Is It Still Possible That I Could See My Friend Over Xmas?


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
from what i understand and someone will correct me if im wrong, the support bubble came about because of the lonliness of a single person living on their own not necessarily for someone needing care. yes there is a rule about about single people in relationship able to go to the other and stay overnight which would then become one household. there is a separate rule about helping with caring of a vulnerable person and giving the carer respite.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
im so lost as to the rules as there is advice for the clinically extremely vulnerable which in husband is that that shouldnt form xmas bubbles at all because of the higher risk with mixing with higher number of people. every time i read it, it says something different to me. its the tiers that are making the problems because there are different rules.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I agree, I let you read the whole lot rather than multiquote.

The confusing bit is that there are two sets of rules and guidance, travel and meeting people.

A lot of it is only guidance and not in statute.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Yes I keep checking the rules and the one about changing the social bubble is still there.



Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
I'm totally confused by it all. Our son, who lives alone, is in our support bubble and we've seen him a few times since March. When we realised what the rules were he came home last night rather than Monday which was what he was intending. We're all in Tier 4, just at opposite sides of London. I think strictly by the book we've broken the law, but he sounded so sad when he thought our plans would be dashed that I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him there. He did have an antibody test at work on Friday so he knows he hasn't had covid, but he's not fighting it at the moment either.
On Friday my husband came back from a three day visit to his extremely vulnerable mother, whose in Tier 3. He's supposed to be going up again between Christmas and New Year. I really don't think that is a good idea. It's not as though she doesn't have other support, and I think he'd be putting her a risk if he went.


Registered User
May 21, 2014
To clarify, back in the early days it was permitted for couples living separately (like us) to form a bubble.

We have maintained this closed bubble, neither of us is in a support bubble with anyone else, in fact we both live like hermits!
It's fine, you can still do that, support bubbles still exist, if you read the guidance I have posted above.

The rules are confusing and while we should all aim to stick to them, I understand loneliness (I'm probably going to be on my own now too if all the borders close against the UK), and I don't think the police will knock on doors to interrupt your Christmas. Be careful, avoid risks, but none of this is our personal fault - mental health is important too, and basically cancelling Christmas with days to go and people having made plans is incredibly cruel. I will certainly not judge anyone who bends the rules a little.
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Registered User
Nov 20, 2011
Our son also lives alone, following the terribly sad break up of his relationship, and he is coming to us on Christmas Eve until the day after Boxing Day. We are both in tier 4 and he needs to be with us for his mental health.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
My friend is still coming at Xmas but I did feel bad about her ex-husband as he was looking forward. As @Beate says we had days to go and I've just finished my therapy and my friend is on anti-depressants. My brother is still spending Xmas with his partner's nan but he is aware that if he is doing this we can't mix and I am with my friend we can't mix. It wasn't as if they were going to have me in a Xmas bubble.



Registered User
Apr 3, 2019
I'm totally confused by it all. Our son, who lives alone, is in our support bubble and we've seen him a few times since March. When we realised what the rules were he came home last night rather than Monday which was what he was intending. We're all in Tier 4, just at opposite sides of London. I think strictly by the book we've broken the law, but he sounded so sad when he thought our plans would be dashed that I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him there. He did have an antibody test at work on Friday so he knows he hasn't had covid, but he's not fighting it at the moment either.
On Friday my husband came back from a three day visit to his extremely vulnerable mother, whose in Tier 3. He's supposed to be going up again between Christmas and New Year. I really don't think that is a good idea. It's not as though she doesn't have other support, and I think he'd be putting her a risk if he went.
I think if you're both in tier four for these purposes it's probably fine: travelling from four to three less of a good idea!


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
I haven't been out of Essex for months but I've been obeying all the rules but angry when other people get too close.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
could do with one of those sticks that attaches to bikes so cars dont get too close. because we are in a lower tier[tier 2] people seem to be complacent with wont happen to us sort of mentality and no doubt neighbour will be flouting the rules anyway at christmas. rules dont apply to some people. the police had to break up a party in lock down locally


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
havent been out for months that could of ended in disaster. putting my husbands socks on, missed the seat and fell. there is a moment in mid air that says this is going to hurt. the way i got up was the height of grace and elegance. he said he was too slow to take pictures. his phone would have been socially distance from himself. my right leg is not working properly this morning


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
havent been out for months that could of ended in disaster. putting my husbands socks on, missed the seat and fell. there is a moment in mid air that says this is going to hurt. the way i got up was the height of grace and elegance. he said he was too slow to take pictures. his phone would have been socially distance from himself. my right leg is not working properly this morning
Dear @jennifer1967,

I hope you are okay!



