Help needed urgently


Registered User
Jul 19, 2010
Husband took an overdose of sleeping tablets last Thursday,said he wanted to go,now section for 28 days,while the are trying to find which drug is suitable,to make him feel comfertable,my visits to him are horrible,he wants to go home,treathens me,shouts and shouts,staff calm him down,I leave and he is sitting near the door again waiting for me to take him home,he is oke with other visitors,what is better for him,do I visit him or stay away untill he is calmer.


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Oh, how dreadful for you. I am so sorry. Please try to hang on in there and continue to visit him because he needs a familiar face - he must be so scared. MH units are not the easiest places to be for anyone and I understand it is grim for you too. Give it a few days and I am sure they will find a regime to help calm him. Try to let him know you are there, but take care of yourself too. Others will come along to offer you support, do keep in touch. Loving thoughts. X:)


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Poor man, he must feel desperate and poor you too.
I agree, just go for short spells, otherwise he might think you have abandoned him which will make him feel worse.
I do hope a way is soon found, not only to calm him down but to reduce his despair as well. Sending sympathy.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Hi olddutch you poor thing what a worry for you. Sending you hugs sorry can't give you any advice. Just hope things get sorted for you and your loved one lindax


Registered User
Jan 19, 2011
North East England
I am so sorry you are facing this, how shocked, distressed and frightened you must feel. Your poor husband, how desperate must he have felt to take that action. My heart goes out to you both.

When my mam was sectioned, my dad visited her every day and spent many hours in the unit with her, and I visited several times myself and we also attended various meetings with the staff, doctors and social workers together while she was there.

I'm assuming that while your husband is there, his medication will be reviewed and discussed, and possibly changed or tweaked, and hopefully he will become calmer so that your visits will be better for you both.

As for staying away or continuing to visit in the meantime, I would really ask the staff, nurses and doctors looking after him what they think would be best for him. I can see pros and cons of both and it's very difficult to judge without knowing the person.

I do hope things improve for you both. xx


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
Much sympathy. Hopefully this crisis will later bring positive outcome sfor both of you.

I suggest you carry on visiting but find out from the staff how they plan to help your husband. They might need mornings to be left free for sessions with a psychiatric nurse or occupational therapist, for example.

My Dad spent so much of every day with my Mum when she was in the assessment unit that he seriously interfered with the staff's ability to help her. :(

It might be comforting to ring the Samaritans, just to have a friendly stranger listening to you on a confidential basis, for as long as you need to talk. The Samaritans provide a listening ear to people going through all sorts of different crises.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
Husband took an overdose of sleeping tablets last Thursday,said he wanted to go,now section for 28 days,while the are trying to find which drug is suitable,to make him feel comfertable,my visits to him are horrible,he wants to go home,treathens me,shouts and shouts,staff calm him down,I leave and he is sitting near the door again waiting for me to take him home,he is oke with other visitors,what is better for him,do I visit him or stay away untill he is calmer.

My husband spent 9 weeks in an assessment unit and we visited daily.

Our visits were for an hour to hour and a half before tea time. This meant we never got in the way of any assessment or meeting that was going on. We were also there for them to speak to so that was helpful to them. My husband had forgotten me before the assessment unit but he was pleased to see the lady who looked after him every day and hopefully did not feel he had been dumped and forgotten. It must have been very frightening for him and seeing familiar faces hopefully helped.

He was always wanting to go home in fact he wandered around all day with his coat on and his clothes under his arms. It took a little while for him to settle.

Getting away was made easier because he was collected to go to the dining room for tea so he was distracted and we walked out.

It is early days and it takes time to observe and treat, try regular short visits and if all goes well you can always stay longer. Remember if things are bad then you can just walk out.

Thinking of you,



Registered User
Sep 29, 2010
Keep going, even though it is unbearable for both of you. Keep going, you need to show you care and he needs to know you are there, Jo x

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