My Oli


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My poor Oli has Covid. He was very weird when he woke up yesterday and it may sound strange but he had lost the ability to lie down. After taking him to the loo, he would sit on the side of his bed but seemed unable to coordinate his body to get horizontal. When you think about it there are a lot of different movements involved to get from a sitting position to a lying position. I thought it might be a UTI so got an appointment with our surgery to see the Nurse Practitioner. Just as a precaution I did a Covid test and damn me, it was positive so no trip the the GP surgery. The nurse practitioner phoned me and was great and arranged for a home visit. His obs were ok except his temp was 38.8. No wonder the poor man was confused! This morning his temp is down but I suspect it will take at least a week before he’s back to his old ‘normal’. Of course the chances are he won’t quite get back to where he was.
Now I have to wait and see if/when I get it. Every twinge, or tickle in the throat I wonder if that’s me starting but so far I’m feeling fine despite my imagination!
The one upside is that I slept in our spare room last night for the first time and had a good night sleep. I’m hoping he will get used to it and allow me to have peaceful nights. I did get a bit of a fright this morning when I woke to hear cupboard door opening next door. I went through to check on him and thought for a minute he was standing doing a wee into the cupboard but fortunately not. Whew. He was in fact trying to post my address book which holds all my passwords into the cupboard. If I lose that I’m in deep trouble!!!!!!!!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh I’m so sorry that Oli has covid. I hope the symptoms are mild and that you don’t get it.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Thanks. Me too! He has just woken up and said to him ‘How’s my Oli?’ His reply - ‘He’s ******!’ I told him thats a step up from yesterday because yesterday he couldn’t even talk!😂😂. I think my silly sense of humour was a bit too much for his muddled brain today.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well, I tested positive this morning. I guess the good thing is I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I’m feeling ok, just a bit achy but the main symptom I’ve had is a strangely itchy skin. Hopefully i will be lucky and only have a mild case of Covid. My poor Oli has been asleep for 2 days now. Hopefully his body is healing itself while he sleeps

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
So sorry @Bugs Luckily those of us who have had whatever jabs we were offered are not as ill as we might have been.

It`s good Oli is sleeping. Far better than being agitated and at least you can rest too.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
So sorry @Bugs, just when we were thinking that Covid had gone it has to rear it's ugly head. Hope that you both are feeling better very soon


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Thank you friends. I don’t know any of you face to face but I consider you my friends and support network.