Memory clinic

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hello again 🤗

Mum has an appointment coming up at the memory clinic.
I've been told that they're going to speak to me before the appointment.

Has anyone else done this?
I don't want to say the wrong thing! In terms of not wanting to sound worse than she is, or better than she is🤔
Whatever she has confuses me because sometimes she's seemingly fine and then a moment later she's repeating herself or asking me what someone is talking about that she's just been chatting too!

Also, at which point does someone nolonger live independently?
Right now mum is fine but a year from now I've no idea 😔 I don't know if I should be thinking about putting her name on a residential home waiting list for example🤔

Thanks once again 😃


Registered User
Jul 19, 2023
Hello again 🤗

Mum has an appointment coming up at the memory clinic.
I've been told that they're going to speak to me before the appointment.

Has anyone else done this?
I don't want to say the wrong thing! In terms of not wanting to sound worse than she is, or better than she is🤔
Whatever she has confuses me because sometimes she's seemingly fine and then a moment later she's repeating herself or asking me what someone is talking about that she's just been chatting too!

Also, at which point does someone nolonger live independently?
Right now mum is fine but a year from now I've no idea 😔 I don't know if I should be thinking about putting her name on a residential home waiting list for example🤔

Thanks once again 😃
Hi @Daughters concerns
When I go with my husband to the memory clinic, my husband is very sensitive about what is discussed in front of him. When I used to be asked in front of him, even if I was very mild about what had happened, there was always a reaction towards me at home( angry , shouting etc.) which left me exhausted and more and more fearful of speaking up.
In the end I said to the clinical team that I did not feel comfortable talking about him in his presence and now they take him into the clinic room first and then he waits in the waiting room ,while they invite me in and I can then tell them freely what the main issues are
Take the opportunity to be really open with the memory clinic as they will really appreciate to know your perspective. I think the description you write in your post is an excellent one to pass on to them as it really describes what you have witnessed.
Another tip is to type out what is worrying you, so even if you do not want to say it you could hand it to the team at the appointment. Lots of us are on your journey so hope this helps. Best wishes


Registered User
Oct 19, 2023
I was invited to fill in a form before the visit where I could tell then a history and my thoughts about it. I think as much information as possible was the way to go for me.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I spent an hour with a member of staff at the memory clinic talking about my husband while he was off having neuropsychological testing. I prepared for it, writing notes about things that I felt were unusual for him, his behaviour and lapses in his day to day functioning.

I think you need to be quite honest about what you know as that is the only way your mum can get the right diagnosis and treatment.

At review we had with the consultant, we would have a short chat about my husband while he was doing the MMSE tests , BP etc. and to be honest, I felt that I was being heard too.

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