Welcome some advice.


New member
Apr 15, 2024
My husband has Lewy Body Dementia, I've been grieving every day for the past 3 years and some days I find it unbearable, as I long for for him to be as he was but I know this will never happen. I visit every weekend and have to fight back the tears as I don't want him to see. Please help me with how others cope.
This is my first cry for help.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2024
I've just want to give you a massive hug.

The trick is to keep breathing, you have been so strong for so long. Nothing I can say will fix it but please know you are not alone and it's important to know you are already doing so much by being there. It's okay if you need to take some time for you too, do not feel guilty... I can feel in your words how much you love him and nothing will change that.

On a personal note, I recommend trying to do something you used to enjoy, even if just for a few hours a week... gardening, cooking, crafting or catching up with family/friends, maybe even watching some shows you like, whatever it is that you can lose yourself in for a bit. And go easy on yourself, emotions are tough but they are healthy expression of how you feel, sometimes you just gotta let it out. Its just not easy, but there is a great deal of support on this site, x


New member
Apr 15, 2024
I've just want to give you a massive hug.

The trick is to keep breathing, you have been so strong for so long. Nothing I can say will fix it but please know you are not alone and it's important to know you are already doing so much by being there. It's okay if you need to take some time for you too, do not feel guilty... I can feel in your words how much you love him and nothing will change that.

On a personal note, I recommend trying to do something you used to enjoy, even if just for a few hours a week... gardening, cooking, crafting or catching up with family/friends, maybe even watching some shows you like, whatever it is that you can lose yourself in for a bit. And go easy on yourself, emotions are tough but they are healthy expression of how you feel, sometimes you just gotta let it out. Its just not easy, but there is a great deal of support on this site, x
Thank you so much for your reply, I'm crying reading your message, I've just felt so alone and i now know I need help. My husband is on my mind from when I wake to when I close my eyes. I will try to do things but it's very hard. I'm glad I've now have this forum for help. Thank you again.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2024
Thank you so much for your reply, I'm crying reading your message, I've just felt so alone and i now know I need help. My husband is on my mind from when I wake to when I close my eyes. I will try to do things but it's very hard. I'm glad I've now have this forum for help. Thank you again.
Be gentle on yourself, and please do reach out for help and support, you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and truly, it's important to get some rest and find yourself again. I know that's easier said than done, but just take one moment at a time, one day at a time, try and do something small for yourself. :) Allow yourself the space to grieve too, it's only natural, so no need to fight the emotions, just let them come and go as they please. Crying can help us heal, sometimes we need to process the feelings so we don't get swamped by them. Keep posting here too, many people are struggling through and together we can support each other a little through the good days and the bad. You are never alone. Remember that.

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