Forget me not: a space to share your memories and photos


Registered User
Sep 21, 2008
East Coast of Australia
Thanks Izzy and Sylvia. I don't come here often now but I do remember the kindness of the people on here when I was dealing with being carer to Ray while supervising my mother's care in the nursing home. It meant the world to me that the folk on here knew what I was going through when friends and family often didn't..

I must say life is much quieter these days. I just turned 77 and am much slower now but still manage my volunteer activities in the church and community. My families are all still far away but I but I see my younger son and his daughter Alice, now twelve for a week four times a year and I spent a week my daughter last month. She lives in Western Australia so I took two trains and two planes to get there, roughly twelve hours of travelling.

I am relatively well, discharged by both my oncologist and brain surgeon. No more tests for a while. So life as an older person is doable if not as exciting as life for younger folk. COVID and flu seem rife again this winter locally but so far so good, I've been in good health so far.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006

Loving Birthday Memories. ❤️


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
My dear Mum would have been 93 today. A photo of her with her grandchildren in 2016. She was always so proud of them. They have since married and have families of their own. It was our wedding day - a wonderful bright early June day and it was the last family gathering she was able to come to. I was so thankful for that. Miss her every day. ❤️
Mum with Jo and Tom.JPG


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My dear Mum would have been 93 today. A photo of her with her grandchildren in 2016. She was always so proud of them. They have since married and have families of their own. It was our wedding day - a wonderful bright early June day and it was the last family gathering she was able to come to. I was so thankful for that. Miss her every day. ❤️ View attachment 71211
A lovely remembrance @Gosling to keep.
Co-incidentally, the last family gathering that my OH was able to travel to (in a wheelchair) was in June 2022 (before she became bedbound) for the wedding of our granddaughter no.2.