My loss of hearing proving a problem


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
I have worn hearing aids for over 30 years and hearing without them is now almost non existent and is causing me great concern in regard to Paulines safety. An example was Wednesday night when, at some time during the night, she got up for the loo but fell banging her head on airing cupboard door and then struggled to get up, or so she told me in the morning as I never heard a thing! I have motion lights on the landing which illuminate as soon as bedroom door is opened and almost always this wakens me so that I am aware of her being out of bed but not if she has fallen before opening the door or indeed in the loo. I have strobe light/vibrating pad under my mattress for smoke alarms and don’t want to have similar if she gets out of bed as it can be frightening and first reaction is 999. So, are there alternatives or tips to help me in the future that anyone can recommend from personal experience Please?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Agzy.

I had a rug sized pad on the floor on my husband`s side of the bed which activated the vibrator under my pillow whenever he got out of bed. . There is no strobe lighting, just the vibration which I have for the smoke alarm.

This was because he got up in the night to make tea and toast. I had no idea until I found cold tea the next morning in the kitchen as well as some toast still in the toaster. He didn`t drink the tea or eat the toast and had obviously been distracted and forgotten what he had been doing. If the toast had stuck in the toaster, there would have been a fire.

This happened with my mother and her kitchen curtains went up in flames.

You might be able to get an attachment to the vibrator without the light.