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
yes my right leg has a mind of its own and my back was worse hence the fall. if i couldnt get up im named on the falls alert so he only needed to press the button. just a few more aches. sat on floor to put his socks on. took wind out of my sails. onward and upwards

anxious annie

Registered User
Jan 2, 2019
Hi @Jaded'n'faded , the new tier 4 guidance ( sorry I can't put up the link as technology not my strong point) says that you can travel out of tier 4 for legally permitted reasons such as visit (including staying overnight with) those in your support bubble ....
Your boyfriend can travel to be with you at anytime and for any length of time , but I think he has to obey tier 4 rules when he's with you, not tier 3.
I've just travelled from Bedfordshire (tier 4) to High Peak tier 3 to see mum in her care home ( window visit) , then on to tier 2 to see MIL as we are her support bubble.
It does advise to keep support bubbles local ( if you can), but if your loved one happens to be in another part of the country it is ok to travel.
Hope you have a lovely Christmas together. To be honest your boyfriend will probably be low risk as we're actually in lockdown now here in tier 4!


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Hi @Jaded'n'faded , the new tier 4 guidance ( sorry I can't put up the link as technology not my strong point) says that you can travel out of tier 4 for legally permitted reasons such as visit (including staying overnight with) those in your support bubble ....
Your boyfriend can travel to be with you at anytime and for any length of time , but I think he has to obey tier 4 rules when he's with you, not tier 3.
I've just travelled from Bedfordshire (tier 4) to High Peak tier 3 to see mum in her care home ( window visit) , then on to tier 2 to see MIL as we are her support bubble.
It does advise to keep support bubbles local ( if you can), but if your loved one happens to be in another part of the country it is ok to travel.
Hope you have a lovely Christmas together. To be honest your boyfriend will probably be low risk as we're actually in lockdown now here in tier 4!
Thanks @anxious annie . I can't decide if our original bubble still counts with the new restrictions. My understanding - until the latest announcement - was that we could meet at any time, stay overnight, etc. but I'm not so sure now, particularly because of the 'Christmas day only' rules in other tiers. He lives 4 hours drive away.

But we have decided - on balance - that it's best if he stays home. He was due to come up tomorrow (my birthday). Although we might be able to argue the case for him coming up, it doesn't seem right or in the spirit of things. I need to add - he was diagnosed with leukaemia in the summer. Although we're both low risk as we don't see many people, we'd be going shopping and things like that so probably best to give it a miss. It's not a big deal. I'm actually more concerned that I haven't seen my kids since last new year and am unlikely to see them anytime soon. They live in Hull and none of us has transport so it's a nightmare to get to without boyfriend's car.

So the turkey crown will stay in the freezer. I'll have a ready meal, share it with the cats and stay in my Christmas jim-jams all day.

Altogether now: Good King Wenceslas locked down, on the Feast of Stephen...

anxious annie

Registered User
Jan 2, 2019
Hi @Jaded'n'faded , I'm pretty certain your original bubble still counts, even on Christmas Day, but under the circumstances I can understand you being cautious.
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year


Registered User
Jun 12, 2020
Question for MartinWL or anyone else that can answer.

In relation to Tiers 1 - 3, care home visiting guidelines are issued by the Department of Health & Social Care, but are more restrictive than the enacted regulations - The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020.

The Regulations provide (for example, Tier 3 Schedule 3 indoor visiting exceptions at 5.3 ):

..... "that the person concerned (“P”) is visiting a person (“V”) receiving treatment in a hospital or staying in a hospice or care home, or is accompanying V to a medical appointment and P is—
(a) a member of V's household, (b) a close family member of V, or (c) a friend of V."

Does anyone know the legal basis of the Department of Health & Social Care guidelines?
There isn't a legal aspect to guidance. It is advice. You don't have to follow it. But you must follow the regulations. Of course it may be a good
idea to heed the advice but you do have discretion.