

New member
Jul 1, 2024
Hello, I’m Mel and new to this forum.
My mum has lived with me since 2009 after my dad passed away. She is now 88 and has been diagnosed with dementia and Altzheimers. I’m on my own and don’t have any family or friends who live near enough to be able to help or offer respite so finding it all quite hard. I’ve arranged Carers to come as I also have to work but my mum is very strong willed and won’t let the carers help with anything at all. She also doesn’t leave the house unless it’s absolutely necessary and won’t attend any groups or engage in any activities which leaves me feeling extremely guilty for trying to carry on leading my own life, especially as she can be nasty sometimes. She has been told she has dementia but forgets or denies that she has it and the advice I’ve been given is to not keep telling her or reminding her that she’s forgotten things and to avoid any confrontation.
At the moment she still manages her own personal care so the carers only make her cups of tea, check she’s taken medication, and do a few household chores If I ask them to. I’m finding it very hard to talk to her about anything as she always goes on the defensive, argues and snaps at me, and then won’t talk to me at all.
Any advice greatly appreciated, I’m tearing my hair out trying to decide what to do for the best.
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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Always someone one here to listen/read and I take it "thing my my hair out" is one one of the spelling corrections we all get, don't worry you are listened to on here, welcome from me. K


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello and welcome @Mel@2024 to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here so I am glad you have found us.

I am sorry to read about your Mum. It's tough for sure caring for a parent and trying to do your best as I can see you are. Hopefully the link already sent about compassionate communication will give you some tips which might just help.
Denying they have dementia is quite common with people with dementia, but yes the general advice is not to remind them.
On a practical note, have you done LPA for your Mum for both the health and welfare one and the property and financial one. This will make things much easier for you further down the track. Now is the best your Mum will be.
This is a great place to share how you are feeling if you want to, as people here really do understand. Help, advice, good suggestions are all to be found here, and I hope you find the forum as helpful as I have.


New member
Jul 1, 2024
Always someone one here to listen/read and I take it "thing my my hair out" is one one of the spelling corrections we all get, don't worry you are listened to on here, welcome from me. K
Thank you for your kindness and I hadn’t noticed the automatic spelling correction, it took 3 tries to correct it to the word I wanted.