My mum has alzheimers


New member
Jun 6, 2024
My mum is dying of this awful desease but my stepdad wont let me see her..He has never liked me but to do this is absolutly destroying me..Can anyone give me any advice as i just dont know where to turn..I recently tried to ring him and he told me if i go to the house he will call the police..He even said its because of me she had the desease as he thinks her drinking heavily was the cause of it..I just dont know where or who to turn to..Thankyou


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Michaelball1 and welcome to the forum but sorry that you are having such a difficult time trying to see your mum, it's so hard when family relationships break down. Has your step dad previously let you visit her? It sounds like he may possibly have some health issues himself and it might be helpful to contact adult social services in their area to let them know that you are concerned about your mum to see what they can advise. As this is quite a complex situation I'd suggest contacting the Dementia Support Line too as they are very knowledgeable and will hopefully be able to suggest a way forward for you.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @Michaelball1.

I’m so sorry to read about your situation. It must be incredibly hurtful. I can only echo the advice to call the support line and social services.

I hope the support and understanding you will find here will also be of comfort to you.


New member
Jun 6, 2024
Welcome from me too @Michaelball1.

I’m so sorry to read about your situation. It must be incredibly hurtful. I can only echo the advice to call the support line and social services.

I hope the support and understanding you will find here will also be of comfort to you.