My Nan


New member
Dec 11, 2023
My Nan has had dementia for over 5 years now however the past couple of days we have notice her deteriorating. She can’t stand on her own anymore, she isn’t making sense when talking. Asking her questions we get one word answers. She’s sleeping in the day and can bearly hold her head up. My mom is very worried that it is end of life. I guess my question is ? Is it end of life ? How long do we have with her? How can we make this easier for her?

My mom is worried if we call an ambulance or anything she will be taken to hospital and not come out.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Grandaught3r and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. If these changes have occurred suddenly over the last couple of days it is possible that your Nan has a UTI (Urine Tract Infection) or other infection. These can have quite a dramatic effect of a person with dementia so I would suggest that your mum arranges a urine test with your Nan's GP as a matter of urgency.
I can understand why your mum does not want your Nan to go into hospital but if her condition gets worse it really would be best to call 111 for advice.
As far as 'end of life' is concerned it would not be possible for us to say whether or not this is the case but I would repeat again that if your mum has any doubts about your Nan's health it really would be best to contact her GP or 111.


Registered User
I see you have received great advice above, and hope you've acted on it. If your Nan isn't making sense when talking and can hardly hold her head up then I would suggest you urgently contact 111 and/or GP.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Grandaught3r and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum from me also. There is a lot of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us.
Certainly the advice @SeaSwallow has given is sound and I too hope you have done so. There is nothing more I can add.
Once this immediate medical issue is sorted, I hope you will find this forum useful for information, and any particular advice if you need it, do just ask, as members here really do want to help.