, even for someone to help with housework.
I know you were not expecting any responses but as you can see there are people out there for you to offload onto, we all have shared experiences and if 1 little bit of support makes a difference to you then it is worth it.
Sending hugs and remain here for you xx


New member
Oct 21, 2023
I am so sorry you are going through this, I am going through some of things as you, but not as much as you and feel like I can not cope and my house is also mess due to my fibromyalgia and mam never stops. I get no help and mostly alone.

I just want to say to go through all that know that you are stronger than you think. I pray for a solution for you and you get the life you deserve ❤️

Aqua Marina

Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
Have you been in touch with your local Carers Centre? They offer load of help and stuff to do for yourself, some me time, hobbies, drop ins. You deserve support too.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2021
@Melancholy I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. There is some really good advice on here.

I also suffer from insomnia (bouts of it) and everything seems worse if you can’t sleep. Can you talk to your GP about it? Mine was reluctant to prescribe anything but I have found exercise helps a bit as well as cutting down on caffeine.

I hope you can get something sorted out with care.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2022
So sorry to read this, pleas please get some help and walk away from caring for your mum. You have done more than enough for your parents, and been through so much. You have a career and mortgage to keep and your health to focus on so you do not lose them. Your sibling or the system must now take over.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2023
Hi everyone.
I replied to all of your wonderful messages of support approximately two weeks after my original outpouring, but my phone ran out of juice before I’d finished my (lengthy) composition. When I logged back in, I’d lost the lot!
Around four weeks later, I set to typing once again. Literally spent over three hours in the middle of the night tapping away on the keyboard, then deleting, then tapping away again, then deleting….etc. I seem to get completely carried away, totally incapable of keeping things short!
After becoming frustrated with myself, I deleted everything and recorded a voice message instead, but wasn’t able to upload my efforts. Wasted at least 6 hours in total with nothing to show for my hard work.
Third time lucky I hope!
Thank you to all of you that took the time, not only to read my rants, but also to reply.
I feel foolish for over sharing but your comments showed no judgement, for which I’m grateful.
The support, compassion, kindness, advice and warmth you‘ve provided have been truly heartwarming.
I will refrain from going into too much detail, but everything has seemingly gone from bad to worse (although I didn’t think it was possible).
My mental health was clearly in a bad place already and physically, I’d been plummeting for quite a while. Shortly after I’d finished writing my original post, I collapsed at home and came too, sporting two, quickly developing, black eyes.
Everything that’s happened since can only be likened to some sort of disastrous, comedy sketch show.
You couldn’t make it up. There’s even a Mum related incident which ended up on the local news!
Wish I could share it with you all, but I’d be breaking forum rules.

My blackened eyes seemed to annoy my boss, who refused to let me work from home another day and demanded my presence in the office. I was borderline suicidal, but forced myself into the car the next morning, only to have a flat battery. Then a video call (interrogation) with the boss and HR soon followed, leaving me absolutely broken.
Sooooooo, I had to admit defeat and the GP signed me off. My head was gone.
Supposed to start back in Feb, then rushed into hospital with all sorts going on. Still off work.
As for Mum…..she didn’t take my hospital admission well. “What the hell am I supposed to do if you’re in hospital”, followed by a telling off for having these conditions before slamming the phone down and proceeding to ignore my calls! Didn’t talk to me for two weeks and then called to shout at me because I’d not spoken to her!! I’m chuckling about it as I type.
Now on SSP with my fixed rate mortgage ending this month. I can’t work in this state and I‘m waiting for surgery. It’s a right old mess, but at least I’m laughing. That’s a good sign, I think!
I called the Dementia Wellbeing Navigator, crying for help. Also told her that Mum refuses to take her Memantine, lies about what she’s eating, drinking, doing etc and has now started accusing me of killing my father amongst other things
She said she’d arrange a visit and asked me to tell Mums GP everything too.
The GP saw Mum, confirmed her noticeable decline and told me to speak with the Dementia Wellbeing Navigator. Grrrrrr.
I’ve not heard back from the navigator, despite calling three times, leaving messages.
My brother isn’t an option. She’d never allow him to be inconvenienced and he’d make sure he wasn’t too. Oh blimey…..I’ve rambled on again.
I’ll stop here but I intend to reply to you each individually as you’ve offered some fab advice and virtual hugs.
It’s 04:57 and Mothers Day, ironically!


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
Dear @Melancholy, it is lovely to see an update from you, even if you are still having challenges. Please take care of you.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im so sorry that you had to reach that crisis

Im afraid your mums reaction is par for the course - she is unable to see anything apart from her own wants, needs and desires

Contact SS and tell them that you are off sick, have been in hospital and are waiting for an operation, so are totally unable to care for your mum. Then step back and look after your own health


Registered User
Aug 30, 2020
Agree with all the advice given - step back and look after yourself. In amongst all the challenges, your warmth and humour shine through and it’s good to know you can laugh at times. We all have to sometimes. And don’t feel foolish for over sharing, there is no such thing and if it helps it is necessary. By sharing you are also helping others, we are all human and we all need each other.