Hello I am new .... advice needed please re finances...


New member
Jul 1, 2024
Hello I am Jo

Mum mum has dementia and towards the end of last year i moved her to a specialist home near me. She is 92 in a couple of weeks and has no idea that she has dementia and can be quite 'feisty'. I am the only person with power of attorney for my mum and find managing everything sometimes overwhelming. It can be difficult to know if I am doing the right thing, but it is good to know mum is safe, clean, getting her medication , being fed and stimulated, evan if she want to go home all the time.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hi @Jo Hefferman welcome. Was there any particular advice you wanted, some of the members here are marvels with financial questions.
I am the only LPA for my mum who is also in care and I agree that the weight of responsibility can be daunting times. I also moved my mum to be nearer to me so that I could visit her and ensure she was being well cared for , which she is.
It is very common for people with dementia to always want to go home , they may not even mean the last place they called home but a childhood home depending on where their memory is strongest. You’ve done the right thing to ensure she is safe and well and getting 24/7 care.

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