Im Julie, my mum has had Alziemers for 8 years.


New member
Feb 24, 2024
Hello everyone! My mum has had Alziemers for 8 years until recently, was very mild symptoms. Last year she had a brain haemorrhage and had surgery, she developed delirium and was hallucinating for a few days but after 2 weeks she went home and recovered well. Beginning of January this year she has a fall and sustained fractures to her arm and pelvis, then developed Urosepsis followed by Pneumonia! At one stage, she was unable to feed herself and did not recognise us. Almost 8 weeks on, she is now in rehab and is desperate to go home. She has been hallucinating again when tired and has lost her short term memory. Dr's say this is her new baseline and I am concerned about her going home. She has agreed to a care package but as previously very independent keeps forgetting the impact that this admission has had on her. Could all the trauma and infections have 'excellerated' her Alziemers? Not sure she will recover from this now, it has been a shock as progression has been slow until this hospital admission. Sorry for the long post!!! Just need to talk about it 😞


Registered User
Jan 24, 2024
Hello everyone! My mum has had Alziemers for 8 years until recently, was very mild symptoms. Last year she had a brain haemorrhage and had surgery, she developed delirium and was hallucinating for a few days but after 2 weeks she went home and recovered well. Beginning of January this year she has a fall and sustained fractures to her arm and pelvis, then developed Urosepsis followed by Pneumonia! At one stage, she was unable to feed herself and did not recognise us. Almost 8 weeks on, she is now in rehab and is desperate to go home. She has been hallucinating again when tired and has lost her short term memory. Dr's say this is her new baseline and I am concerned about her going home. She has agreed to a care package but as previously very independent keeps forgetting the impact that this admission has had on her. Could all the trauma and infections have 'excellerated' her Alziemers? Not sure she will recover from this now, it has been a shock as progression has been slow until this hospital admission. Sorry for the long post!!! Just need to talk about it 😞
I'm sorry that this is happening to you and you're mother, my mum is in rehab to for her mobility and the social worker has said she has lost capacity and she also can't remember new information now after her stroke, I feel it's the uncertainty of the unknown that is really worring, but there are people on here who offer good insight and suggestions, and it's nice to be able to share feelings and ideas,with others on here who have similar experiences. I hope things work out, wishing you lot's of support💐💐


New member
Feb 24, 2024
Thank you, it really is true that we are living with it too, never knew how quickly things could change. Best wishes to you too x


Registered User
Jan 24, 2024
Thank you, it really is true that we are living with it too, never knew how quickly things could change. Best wishes to you too x
Thank you, yep things change at the drop of a hat, and leave us with stuff we never expected, they definitely don't tell you all this in school and what to except, it just feels like you get it thrown at you and are expected to muddle though it all.If I didnt find this forum I feel like I would be all alone in not knowing what is going off it's been a great help, reading about other's life experiences and how they handle stuff,and getting advise and knowing it isn't just a few people going few these things and that we are all trying to navigate a path together.💐💐


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @jchu45 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to hear about your situation. There's no need to apologise for posting here as being able to write things down can in itself be a relief. Here, whatever you wish to share will be taken seriously by people who empathise and truly understand all of the challenges that dementia brings. You can ask questions, join conversations or come here whenever you need to let off steam.