Hello everyone


New member
Jun 23, 2023
My mum has just been diagnosed with vascular dementia last week at the Memory Clinic. She is in total denial that she has any problems, physically or intellectually!! I am her sole carer as I don’t have any other siblings or children of my own.

Last month, I enacted her power of attorney on her financial affairs as she was not paying her bills etc. I have not told her about this - should I?


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I wouldn't! Just quietly take care of all the bill-paying in the background.

If you read around on this forum you'll find lots of posts where people with dementia become obsessed about money or believe their family are trying to steal from them, stick them in a care home and take their house and money. So anything you can do to avoid drawing attention to money matters is probably good. (Speaking from experience here!)

Unfortunately denial, paranoia and unshakeable delusions are very much a part of dementia so a softly, softly approach is usually the best course.