My husband has been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia.


New member
Dec 2, 2023
My husbandry is not accepting the diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia. Instead, he is obsessed with transferring a large sum of money to a personal trainer that has already conned him out of money. I had a lawyer warn her off in October. Still, my husband begs me every day to let him wire a very large sum of money to her. In the last week, he is asking our daughter to convince me to let him wire the money. Today he threatened me that "the **** will hit the fan" if I don't agree to let him wire the money and agree to let him have unlimited calls, texts, videos with her. I am at a loss on how to respond to this.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @ToyonToots and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. What a difficult situation you are in. I don't know anything about Dementia with Lewy Bodies but there are others here who do. I am not sure that you can do much more than you are. If he would accept that, for instance, the personal trainer is no longer taking on clients (it does not have to be true) that might help, although I suspect that he might then develop a different obsession.

This booklet gives a general overview of Dementia with Lewy Bodies:

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Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @ToyonToots

Unfortunately, most people with dementia do not believe that they have dementia - it is, in itself, one of the symptoms. My OH does not have LBD, but he too developed an obsession with giving money away - I think it is relatively common with most types of dementia. I had to change our accounts so that he did not have access to our savings.

If he is unable to send money on his own, then the only thing to do is to dig your heels in and tough it out. Eventually the obsession will pass, but something else will probably take its place...


New member
Dec 2, 2023
Hello @ToyonToots

Unfortunately, most people with dementia do not believe that they have dementia - it is, in itself, one of the symptoms. My OH does not have LBD, but he too developed an obsession with giving money away - I think it is relatively common with most types of dementia. I had to change our accounts so that he did not have access to our savings.

If he is unable to send money on his own, then the only thing to do is to dig your heels in and tough it out. Eventually the obsession will pass, but something else will probably take its place...
Thank you for this advice. I figured this was sadly the reality of my situation.

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