Mother newly diagnosed

Splashing About

Registered User
Oct 20, 2019
Is it really about the hallucinations and that time of night or do you feel the rest of the day is difficult for her?


Registered User
Jan 5, 2020
Yes it’s definitely the evenings and the hallucinations but she does go through stages where it’s worse. I wondered whether it’s stress over Christmas that makes her worse. I didn’t know you could get sitters in at night x

Splashing About

Registered User
Oct 20, 2019
I think private arrangement carers and agency are flexible. My mums privately arranged carer slept overnight in one persons was a lot of money however compared to a nursing home probably cheaper. You might just need her to sit there until your mum fell asleep and then leave?


Registered User
Dec 23, 2019
I’m in a similar situation with mum and have now moved in for 8 months, after that I’m scared. Sadly since moving in have noticed that things are a lot worse than I thought, mum is unable to even make a cup of tea sometimes and can be found putting the teabag in the kettle, with hot steam etc. If o don’t get breakfast ready she will just eat biscuits. We had carers in 3 times a week but she was refusing a shower so by the time I arrived she hadn’t showered for 2 weeks. Turns out she had forgotten how to do it, I still have a battle some mornings but most of the time if I guide her through it we get it done. Also noticed that she has a huge bruise on her back and her feet are shocking again even though when I stayed in Summer got them fixed up. I find stuff tucked into drawers all the time and other stuff goes missing. Mum has nightmares but not too often and since I’ve been there hasn’t seen anyone “on the sofa”. I have realised though that we thought she was capable of doing far more than she is and she continues to fool people that phone or visit. Today there are 4 open yoghurts in the fridge as she looked into each one to choose. She doesn’t know who did it. All I’m saying is even if you move in things can and do go wrong so don’t beat yourself up about not being able to do it. But also be careful about relying on carers as limits to what they can do and at £22 per hour 24 hour care is impractical. I moved in with the intention of organising a care home in the future but have made a rod for my own back really as she is quite capable of staying at home if I stay here and she still has strong opinions and yes can be assertive and manipulating but is totally incapable of living on her own. So yes sitters at night could solve your immediate problem if you are totally sure that she is ok during the day. Mum was very good at hiding the problems she faced daily.

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