My Oli


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Well, I went this morning and he's even less responsive than yesterday. I asked him to open his eyes, nothing. Asked him to squeeze my hand, nothing. So I sat there and just talked to him. I told him of the family and friends who send their love. I talked about our earlier life, and of course how much I and our two daughters love him. I just hope he was able to hear.
only now can I fully appreciate the desperation Dutchman felt when he talked about sitting in his car and crying his eyes out. I have now joined that club.
Thank you everyone for your support and understanding. We shall have to see what the next week brings.
Oh Bugs I feel so sad for you. I know exactly how you feel. That waiting, talking with no response. I went through all that. Trying to get him to just open his eyes, move his hand etc. Can they not operate? Mine got to a point where it was operate or that was it. Then only a 1 in 4 chance he'd pull through, with the added problem that if he did, he might just end up a vegetable. The nights I just sat in the hospital by his bed all night were horrible.
When it all turned out 'successful,' He was discharged to be bed bound so it was a hard slog rehabilitating him. He finally managed to walk unaided and climb steps. But it took a great deal of time and he's really struggled with the life change since. Not driving, not being able to build etc.
Now he has dementia, so I often wonder if he should have just passed 9 years ago, rather than now having to go through all the added pain of this terrible illness.
My thoughts are with you ((hugs))


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Oh Bugs I feel so sad for you. I know exactly how you feel. That waiting, talking with no response. I went through all that. Trying to get him to just open his eyes, move his hand etc. Can they not operate? Mine got to a point where it was operate or that was it. Then only a 1 in 4 chance he'd pull through, with the added problem that if he did, he might just end up a vegetable. The nights I just sat in the hospital by his bed all night were horrible.
When it all turned out 'successful,' He was discharged to be bed bound so it was a hard slog rehabilitating him. He finally managed to walk unaided and climb steps. But it took a great deal of time and he's really struggled with the life change since. Not driving, not being able to build etc.
Now he has dementia, so I often wonder if he should have just passed 9 years ago, rather than now having to go through all the added pain of this terrible illness.
My thoughts are with you ((hugs))
Thank you so much #jay6. I went to the hospital this morning and they were trying to get him to swallow. He managed some water from a mug and a little bit of custard without choking to that a big step forward. He still needs the feeding tube to get sufficient nutrition but it’s a big step forward. Plus he managed to move his left foot a bit! He still can’t move or support his head but maybe one day I will go there and see his head is no longer leaning over to one side. I can only hope.
I’m so very sorry to hear what LO went through. My Oli has had dementia for the last 3 1/2 years and this massive stroke on top of the dementia felt like a real slap in face.
Life can be so cruel can’t it?


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My darling Oli passed away this morning. As a family we are heartbroken but for him it was a release. His poor body was so damaged by the massive stroke that his poor body could not cope. We will miss him forever but we will remember so many happy memories.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2023
My heart goes out to you and your family. Sending you my deepest condolences at this sad time.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m so sorry for your loss @Bugs. I’m glad your Oli is at peace now. Wishing you strength. Please keep posting here for support.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2023
My darling Oli passed away this morning. As a family we are heartbroken but for him it was a release. His poor body was so damaged by the massive stroke that his poor body could not cope. We will miss him forever but we will remember so many happy memories.
So very sorry for your loss x


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Sincere condolences for your loss. I hope that you and your family can find some solace in the knowledge that Oli’s suffering is over. Take good care.