I'm an only child caring for my mother - finance questions


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
Ah interesting, thanks Sue31 I will have a bit of a look into this. I'm based in Solihull so will look to see if I can find similar cases in the area.

Thanks for the info
I’d definately have a chat with citizens advice about selling up & moving in full time. Especially if you are approaching or over 60.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Soli99

If you are over 60 (or very, very close) then selling your house and moving in with your mum is indeed an option as the house would be disregarded when she moved into a care home (if you are 60 or over at that point) all the while you are living in it.

The downside of this is that your mum would not be self-funded, but would be reliant on LA funding and if there is a relative living with the person with dementia then it takes a lot longer to persuade SS that the person needs to move into a care home. Quite often the carer has to be literally at breaking point before they do anything. The person with dementia is their client, not the carer, so they are only looking at whether the person with dementias needs are being met and dont consider the carer. If you have sold your own home you may find yourself trapped


Registered User
Jun 10, 2022
Chadderton near Oldham
Hi ged62red, thanks for the info. Unfortunately I'm still a way off getting my pension. I do have a SIPP but I don't really want to making use of that yet. Thanks for all the info though :)
Hi Soli99 I was giving advice about your mother claiming Pension Credit in essence as you have an LPA presumably for financial matters you would do it - sorry for any confusion and sorry about late reply -