Hello (Lewy Body Diagnosis).


Registered User
May 24, 2012
Lost my Mum to Vascular Dementia some years ago and now my husband has been diagnosed with Lewy Body. The Neurologist isn’t sure if it’s Vascular or Parkinson’s Lewy Body. His mobility has been an issue for last 6 years with feeling of unbalance and his memory seems quite good but having visual hallucinations quite often. Today he saw our two grown up children and little ones playing in the garden. (Usually he sees strangers or animals) My husband also has dysphasia and gerd which in turn causes chest infections which I believe food or fluids are getting on his lungs. This is worse than his Lewy Body symptoms however, today he said he feels the Lewy Body is coming on thick and fast. He also has seizures when he’s coughing and syncope. I’m concerned as to what and how to deal with this and wondered if anyone else is going through this. I feel anxious and not sure what to expect. Think I need to speak to someone who can give me some straight talking for me to understand as not knowing is causing me anxiety. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Poppy1011 I am so sorry to read what you and your husband are going through especially as you have already lost your mum to dementia.

My husband also has Lewy Body Dementia but he does not have any of the medical issues that you have described so I am not able to comment on those. If you have not already done so it might be an idea to arrange an appointment with your husbands GP to discuss your concerns regarding his medical conditions as these do sound quite concerning.

Regarding the Lewy Body there are some medications that can help control the hallucinations but not completely stop them, as long as your husband is not too distressed about the hallucinations please try not to worry about them too much. Of more concern is that your husband thinks that the Lewy Body is getting worse quite quickly, it might be an idea to try to contact the memory clinic for advice on this.

Please keep posting on the forum for advice and support.


Staff Member
Staff member
Aug 15, 2022
Hi @Poppy1011 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. You will find lots of support and advice here.

I am sad to read about your situation.

You said in your post you would like to speak to someone, please consider giving our Dementia Connect Support Line a call. We have a team of dementia advisers who are here to listen, to answer questions and point the way toward local support services. The line is open 9am - 8pm Monday to Wednesday, 9am - 5pm on Thursday and Friday, 10am - 4pm on Saturday and Sunday. The number is 0333 150 3456 (this is a national rate number and should be part of an inclusive national rate minutes allowance on landline or mobile contracts). You can also email them at DementiaSupportLine@alzheimers.org.uk if you prefer.

Please do continue to post on the forum, you are not alone. I am sure other members will be along soon.

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