New prognosis


New member
Feb 29, 2024
Hi all, my wife 2 weeks ago was officially diagnosed with Dementia!
At the moment it’s a balancing act, every day can be different. She thinks theres people living upstairs. Don’t know what to expect


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Expect the unexpected as it say on the cover of the hitchers guide to the galaxy.
Honestly no 2 people are the same before or after diagnosis, have a read around the site and ask away when ready.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Armchair12

I`m sorry about your wife`s diagnosis and can imagine your anxieties. The delusions and hallucinations can be frightening for you as much as your wife and are not easy to manage.

They are not always frightening. I asked my husband if the people in our house worried him and he said they didn`t but he`d wait until they had gone when they sat in his chair.

Try to work out if the people upstairs are there all the time or just come from time to time. It might help to keep a note to see if there are any triggers.

Although everyone is different , there are so many carers on the forum as well as people with dementia, I`m sure someone will be able to share experiences


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Armchair12 and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum from me also.
I am sorry to read about your wife's recent diagnosis. It's tough for sure, even if you were half expecting it.
Please do have a good look around the various sections of the forum and ask any particular questions you may like to. There's a lot of information here. But please don't think that everything you read about on here will necessarily happen to your wife. Everyone's path through this disease is different.
Some members find it helps just putting things down on here sometimes. Members here really do understand and want to help.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2024
Hi My wife was formally diagnosed with posterior Cortical Atrophy, a form of dementia, in February, its been a real roller coaster over the last year, never really know what to expect from day to day, but routine seems to help, anything out of the ordinary can cause difficulties, so I plan for these ensuring we have time and don't rush, emotionally it's been really hard, and still is, lots of advice and experiences on this forum, I've tried to focus on where we are at the moment and not think to far ahead, I know I really need more support for myself but my wifes is my priority at the moment.

sandman 28

New member
Jan 8, 2023
Hi all, my wife 2 weeks ago was officially diagnosed with Dementia!
At the moment it’s a balancing act, every day can be different. She thinks theres people living upstairs. Don’t know what to expect
Hi you have to expect anything every part of the day's different or i should say every hour my wife is constantly wanting to walk none stop from first thing in the morning she wont stay in exhausting there's know set rules apart from keep calm as much as possible ive tried everything nothing works deep breaths