I’m on holiday again


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
Thought I’d share my new holiday experience. My sister has rented a 2 bedroom flat in Benalmadena Spain for 4weeks so decided to join her for 5 days but then thought better if we stay with her for couple then hotel for 3 days.

Journey started well - another sister decided to travel with us so we picked her up and drove to Meet and greet at East Midlands airport. That was very slick and easy.

I wore lanyard this time - queued as normal for bag drop as short queue. Had prepared for security this time Oh had no bag, no belt, nothing in pockets and shoes with thin soles so apart from short Kerfuffle to get him through the right screening gate again easy peasy.

Not too bad waiting for gate no.to come up and short wait at gate before let onto tarmac to queue again to walk to plane (Why let us out if plane not ready - I don’t know). So Oh very niftily climbed through a 3 foot high gate to walk directly to back of plane ‘to check our bags had been loaded’. Took me, my brother in law and 3 ( luckily very nice) security guys to persuade him back through the fence. On the bright side we were escorted on to the plane first so every cloud and all that. In Malaga airport we were whisked to front for security and bags ready when we got there. At this point it was once again - never going abroad again - but lovely sunshine, food and wine and iI’m already back to well-maybe. Travelling home on our own so we’ll see what that brings.

To be serious I did feel the lanyard was very wellrecognised this time and I think the 3rd security guy was called as he was dementia trained as he was very relaxed and said take your time to persuade him back through the gate.

Hope this is helpful for anyone venturing abroad.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
I found the staff at European airports were so much more reponsive to health needs. In Portugal they took one look at my husband and there was magically a wheelchair and escort for us


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
I always enjoy reading your posts about going on holiday - hope all goes well for you and your family


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
I too enjoy your posts about your holidays. It’s good that the lanyard is recognised and that security dealt so well with your husband’s unauthorised visit to the back of the plane.
Safe journey home.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
I’m glad everything is going well so far. I always enjoy your posts. I imagine how my husband would react to doing the things your husband is doing.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Thought I’d share my new holiday experience. My sister has rented a 2 bedroom flat in Benalmadena Spain for 4weeks so decided to join her for 5 days but then thought better if we stay with her for couple then hotel for 3 days.

Journey started well - another sister decided to travel with us so we picked her up and drove to Meet and greet at East Midlands airport. That was very slick and easy.

I wore lanyard this time - queued as normal for bag drop as short queue. Had prepared for security this time Oh had no bag, no belt, nothing in pockets and shoes with thin soles so apart from short Kerfuffle to get him through the right screening gate again easy peasy.

Not too bad waiting for gate no.to come up and short wait at gate before let onto tarmac to queue again to walk to plane (Why let us out if plane not ready - I don’t know). So Oh very niftily climbed through a 3 foot high gate to walk directly to back of plane ‘to check our bags had been loaded’. Took me, my brother in law and 3 ( luckily very nice) security guys to persuade him back through the fence. On the bright side we were escorted on to the plane first so every cloud and all that. In Malaga airport we were whisked to front for security and bags ready when we got there. At this point it was once again - never going abroad again - but lovely sunshine, food and wine and iI’m already back to well-maybe. Travelling home on our own so we’ll see what that brings.

To be serious I did feel the lanyard was very wellrecognised this time and I think the 3rd security guy was called as he was dementia trained as he was very relaxed and said take your time to persuade him back through the gate.

Hope this is helpful for anyone venturing abroad.
Great that everything went well for you, ...


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
Had a good holiday - very lucky with the weather and nice to spend time with my 2 sisters and husbands. We walked for miles along the front and OH never complained. The weather was perfect - sunny and not too hot - a bit chilly in the morning. OH as usual impatient in restaurants asking for coke after coke - had 4 once - well - he was on holiday and at least he isn't interested in alcohol. The waiters, particularly in one restaurant were lovely - one greeted him like a longlost friend when we went a second time. It was quite amusing one day when OH was walking along asking each person if they were English (so he could tell them the joke ) - one time the first 3 we asked were Welsh - they were a bit perplexed when he rejected them - the next was Canadian and he too was rejected - I started whispering to people to say no when he asked. All in all it was a good holiday until .....
I hardly slept at all the night before the journey home and I'm sure you all know how much harder it is to be patient when you feel wiped out. Check in went ok - we waited in a reasonably short queue to check in - thought it would pass the time - security there was a special queue that we went through. Oh walked through bypassing the scanner and refused to take his cap off but they let him off after a desultory wipe of his hands. Could start a new career as a drug smuggler! Apart from going to the front of the queue again at the gate OH was ok - I managed to divert him to where some wheelchairs were being let through and they let us through. The lady was reluctant to let us as she was worried how he'd be in the next queue but there was no stopping him so we went through and he actually waited quite patiently in the next queue. Strangely he never mentioned the baggage this time.
The trouble started when I began to feel queasy on the plane - I walked to the front to ask for a sick bag and they were really nice sat me down, turned the air up and gave me some water. Went back to seat quite quickly as worried about OH but he was ok. Luckily the seat beside us was empty. Then OH wanted to go to the toilet and when I got up I felt really sick and ended up not making the toilet but sitting on the floor of the plane at the front being sick in a bag. OH had followed me and kept asking where's the toilet with me trying to answer him between bouts. Not my finest hour. Worried all the way about having to drive home wondering who I could get to pick us up. Luckily I began to feel a bit better and getting off the plane and going through customs was easy - no queue and again bags came really quickly. Felt better in fresh air and got car quickly - so pleased I opted for meet and greet parking.
Journey home was fine - sighed with relief to get home then the burglar alarm went off. This is one of OH's few jobs but not his fault as the keypad is dicy and it took me ages to get the code keyed in. I was shivery by then and house freezing of course so I yanked up the heating and went straight to bed in my clothes at 2pm and didn't get up until 8 next day. I did try to get OH to bring me a drink of squash cos I just didn't have the energy to go downstairs again - he said I don't know how to make squash despite having made himself some when we got home. Still he didn't moan about no dinner - just made himself sandwiches at ten to 5 as he does if we've been out for lunch.

