

New member
May 30, 2024
Don’t really know where to begin but will try.

I have recently brought my mother to stay with me for the summer as I need to work. She does not have a diagnosis yet as I had requested this and a blood test was done but the assessment hadn’t happened before we had to leave.

I live and work on a small Island that doesn’t have nhs, all medical needs are private.

My partner has just had a cancer operation, I am due to have my gallbladder removed and have now discovered a lump in my stomach and am waiting for a scan to discover what the problem is.

in the meantime, my mother has deteriorated. She phones people in the middle of the night, keeps telling me that she wants me out of her house (the house belongs to me and my partner) and is now accusing me of sleeping with her partner. She came in to my bedroom tonight and asked why I was in bed with her partner, I tried to explain but she is convinced that what she says is correct. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I can’t take her back to the uk to get her assessed until I have had my own medical issues sorted out.

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @JPMel and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. Sorry to hear of the difficulties that you are having with your mother, and of your and your partner's health problems too, it must be very stressful for you all. A change of environment and move to another country may have caused your mother increased confusion, and if she has suddenly deteriorated it's possible that she may have an infection such as a urine infection, so it would be worth having her checked out medically if that's possible. As you are outside of the UK please let us know where you are as there might be some local support networks/services that we could point you to that can help.