First the Manager leaves…… now the Deputy.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
So, my main points of contact have always been the Manager and the Lead Nurse (Deputy Manager). Both lovely people. Although I was surprised to read a letter from the Manager, she did at least let family members know by circulating a letter via email, explaining her reasons were due to distance from her family home. Sad but that happens.

Having recently raised an issue regarding a carer who used a derogatory word whilst with dad, I spoke with the Deputy over the phone who was dealing with this. Within 2 days of speaking with her and leaving it in her hands I now read a Facebook post where all the staff are celebrating her final day there. I had no idea she was leaving and if I’m honest, a bit taken aback that she didn’t tell me.

Its left me feeling a bit low as they were my main points of contact and familiar faces to me.

I believe the only way I’m going to have true peace of mind is by moving dad down to Kent but in all honesty I’m not sure that would be right by dad. I really don’t know. He really likes the routine of where he is. He has a lovely large room and surrounded by fellow Scots and a lovely Activities Team. I’m now dreading the activities team leaving.

The hime is only 3 years old. The manager and deputy were there from the start so it does feel a bit sudden for them to be leaving.

If dad was in a home down here I’d visit him every week. Could bring him home for Sunday dinner but realistically it would be a maximum of 1-2 visits a week as I work etc. plus, I’m really not impressed by the care homes down here. Even if the care was no better or no worse, at least he has lovely accomodation where he is. Great activities team and familiarity of the Scots tongue. The location is great too as they just go out for walks to the harbour/beach/tearooms etc all on their doorstep.

I’ve toiled with the thought of moving dad for a long time but I’m not sure if moving dad will be more for my benefit than his. 🤷🏻‍♀️plus dads never lived anywhere but Scotland and I honestly think he’d feel moving to England as a bit alien to him. He’s a proud to be Scottish man.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
This must have come as such a shock and disappointment to you especially after your recent complaint. It might be best to hold off on any decisions until you see how things go with the new management team, as you say yourself you do not think that your father would be happy away from Scotland.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It`s a bit of a catch 22 situation isn`t it @SMBeach

It would be lovely for you to be able to see your dad more often and be on hand if any difficulties arise with his care.

How much longer do you think he will recognise Scotland as his true environment?

I agree with @SeaSwallow. It may be best to wait and see how the new management turns out before making a decision.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
If home is part of a group they may parachute in a manger or deputy from a nearby home. You could research reviews on nearby homes.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
I know the new manager has worked with the previous manager before and is coming from another care home within the group.

I have no idea who the new lead nurse/deputy will be.

It’s true that dad may not make the connection with Scotland as time goes on but at that point I’m not sure I’d want to move him. I will give it time to see how things go and may reconsider looking again at a home I did previously like out of all those I viewed. It doesn’t have Nursing though and I’d worry as time went on that dad might need nursing, although he doesn’t really have any nursing needs right now. I also like that the home down here has same level gardens as the lounges/living areas. Where dad is, the gardens are purpose built so dint really feel like a true garden and requires carers to take them downstairs to purposefully go outside. That said, I’d need to re check that as it may be different for dementia residents. It’s not purpose built though but very friendly and more homely. Where dad is is beautiful but feels more like a hotel than a home. If I ask dad if he’d like to come down here I know he will just say only if it’s a better option and will have to check it out himself first. 🤷🏻‍♀️That’s not do-able of course due to distance.