The silver lining was that I weighed the same as before the holiday due to no food for 36 hours. The irony is that I deliberately ate steak and chips for my meal rather than seafood thinking that would be safe! Really annoying that just when OH was quite reasonable on the journey home I had to go and spoil it.
Still feel it was worth it if only for a bit of sunshine after all the rain here - it was due to rain when we left so we were very lucky.

I started writing about holidays partly to show that you can have a good holiday with dementia - not sure this account achieves that but perhaps those of you who can no longer go can think 'I'm glad it wasn't me!'


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
oh ...so sorry you felt sick on the journey home after having a nice break away....I know what it's like when youre feeling ill .can't be bothered but still have someone to look after, hope you're feeling better now xx


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Your OH sounded like he did great. Sorry you got sick. Thanks for posting. I always enjoy reading your adventures with your OH.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
Poor you, one of the extreme trials of being a carer is when YOU get sick but then have to get your own squash because explaining time and again is just too exhausting. I'm glad your holiday went well though. We had a cruise booked but my courage failed me and I cancelled it - I've got two internal voices, one saying "it would be fine! You'll enjoy it!" and the other one, Mrs Pessimist, saying " you'll regret it! It won't be any holiday for you! You know he is happier at home" ....


Registered User
Feb 27, 2024
Great that everything went well for you, ...
I’m travelling alone to Italy in the summer. I’ve arranged for “greet and assist “ at the airport. He said he didn’t need it but I do, so I’ve gone ahead and booked it. I just hope I’ve done the right thing. Did you wear the Sunflower lanyard please?


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
Poor you, one of the extreme trials of being a carer is when YOU get sick but then have to get your own squash because explaining time and again is just too exhausting. I'm glad your holiday went well though. We had a cruise booked but my courage failed me and I cancelled it - I've got two internal voices, one saying "it would be fine! You'll enjoy it!" and the other one, Mrs Pessimist, saying " you'll regret it! It won't be any holiday for you! You know he is happier at home" ....
My wife finds it too confusing to be away from home overnight now. When she wakes in the morning in a hotel room and says "I don't know how I got here" and then bursts into tears, you know you are going to have a bad day!


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I do admire you @Sue741215 and love to read about your adventures. My hubby keeps suggesting a holiday 'as it would be good for you'. No, just no, I know that it would be a disaster and too much stress to be a rest.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Well done @Sue741215 - for arranging and managing the hol. Even if sick (probably cooking oil your body's not used to or something like that) , it sounds that it was overall worth it. Good to see your sisters and b-i-law's too, no doubt.
It's the keeping going that keeps you going!


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
Thanks for all your supportive replies and hope it gives some food for thought whichever way you all decide about if it is worth it. I have some more short breaks booked mostly in self catering and all in this country - will think about abroad again next winter. Am trying a coach holiday (3 day) as a local coach company picks up from about 50 yards from our house plus a Warners break with some friends and a static caravan few days in North East where I can visit 2 old friends and another sister will join us for a couple of days. I find I need activities and people but also time on our own to relax. I really think it is almost as much about the looking forward to something as much as the doing and at least we are both always glad to get home to settle into our routine for a while. Making the most of it while we can as someone suggested. Think it is more for me than for OH though he gets bored too at home and I tell myself the change is good for him in giving him different experiences. Also the kindness and support from strangers and from airport and restaurant staff makes you feel good,
To @BuspassBill - yes I did wear the lanyard - didn't try to get Oh to wear it and he didn't notice it but you do usually get invited to the priority queues and/or special lines showing the lanyard (but ask if not as they may not always notice you)- you can also feel ok about sitting in the assistance seats when there is a shortage of seats elsewhere. It would not suit us to get the assistance where you are guided through the airport and we don't have physical difficulties but if I thought it would work for us I would certainly use it. I felt the lanyard was more recognised than even 7 months ago when we last flew and works very well. I hope you enjoy your holiday and overcome any challenges. Let us all know how you get on.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2024
Ah that’s great, many thanks for sharing your experience and holiday plans. I’ll wear the lanyard as I know my OH isn’t happy to wear it. Many thanks again

