My father has Alzheimer's


New member
Oct 25, 2023
Hi Iam daughter who along with her older sister is caring for her father who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2019 but as you know it started earlier than that. The main up shot is my father was taken in to hospital 9 weeks ago with minor stroke. He was declared medically fit in the first week but members of the other medical profession o.t.s and nursing staff decided to keep him a further 8 weeks in hospital waiting to see if made their benchmarks and a care package which fell through . If my sister had fought to get him discharged he would still be stuck in hospital in a single room scared and shouting because of the unfamiliar surrounding and too many people he didn't know. Now we have him home his old bedroom has had to be changed so to accommodate one of their home style hospital bed. The father we knew before he went into hospital is gone , it steady was lost over the prolonged stay in hospital. My sister and I are caring for him at home but he still thinks he's in hospital.we try explain to him but he panics all the time . This cause us to either cry or especially me anger frustrated to try to get through to him . I am angry at the nursing and caring staff they accelerated my father's Alzheimer's and now we are dealing the fallout .I said to my sister I never want to that hospital again .


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @maseour2

Hospital is frightening and confusing for people with dementia and it must be very frustrating for you to not be able to convince your dad he is home. Is your dad still mobile or is he in his room all the time? It might help to convince your dad he’s home if he can move into the rest of the house but if you can’t manage this you might find that entering your dad’s reality and agreeing that he is in hospital but will be going home very soon might calm him. Just keep repeating as necessary.

Do you have carers to help or is it just you and your sister?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I agree with @Bunpoots,. @maseour2

A hospital stay, a stroke and changing your father`s room will have all contributed to his increased confusion

It is possible this may ease as time goes by but until then just go along with whatever he says but reassure him by saying you will be staying with him.

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