House Advice part 2

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Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
Do you think they actually thought you might be a danger to yourself?You have talked about feeling suicidal.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Do you think they actually thought you might be a danger to yourself?You have talked about feeling suicidal.
No. They wanted me locked up in 2019. The younger one is a nurse and she planned to go to a GP and say that I was a danger to myself and others. The older one told me the night my father attacked me they were working on a plan to get me locked up. My horrible father also told me that they working on a plan to get me locked up .


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Do you think they actually thought you might be a danger to yourself?You have talked about feeling suicidal.
I have not done this. My flat was agreed a week later. They blame me for our not so wonderful father locked up. Please send me your email address and I will show you the messages.

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
Hi, Victoria. I must admit to feeling rather worried about you. People on the forum are trying hard to understand why your family are behaving as they are, but you aren’t really giving proper answers to quite reasonable questions. For instance, you’ve never said why your sisters are determined to have you ‘locked up’, other than that they hold you responsible for your late father being given a prison sentence at some point in the past. I appreciate his abuse of you was a terrible thing, but he’s dead now and can pose no more threats to anyone. Your sisters’ continuing vendetta against you makes no sense, especially as you are trying to live a separate independent life with no contact with them.
I understand you are very stressed and seem unable to move on from the events of several years ago. But I do think you could benefit from seeking medical advice, even if it’s just to help you put things in perspective. Perhaps a chat with an independent solicitor from Citizens Advice might help to reassure you over the legal position surrounding the baseless, continual threats your sisters appear to be making.
I hope you get some good news from your solicitor tomorrow with regard to the hearing.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
can i just say that you need to leave the past behind. speaking with experience, you will never be free to live your life from now on until you deal with the past. it will stop you enjoying the life you want in the future. the twins are just keeping you in that time. once you have learnt to live with the past then they wont have any hold on you. you did what you did and the courtsd obviously thought the same to jail him. you are luckier than i and quite a few others that they the courts chucked it out. you should think that you had the courage then to stand up for yourself so therefore have the strength and the courage to do it again. you are a survivor and can do it again.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi, Victoria. I must admit to feeling rather worried about you. People on the forum are trying hard to understand why your family are behaving as they are, but you aren’t really giving proper answers to quite reasonable questions. For instance, you’ve never said why your sisters are determined to have you ‘locked up’, other than that they hold you responsible for your late father being given a prison sentence at some point in the past. I appreciate his abuse of you was a terrible thing, but he’s dead now and can pose no more threats to anyone. Your sisters’ continuing vendetta against you makes no sense, especially as you are trying to live a separate independent life with no contact with them.
I understand you are very stressed and seem unable to move on from the events of several years ago. But I do think you could benefit from seeking medical advice, even if it’s just to help you put things in perspective. Perhaps a chat with an independent solicitor from Citizens Advice might help to reassure you over the legal position surrounding the baseless, continual threats your sisters appear to be making.
I hope you get some good news from your solicitor tomorrow with regard to the hearing.
It is because my father was sectioned into a mental health hospital. It was their way of getting revenge on me.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
Was the reason for your father's violence because he had dementia? I think you said that before. People are not sectioned lightly - it would be down to the medical professionals to hold a person against their will. I don't see it as a way of getting revenge on you. If he was that violent, it sounds like he needed treatment in a secure setting.

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
You’ve said before that he’d always been a violent man and that his assault on you was maybe the last straw in getting him sectioned. I don’t understand why your sisters chose to ignore his treatment of you, your niece and your mother. It makes even less sense that they are wasting their time trying to exact revenge (for what, exactly?) after both of your parents have passed away. As others have said before, please ignore everything and do not respond to any contact from them.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
You’ve said before that he’d always been a violent man and that his assault on you was maybe the last straw in getting him sectioned. I don’t understand why your sisters chose to ignore his treatment of you, your niece and your mother. It makes even less sense that they are wasting their time trying to exact revenge (for what, exactly?) after both of your parents have passed away. As others have said before, please ignore everything and do not respond to any contact from them.
its surprising how family members will side with the abuser rather than the one being abused. like denial or cant cope with what that person has done or i didnt see anything so therefore it didnt happen. or she must have done something to cause x,y,z to happen


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
its surprising how family members will side with the abuser rather than the one being abused. like denial or cant cope with what that person has done or i didnt see anything so therefore it didnt happen. or she must have done something to cause x,y,z to happen
Thanks. In their eyes, he was a wonderful man. The younger one who told our mum that he had dementia and did nothing told me as our mum lay dying I had instigated all of this, he could have stayed in the house. He would have killed my mum, my niece or me or got into the car and killed someone. I did the right thing, I gave her some peace for four years.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Was the reason for your father's violence because he had dementia? I think you said that before. People are not sectioned lightly - it would be down to the medical professionals to hold a person against their will. I don't see it as a way of getting revenge on you. If he was that violent, it sounds like he needed treatment in a secure setting.
He did and I had to protect my wonderful mum and my niece who I regard as my surrogate daughter.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I hope @Ineedhelp is okay.

Not good folks. I have a got trial date of 19 April. I was have telephone chats with a MH nurse since my passed in April until about September so she knew about the visits. I continued to get texts off the TTs even though I alledgley waved a knife at them which I did not.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Not good folks. I have a got trial date of 19 April. I was have telephone chats with a MH nurse since my passed in April until about September so she knew about the visits. I continued to get texts off the TTs even though I alledgley waved a knife at them which I did not.
couldnt you get no contact with them as you have a date. i dont think its a good idea to have contact with "witnesses" i would have thought the police would have told them that.
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