A (probably very occasional) diary and comment thread.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hope you’ve survived a tired day…..as far as compassionate communication goes sometimes is best ditched 🙈🙈🙈 Mr shouter at the care home often used to go on for hours ‘ coffee and biscuit please’…..very very loudly……one evening one of thr more mobile residents just yelled ‘shut up!’…..carers, families and other residents lit up with joy!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hope you’ve survived a tired day…..as far as compassionate communication goes sometimes is best ditched 🙈🙈🙈 Mr shouter at the care home often used to go on for hours ‘ coffee and biscuit please’…..very very loudly……one evening one of thr more mobile residents just yelled ‘shut up!’…..carers, families and other residents lit up with joy!
I can well understand the joy!
I normally have a bit of a swear to myself, but sometimes it just comes out.🙂 Although I'm used to it now, the sleep disturbance is one of the hardest parts of this for me. Still better than it used to be, though.
But she was a swine last night 😏 - d's fault, of course.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Wow! Another entertaining day. 🙂
Mum wouldn't get up at first - not only first but second and third too! 🤔
She'd hardly drunk any water all night, so by 11am (after previous requests to have at least a drink of water) I went into persuasion mode. By 11.30am she was up and having breakfast and a cup of tea.

However, shortly after breakfast (which was at lunch time), she decided to sing incoherently - I decided to join in with a rendition of "All the Nice Girls Love a Sailor" (me neither). Actually, what she was singing sounded a bit like that song. 😌

Also, my glasses prescription dating from 1988 (tested since then but not changed) is a bit 'off' now. I decided to send off for cheap new specs but just a bit stronger (0.25 diopters). Came this morning and now sharp as a pin. An eye test away from home at the moment is a no no! 😒

Yes, an entertaining day.......

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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Wow! Another entertaining day. 🙂
Mum wouldn't get up at first - not only first but second and third too! 🤔
She'd hardly drunk any water all night, so by 11am (after previous requests to have at least a drink of water) I went into persuasion mode. By 11.30am she was up and having breakfast and a cup of tea.

However, shortly after breakfast (which was at lunch time), she decided to sing incoherently - I decided to join in with a rendition of "All the Nice Girls Love a Sailor" (me neither). Actually, what she was singing sounded a bit like that song. 😌

Also, my glasses prescription dating from 1988 (tested since then but not changed) is a bit 'off' now. I decided to send off for cheap new specs but just a bit stronger (0.25 diopters). Came this morning and now sharp as a pin. An eye test away from home at the moment is a no no! 😒

Yes, an entertaining day.......

Been there, oh dear!! Can be very frustrating as dehydration leads to a whole new set of issues including lethargy and being too tired to eat/drink as a consequence... vicious circle! Fortunately was a rare thing but you can't help worrying regardless @Neveradullday! as it can only take a few poor days... glad you resolved it quickly my friend. Singing incoherently is absolutely my forte too - mum expects it, using the proper lyrics can cause no end of frowning on her part!!

Ah yes I was the only member of my family not to wear glasses as a youngster, I must admit to struggling of late and having to hold smaller-type text at arm's length to read haha! Good on you for getting it sorted, I'm not yet motivated to do so haha ;)


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
must admit to struggling of late and having to hold smaller-type text at arm's length to read haha! Good on you for getting it sorted, I'm not yet motivated to do so haha ;)
Hi @Eddcorner I was going to recommend reading glasses - you can buy them off the peg in supermarkets now (different strengths of course) and also Amazon. But with you having to hold texts at arm's length, it sounds as though you're long sighted not short - so I don't know. Best not take any advice from me anyway! 😒

We went out for the first time in a few days today and what a difference wearing the new specs! I've not done it the proper way but it's worked a treat. 🙂