advice please


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hi @jennifer1967 I have a cleaner for one hour per week and it is amazing what they can do in that time. They would clean the bathroom, wipe down the kitchen surfaces, dust the bedroom and lounge and wash or hoover the floors.
If I wanted windows or the kitchen cupboards cleaned that would have to be extra.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
@jennifer1967 - don't worry about having a cleaner in. If he / she is any good they will see what needs cleaning. I tend to tidy clothes and things out of the way before my cleaner comes so she has a clear run - but that's not essential. I have asked my cleaner to clean the bathrooms, change the bed sheets, dust and hoover round, mop kitchen floor and clean cooker top / work surfaces / sink. If she has any time left after that she will do "occassional" type jobs - cobwebs, skirting tops, etc.
But s/he is your cleaner so ask them to do the jobs that are important to you and that you find most difficult. You will soon get used to having them in and will love it!
Editted to say - don't clean the house before they arrive just so that you're not ashamed of any mess (my SIL used to do this) - they will expect there to be some mess.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
thank you. i was going to do bathroom as the only job. mainly dusting hoovering, kitchen tops and mop floors. things that cause me pain including stairs. they could dust his room and one week do his bed. im looking at couple of hours a week.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Think of which jobs you find the hardest to do.

It might be bed changing, bathroom cleaning or hoovering.

I had a cleaner for a few years when the children were small. It's surprising how much they do in 2 hours. Best thing from my point of view was it made kids and husband tidy up before she came. It reduced what was a 5 hour job for me to a 2 hour job for her and reduced my nagging the kids.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Think of which jobs you find the hardest to do.

It might be bed changing, bathroom cleaning or hoovering.

I had a cleaner for a few years when the children were small. It's surprising how much they do in 2 hours. Best thing from my point of view was it made kids and husband tidy up before she came. It reduced what was a 5 hour job for me to a 2 hour job for her and reduced my nagging the kids.
that was what i was thinking, ones that give me most pain. im not sure shes a miracle worker making my husband tidy up but........... definitely his bed and hoovering. im almost doing a work out changing his bed so will gladly say good bye to that.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
the cleaner has arrived and doing the kitchen at the moment. why do i feel so sick. im not used to it. she seems a very nice person. she is going to do the living room and hoover and mop today. i dont like it.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Bless you Jennifer. What is it you don’t like? I’m sure you will get used to it. Well done for doing it anyway- shows your commitment to your husband, caring role and your own physical and mental health.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I do understand @jennifer1967 I also found it uncomfortable at first, but I also realised that it was necessary as I could not do everything myself. The other thing I told myself was that the person doing the cleaning needed the job so in a way I was also helping them.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
she did ok in the end. my husband thought she was good so said she can come back next week. yes, a win!!!! she was fine with him as well. my back is happier as well that it hasnt had to move. shes coming in the afternoon next week which is better.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @jennifer1967

Somehow I’ve missed the trauma of your missing medication and the news of you two new canaries.

Can insulin be stored? If it can perhaps your GP will allow you to be one month ahead so you don’t have to suffer another experience like that.

I know it`s completely different but my GP has allowed me to have 12 tablets for gout, just in case it starts again and so I can start medicating immediately I get the first sign.

As for the canaries. They sound pretty complex little birds and I hope you have more success than last time.
I see it hasn’t taken long for you to have to separate them when the breeder said they’ve always been together. 🤞🤞🤞they’ll be ok now one is with your son.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Glad the cleaner worked well.

I don’t know how big your house is. Mine is small

In one and a half hours my cleaner does the kitchen and bathroom and toilet thoroughly and vacs and polishes living and bedrooms and mops tiled floors. She does windows when necessary


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hello @jennifer1967

Somehow I’ve missed the trauma of your missing medication and the news of you two new canaries.

Can insulin be stored? If it can perhaps your GP will allow you to be one month ahead so you don’t have to suffer another experience like that.

I know it`s completely different but my GP has allowed me to have 12 tablets for gout, just in case it starts again and so I can start medicating immediately I get the first sign.

As for the canaries. They sound pretty complex little birds and I hope you have more success than last time.
I see it hasn’t taken long for you to have to separate them when the breeder said they’ve always been together. 🤞🤞🤞they’ll be ok now one is with your son.
they can give me 5 insulin pens and i put them in the fridge until i need them. ive got 2 different ones. i put my prescription in 2 weeks before i run out. they had only given me 3 so owed another 2. they are stored in the fridge so the deliver bloke has to get them out. he forgot!!!!! my morphine tablets is another problem and i will have to check tomorrow.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@jennifer1967 , I know how you feel. It's a sort of guilt that someone is doing something you did last week. And being there while they do it doesn't help.
But... You'll get used to it and feel better for it.

I remember when the gardener started here. I felt most of what he did I could do but he also did some that I struggled with. Then I saw him pick up the garden weed bag. A bag I two handedly struggled with to take through the garage to the garden waste bin in the front garden. He picked it up one handed and walked off with it like it was lifting nothing. Knew then that having him do it was the right thing!

Enjoy having one less job to do😊