Friend requests

Someone has asked me to be their friend.

I know that on Facebook if I make someone my friend, it enables them to see things on my wall, which others can't see.

What does it do on here? Does it let people see anything different like my email address or is it just a way of saying you get on with someone?


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
I think it means, they want you to know they have something in common with you.
I have friends who have posted on my threads and we seem to have"connected" in some way, I wouldn't accept a friendship from someone I didnt "know" from postings.

not sure what the friends bit really means, so would be interested to know the reason for this part of TP too.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
No, the only people who can see your email address are moderators and administrators.

It's does allow you to tweak a few settings, I think for blogs and PMs. You can set your PM so to only allow PMs from friends (which is referred to in the setting as contacts) and you can also stop anyone but friends accessing blogs and, I think, albums.

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
No, the only people who can see your email address are moderators (my emphasis) and administrators.

Since when?:eek:

I have just checked the registration process at which point we are promised: Your email address can only be seen by Talking Point administrators. (Bold, my emphasis again)

I am rather alarmed that a volunteer moderator of a forum (no offence to any moderator;)) could gain access to private email addresses offered in confidence to an organisation for the purposes of registration/membership!



Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
Since when?:eek:

I have just checked the registration process at which point we are promised: Your email address can only be seen by Talking Point administrators. (Bold, my emphasis again)

I am rather alarmed that a volunteer moderator of a forum (no offence to any moderator;)) could gain access to private email addresses offered in confidence to an organisation for the purposes of registration/membership!


I agree Karen, that's rather disturbing:eek:


Registered User
Oct 2, 2007
Hi Karen and Jancis

I’m sorry that you are both alarmed by this. I hope however that the below information will help to reassure you, and indeed any other members who may share your concerns.

First of all, it’s important to say that we take data protection, and the protection of forum users’ privacy in general, very seriously on Talking Point. We ask for a minimal amount of personal information during the registration process, so as to comply with the Data Protection Act. Additionally, all forum administrators and volunteer moderators are expected to follow the Society’s guidance in relation to data protection, and we have all completed mandatory training in this area.

Moderators are expected to perform a range of administrative duties on Talking Point. These duties include:

• checking for SPAM accounts
• checking for duplicate accounts
• monitoring the accounts of those who appear to have registered on the forum to advertise a product or service
• contacting people who are not logged in or who seem not to be accessing their PM's.

All of the above are essential to the smooth-running of Talking Point, and none of these duties can be carried out without access to forum users’ email addresses.

As many of you will know, the moderating team are often responsible for supporting the forum when Talking Point’s Administrators (that’s myself and Serena, in case anyone isn’t sure :)) aren’t online - i.e. outside of office hours. It’s really important that during these periods, our moderators have the tools that they need in order to support and protect Talking Point effectively.

Thanks Karen for highlighting the wording in the registration process; I’ll amend this shortly.

I hope this is helpful. If anyone has further concerns that they wish to raise in relation to this, you are very welcome to contact me directly.

Best wishes,

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