Husband has early onset dementia


New member
May 18, 2024
Hello, my name is Ann. My husband of 43 years was diagnosed 4 years ago with early onset dementia. He's done quite well until this year. He lost his job in January. It was dementia related. He found another job, was there maybe 2 months before he quit. He said he can't remember new things he learns, so he has to learn things over every day. So he is struggling, and so am I. 28 years ago my husband had an affair and several one night stands. He never told me the reason, so I've never got closure for it or forgave him. We just went on with life. I want closure and want to tell him I forgive him, is it wrong for me to ask him questions about that time? I've always suspected he is a narcissist. He's been so hateful mean and cruel over the years. He has been better with that the past 10 years or so. Kind of wondering if early dementia might have been what caused him to change, and he's had it longer than we think. My heart is still broken over his cheating, and it's completely broke over the dementia. Wouldn't wish dementia on my very worst enemy!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Thank you for posting and we all lovev you unconditionally, too.
It's about where you are going, not where you have been. K