Holiday or not


Registered User
Jan 8, 2013
I think that to travel or not should be a personal decision by the person closest, because everyone is different ! Not by a doctor who knows nothing ,


Registered User
Apr 16, 2009
Hay-on-Wye, POWYS
Every dementia suffer is different and will react differently to different situations.
However, they have one thing in common. Instead of learning from, and enjoying, new experiences, they are slowly un-learning about the world. Towards the end even the 'familiar' seems new and frightening. Every day will be 'a holiday' in a new place and without the ability to work out where things are or how to get home.

I found it helped to sit quietly on my own some times and try imaging that don't know where I am, I recognize the blank TV but not the control, the strange dog near the door - it's very big - is it dangerous?

If you try and be your Caree you will find it much easier to decide what is the right thing to do.


Registered User
Apr 16, 2009
Hay-on-Wye, POWYS
I see someone has mentioned "level six" How does one ascertain this?

There are several stage models of dementia. I prefer the 5-stage model produced by The University of Western Sydney. As well as listing typical behaviours and loss of functions it gives a link to the mini-mental score.
I found it very helpful when visiting the consultant, I could highlight Janine's latest condition and so didn't need to talk about her in front of her which she found very distressing.