Moyra C

Registered User
Mar 26, 2023
Had a good holiday - very lucky with the weather and nice to spend time with my 2 sisters and husbands. We walked for miles along the front and OH never complained. The weather was perfect - sunny and not too hot - a bit chilly in the morning. OH as usual impatient in restaurants asking for coke after coke - had 4 once - well - he was on holiday and at least he isn't interested in alcohol. The waiters, particularly in one restaurant were lovely - one greeted him like a longlost friend when we went a second time. It was quite amusing one day when OH was walking along asking each person if they were English (so he could tell them the joke ) - one time the first 3 we asked were Welsh - they were a bit perplexed when he rejected them - the next was Canadian and he too was rejected - I started whispering to people to say no when he asked. All in all it was a good holiday until .....
I hardly slept at all the night before the journey home and I'm sure you all know how much harder it is to be patient when you feel wiped out. Check in went ok - we waited in a reasonably short queue to check in - thought it would pass the time - security there was a special queue that we went through. Oh walked through bypassing the scanner and refused to take his cap off but they let him off after a desultory wipe of his hands. Could start a new career as a drug smuggler! Apart from going to the front of the queue again at the gate OH was ok - I managed to divert him to where some wheelchairs were being let through and they let us through. The lady was reluctant to let us as she was worried how he'd be in the next queue but there was no stopping him so we went through and he actually waited quite patiently in the next queue. Strangely he never mentioned the baggage this time.
The trouble started when I began to feel queasy on the plane - I walked to the front to ask for a sick bag and they were really nice sat me down, turned the air up and gave me some water. Went back to seat quite quickly as worried about OH but he was ok. Luckily the seat beside us was empty. Then OH wanted to go to the toilet and when I got up I felt really sick and ended up not making the toilet but sitting on the floor of the plane at the front being sick in a bag. OH had followed me and kept asking where's the toilet with me trying to answer him between bouts. Not my finest hour. Worried all the way about having to drive home wondering who I could get to pick us up. Luckily I began to feel a bit better and getting off the plane and going through customs was easy - no queue and again bags came really quickly. Felt better in fresh air and got car quickly - so pleased I opted for meet and greet parking.
Journey home was fine - sighed with relief to get home then the burglar alarm went off. This is one of OH's few jobs but not his fault as the keypad is dicy and it took me ages to get the code keyed in. I was shivery by then and house freezing of course so I yanked up the heating and went straight to bed in my clothes at 2pm and didn't get up until 8 next day. I did try to get OH to bring me a drink of squash cos I just didn't have the energy to go downstairs again - he said I don't know how to make squash despite having made himself some when we got home. Still he didn't moan about no dinner - just made himself sandwiches at ten to 5 as he does if we've been out for lunch.

The silver lining was that I weighed the same as before the holiday due to no food for 36 hours. The irony is that I deliberately ate steak and chips for my meal rather than seafood thinking that would be safe! Really annoying that just when OH was quite reasonable on the journey home I had to go and spoil it.
Still feel it was worth it if only for a bit of sunshine after all the rain here - it was due to rain when we left so we were very lucky.

I started writing about holidays partly to show that you can have a good holiday with dementia - not sure this account achieves that but perhaps those of you who can no longer go can think 'I'm glad it wasn't me!'
I love reading your holiday write ups. I have booked a holiday for me and OH this year. It’s to a place we both know really well and have gone Twice a year for the past 15 years and also where we went with our children.
We last went 2 years ago. Not long after diagnosis. But I found it so hard And swore I would not go again.
My sister and some of her family are going at same time. And my neice and brother in law have convinced me to book. They said my sis would love the surprise and they would also be there to help me.
I have been in touch with where we are staying and they remember us from the past I have explained about hubby and they tell me not to worry they will look after us.

Still a bit nervous about going. Don’t want to spoil others holiday. Trying to think of all the possibilities.

I just want ro
Say you are inspiring me to take the leap and go. Thanks.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
I love reading your holiday write ups. I have booked a holiday for me and OH this year. It’s to a place we both know really well and have gone Twice a year for the past 15 years and also where we went with our children.
We last went 2 years ago. Not long after diagnosis. But I found it so hard And swore I would not go again.
My sister and some of her family are going at same time. And my neice and brother in law have convinced me to book. They said my sis would love the surprise and they would also be there to help me.
I have been in touch with where we are staying and they remember us from the past I have explained about hubby and they tell me not to worry they will look after us.

Still a bit nervous about going. Don’t want to spoil others holiday. Trying to think of all the possibilities.

I just want ro
Say you are inspiring me to take the leap and go. Thanks.
Hi @Moyra C - if you are inspired in spite of my difficulties good for you. You will find that people are very kind when they know your situation. I sometimes think the kindness and the anticipation of the holiday are as important as the holiday itself. I hope you have a lovely time and please let us know how you get on.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2024
I am glad to hear that everybody is having a great time, I am also planning to go somewhere to relax this summer. I thought going to Spain. I heard a lot of my friends saying that it's awesome there and really beautiful. Hope to finally be able to get there this year.