New 06/12/24


New member
Jun 12, 2024
Hello. I am new to this group because I need support as my husband has Alzheimer’s (2021). His older sister in Ohio also has it. I am a metastatic breast cancer survivor and continue to get infusions every 3 weeks to control cancer cells. I have no privacy anymore (except for going to my infusions) and some days I just want to scream! I am not sure I can handle this Alzheimer’s. I am trying to keep my husband home but not sure if that can last. I have no neurologist because ours retired and said he was putting his case back to the PCP because she first diagnosed him.
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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Go on, just have a really loud scream on here, go for it honey, as many aaarrrhhhhhassss you like, all here to listen. K


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Winelady1952 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. @Kevinl is right that this is a great place to let off steam. It is also where you will find empathy, understanding and good sense. Our friendly and helpful members will support you when you need it most. They did so for me.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Just to say welcome from me also @Winelady1952 to this friendly and supportive forum.

You have a lot going on, both you and your husband, healthwise - no wonder you want to have a dammed good scream. It's tough for sure. If you are considering residential care for your husband in the medium to longer term, this link may be helpful for information. It's a very difficult decision to have to make - I had to do the same for a loved one - but if it keeps them safe and well cared for, then it is the right thing to do.
You will always find understanding here from people that really do want to help.