
sleeping beauty

Registered User
Jun 4, 2014
East Riding of Yorkshire
Hi there I am new to the forum and I am caring for my Mum who has later stage Alzheimer's. Mum is no longer able to communicate with us, cannot move, is doubly incontinent and needs to be given blended food to eat, needs to be fed and given drinks as she can no longer hold a cup or spoon! It's so sad to see my Mum disappearing before my eyes. We have good carers coming in, Mum is hoisted in and out of bed, her chair or wheelchair, and has now started sleeping for long periods of time during the day (hence the nickname) which my Dad finds distressing. Mum and Dad came to live with myself and my two grown sons 18 months ago when Dad could no longer cope on his own, my sons are brilliant with their nana and grandad so is my daughter who no longer lives at home but visits us regularly. We plan to keep Mum at home with us though I don't think she knows us, she does watch us all the time and I enjoy spending time with her reminiscing, especially now Bewitched is on Gold, a true favourite TV show of ours from my childhood. I did work full time but have now gone to 4 days, this enables me to have time for appointments etc for both Mum and Dad without it interfering with work. Well that's what's going on here, look forward to getting to know you and hope talking to others going through this journey helps bye for now, SB


Registered User
Apr 22, 2010
Upton Northamptonshire
welcome sleeping beauty

you sound as though you are doing a wonderful job how fortunate your parents are to have such a caring daughter

You will find Talking Point a valuable resource and I am sure you will quickly get to know us

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