Mums friend has left her care home

Starfish 2

New member
Dec 6, 2019
Hi l haven't been in for a while. My mum moved into a care home 18 months ago. Before dementia she was independent and liked her own company..she became a danger to her self by leaving her house to find people not talking too. We had to put her in a care home she hit it off with a lady and they became inseparable now this lady has left the care home. My mum is stressed and lonely. There are no other residents for her to bond with. I can't sleep for wondering what to do for the best. Anyone else with this experience l am afraid she will just give up. Sorry my post isb so long Thanks


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @Starfish 2

I’m sorry to hear your mum has lost her best friend. It’s a shame there is nobody else at the moment for your mum to bond with - perhaps someone will move in soon.
In the meantime could you have a word with the staff at the carehome and see if they could encourage a new friendship? Or perhaps they could encourage your mum to join in with suitable activities which might spark a new friendship.
My mum had a friend who left but eventually found a new one. I hope someone comes along soon.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2023
Hello and welcome to the forum @Starfish 2

I'm so sorry to hear that your mum has lost a good friend. It sounds like they really hit it off. What an awful shame.

@Bunpoots makes a really good suggestion! It might be an idea to mention it to the care home staff and see if they can encourage some socialisation. Hopefully a bit of a distraction will help with the loneliness and yield a new friend for your mum.