Mum is going into hospital


Registered User
Oct 20, 2004
Mum is going into hospital so that they can change the anti-psychotic drugs that she’s on (and see if they can improve her behaviour).

She will be in for 4-6 weeks, I wondered if anyone had any experience of this?

I’m worried how she’ll be when she comes out, at the moment she barely knows us and I think she is only aware that we’re ‘familiar’ rather than who we are. She can get around Dad’s house okay, but not mine and I’m worried that when she comes home she’ll be disorientated?

I can’t help feel this is preparation for full time care, again, has anyone found that the adjustment of coming back home after something like this means that people don’t adjust to being home again?

Lastly, visiting. Since there’s only Dad and I to visit, I’m not looking forward to it. Hospital visiting is long at the best of times (with people that can communicate), has anyone any tips on how to entertain her in any way at all while we are there?


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Hi Mandy,

I've read posts on here about further confusion resulting from a hospital stay, but also some hopeful ones where the extra confusion calms down once the sufferer has re-settled.

A lot may also depend on how successful the medication review is.

On the occasions my mum was in hospital, I'd just ramble on about what was happening at home, pretty much as I did when I visited her at home. I'd also stroke her hands or hair. It's easier if there are two of you then you can have a conversation and try to include your mum in the conversation by looking at her and making her feel a part of things. We did that a lot, even though on the last occasion, mum was clearly not responding.

Wishing you all the best xx

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