My husband is to be discharged to a care home.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2018
The good thing about Talking Point is that no matter what kind of problem you are coping with you can bet that others will have faced exactly the same and can offer advice and understanding.
Thank you


Registered User
Apr 2, 2022
My partner is about to be discharged from hospital to go into a care home, I have visited it a few times on my own and once with my partner. I have also been told that at the moment I can only visit him in his room or in the garden. Face masks still have to be worn here as well

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
@mickeyplum Mum had a very good day today so I had a successful visit. We were chatting away when I got the usual "do I have to stay here?" but this was followed up by "It IS nice here". It's taken 6 weeks, some very rough days but those were the best words I've heard all year.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2022
@mickeyplum Mum had a very good day today so I had a successful visit. We were chatting away when I got the usual "do I have to stay here?" but this was followed up by "It IS nice here". It's taken 6 weeks, some very rough days but those were the best words I've heard all year.
I think TP could do with a ‘like’ or ‘love’ emoji for posts like this!


Registered User
Feb 22, 2018
My husband was 94 on the 10th of September.
It was only his 10th day in the Care Home but when I sat in his room with him and asked if he was tired he replied, 'Not tired, just relaxed and contented.' After seeing him look so lost when we visited It was music to my ears. He really looked contented, with no talk of where was he, or what's going on?
In such a short time the staff have got him out of his wheelchair and back on his walking-frame. We are all so thankful he's settling but I wish I didn't still feel so desolate.
His birthday was lovely for him so why did I spend all that day heartbroken , wishing I as making him his special birthday meal as I've done through the years?
Anyway, this message is really meant to reassure other carers whose loved ones are just going into a Home , or are not settling. Stay cheerful when you visit so they get the idea they are in a safe place that you trust, and my final tip is, when they ask where you are going as you leave, I've found it best not to mention 'home' and just say I was off to the shops and would see him later.